FluentFiction - Lithuanian - podcast cover

FluentFiction - Lithuanian

Are you ready to supercharge your Lithuanian listening comprehension?

Our podcast is the perfect tool for you. Studies show that the key to mastering a second language is through repetition and active processing.

That's why each episode of our podcast features a story in Lithuanian, followed by a sentence-by-sentence retelling that alternates between Lithuanian and English.

This approach not only allows you to fully understand and absorb the vocabulary and grammar but also provides a bilingual support to aid your listening comprehension. But we don't stop there.

Research in sociolinguistics highlights the importance of culture in language learning, which is why we provide a list of vocabulary words and a transcript of the audio to help you understand the cultural context of the story. And for your convenience, we also include a transcript of the audio to help you refer back to any parts you may have struggled with.

Our podcast is not just for language learners, it's also for travelers or people who wants to connect with their roots. Are you planning a trip to Trakai Castle, Hill of Crosses, or Curonian Spit? Maybe you want to speak Lithuanian with your grandparents from Vilnius?

Our podcast will provide you with the cultural and linguistic foundation needed to fully immerse yourself in the Lithuanian language, primarily spoken in the beautiful Baltic state of Lithuania. Our podcast is based on the latest research in linguistics, sociolinguistics,
psychology, cognitive science, neuroscience, and education to provide the most effective method for mastering Lithuanian listening comprehension.

Don't miss this opportunity, give our podcast a try and see the results for yourself. Patobulinkite savo klausymo supratimą šiandien su mūsų lietuviškomis pasakomis!


Brewing Success: How Coffee Sparked a Sustainable Project

Fluent Fiction - Lithuanian : Brewing Success: How Coffee Sparked a Sustainable Project Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more: fluentfiction.com/lt/episode/2024-11-21-23-34-02-lt Story Transcript: Lt: Šaltas rudens vėjas pūtė po Rašos skara, kai ji skubiai mynė iki kavos skrudintos gamyklėlės. En: The cold autumn wind blew under Rasa's scarf as she hurriedly pedaled to the coffee roasting factory. Lt: Viduje buvo jauku ir šilta, ore tvyrojo pagundanti kavos kvapų paletė. E...

Nov 21, 202415 minTranscript available on Metacast

Healing in Silence: A Love Story by Galvės Lake

Fluent Fiction - Lithuanian : Healing in Silence: A Love Story by Galvės Lake Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more: fluentfiction.com/lt/episode/2024-11-20-23-34-02-lt Story Transcript: Lt: Ruduo artėjo prie ežero Galvės kranto. En: Autumn was approaching the shores of Galvės Lake. Lt: Medžiai apsivilkę auksiniais ir raudonais lapais, tyliai šlamėjo vėjui. En: The trees, dressed in golden and red leaves, rustled quietly in the wind. Lt: Giedrius stovėjo prie lango, žiūrėd...

Nov 20, 202416 minTranscript available on Metacast

Autumn's Harmony: A Family Reunion at Trakai Castle

Fluent Fiction - Lithuanian : Autumn's Harmony: A Family Reunion at Trakai Castle Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more: fluentfiction.com/lt/episode/2024-11-19-23-34-02-lt Story Transcript: Lt: Ruduo Trakuose buvo magiškas. En: Autumn in Trakai was magical. Lt: Lapai geltonavo ir raudonavo aplink ežerą, o rūkas sklendė virš vandens. En: The leaves around the lake turned yellow and red, and mist drifted over the water. Lt: Trakų salos pilis atrodė lyg iš pasakos - akmeninė...

Nov 19, 202416 minTranscript available on Metacast

Lost in Crosses: Rūta's Journey to Understanding History

Fluent Fiction - Lithuanian : Lost in Crosses: Rūta's Journey to Understanding History Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more: fluentfiction.com/lt/episode/2024-11-18-23-34-02-lt Story Transcript: Lt: Lėtai krentantys lapai šokinėja oru, skelbdami vėlyvą rudenį. En: Slowly falling leaves bounce through the air, heralding the late autumn. Lt: Rūtos klasė stovi kalvos apačioje. En: Rūta's class stands at the bottom of the hill. Lt: Kryžių kalnas driekiasi kaip ramus medinių i...

Nov 18, 202415 minTranscript available on Metacast

Užupis: A Palette of Courage in Autumn's Embrace

Fluent Fiction - Lithuanian : Užupis: A Palette of Courage in Autumn's Embrace Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more: fluentfiction.com/lt/episode/2024-11-17-23-34-02-lt Story Transcript: Lt: Užupio spalvos keitėsi su rudeniu. En: The colors of Užupis changed with the autumn. Lt: Medžių lapai tapo geltoni, raudoni, oranžiniai. En: The leaves of the trees turned yellow, red, orange. Lt: Kiekvienas vėjelis, pučiantis per jaukius Užupio skersgatvius, nešė su savimi krentančiu...

Nov 17, 202417 minTranscript available on Metacast

Chasing Erosion: A Quest for Science and Friendship

Fluent Fiction - Lithuanian : Chasing Erosion: A Quest for Science and Friendship Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more: fluentfiction.com/lt/episode/2024-11-16-23-34-02-lt Story Transcript: Lt: Rudens rytas Kuršių nerijoje prasidėjo šaltu vėju, smulkiu lietumi ir jūros šniokštimu. En: The autumn morning on the Kuršių nerija began with a cold wind, fine rain, and the roaring of the sea. Lt: Ignas stovėjo ant aukštos kopos, žiūrėdamas į tolį. En: Ignas stood on a high dune,...

Nov 16, 202418 minTranscript available on Metacast

Autumn Synergy: Uniting Minds at Vilnius Tech Startup Fest

Fluent Fiction - Lithuanian : Autumn Synergy: Uniting Minds at Vilnius Tech Startup Fest Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more: fluentfiction.com/lt/episode/2024-11-15-23-34-02-lt Story Transcript: Lt: Ruduo buvo nuostabus laikas būti Vilniuje. En: Autumn was a wonderful time to be in Vilnius. Lt: Medžių lapai, įvairiaspalviai ir krintantys, užklojo Vilniaus Tech Parko takus. En: The paths of Vilniaus Tech Park were covered with colorful, falling leaves. Lt: Šiame modernia...

Nov 15, 202417 minTranscript available on Metacast

Unveiling Mysteries: A Night at Vilnius University Hospital

Fluent Fiction - Lithuanian : Unveiling Mysteries: A Night at Vilnius University Hospital Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more: fluentfiction.com/lt/episode/2024-11-14-23-34-02-lt Story Transcript: Lt: Lapkritį, kai Vilniaus universitetinės ligoninės koridoriai niūriai atspindėjo auksu alsuojančias rudens spalvas, naktis alsavo ramybe. En: In November, when the corridors of Vilniaus universitetinės ligoninės (Vilnius University Hospital) gloomily reflected the golden hues...

Nov 14, 202416 minTranscript available on Metacast

From Crosses to Canvas: Finding Strength in Art and Health

Fluent Fiction - Lithuanian : From Crosses to Canvas: Finding Strength in Art and Health Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more: fluentfiction.com/lt/episode/2024-11-13-23-34-02-lt Story Transcript: Lt: Lietuvoje rudeninis rytas. En: It's an autumn morning in Lietuva. Lt: Popietė lietingame ir nuotaikingame Kryžių kalne. En: An afternoon on the rainy and spirited "Kryžių kalnas". Lt: Tūkstančiai kryžių stovi aplink, tarsi saugodami paslaptis ir viltis. En: Thousands of cros...

Nov 13, 202416 minTranscript available on Metacast

Finding Peace: Lukas’s Journey to the Hill of Crosses

Fluent Fiction - Lithuanian : Finding Peace: Lukas’s Journey to the Hill of Crosses Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more: fluentfiction.com/lt/episode/2024-11-12-23-34-02-lt Story Transcript: Lt: Tai buvo ramus rytas, kai Lukas, su Greta ir Domu, keliavo į Kryžių kalną. En: It was a calm morning when Lukas, along with Greta and Domas, traveled to the Hill of Crosses. Lt: Oras buvo vėjuotas, lapai šnarėjo po jų kojomis. En: The weather was windy, and leaves rustled under t...

Nov 12, 202415 minTranscript available on Metacast

Unveiling Mysteries: The Hidden Paths of Užupis

Fluent Fiction - Lithuanian : Unveiling Mysteries: The Hidden Paths of Užupis Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more: fluentfiction.com/lt/episode/2024-11-11-23-34-02-lt Story Transcript: Lt: Vilnius buvo padengtas rudens spalvomis. En: Vilnius was covered in autumn colors. Lt: Užupio rajonas, pilnas spalvingų namų ir siaurų gatvelių, šurmuliavo įspūdingomis St. Martino šventės mugėmis ir linksmybėmis. En: The Užupis district, full of colorful houses and narrow streets, bus...

Nov 11, 202416 minTranscript available on Metacast

Mystery at Vilniaus: A Test of Justice and Teamwork

Fluent Fiction - Lithuanian : Mystery at Vilniaus: A Test of Justice and Teamwork Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more: fluentfiction.com/lt/episode/2024-11-10-23-34-02-lt Story Transcript: Lt: Spalio viduryje, Vilniaus rentinio biuras, jaukus ir šiuolaikiškas, mirgėjo švelniai geltonu ir oranžiniu lapų fonu. En: In mid-October, the Vilniaus rental office, cozy and modern, shimmered with a backdrop of softly yellow and orange leaves. Lt: Lango rėmuose giedri dango apdengt...

Nov 10, 202417 minTranscript available on Metacast

Thanksgiving in Lithuania: A Celebration of Togetherness

Fluent Fiction - Lithuanian : Thanksgiving in Lithuania: A Celebration of Togetherness Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more: fluentfiction.com/lt/episode/2024-11-09-23-34-02-lt Story Transcript: Lt: Ruduo Vilniuje visada buvo magiškas. En: Autumn in Vilnius was always magical. Lt: Lapai, spalvomis nusidažę medžiai ir kvapnūs kepiniai Senamiesčio turgaus aikštėje kūrė ypatingą nuotaiką. En: The leaves, the trees adorned with colors, and the fragrant pastries in the Old Tow...

Nov 09, 202416 minTranscript available on Metacast

Finding Home: Austėja's Journey to Balance and Belonging

Fluent Fiction - Lithuanian : Finding Home: Austėja's Journey to Balance and Belonging Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more: fluentfiction.com/lt/episode/2024-11-08-23-34-02-lt Story Transcript: Lt: Rudens lapai tyliai šiurenėjo po Austėjos kojomis, kai ji artėjo prie Trakų pilies. En: Autumn leaves rustled quietly under Austėja's feet as she approached Trakai Castle. Lt: Vandenyje sklido auksinis medžių atspindys, o oras buvo gaivus ir aštrus. En: Golden reflections of t...

Nov 08, 202415 minTranscript available on Metacast

A Nurse's Quest: Unveiling the Hidden Threat

Fluent Fiction - Lithuanian : A Nurse's Quest: Unveiling the Hidden Threat Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more: fluentfiction.com/lt/episode/2024-11-07-23-34-02-lt Story Transcript: Lt: Kęsta vėlyvo rudens diena. En: The late autumn day lingers. Lt: Lauko ligoninė stovi mažo Lietuvos miestelio pakraštyje. En: The field hospital stands at the edge of a small Lithuanian town. Lt: Auksiniai lapai sukasi vėjyje, o danguje kabo sunkūs, pilki debesys. En: Golden leaves whirl i...

Nov 07, 202417 minTranscript available on Metacast

Braving the Blizzard: Scientist Duo's Arctic Odyssey

Fluent Fiction - Lithuanian : Braving the Blizzard: Scientist Duo's Arctic Odyssey Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more: fluentfiction.com/lt/episode/2024-11-06-23-34-02-lt Story Transcript: Lt: Ledo platybės tęsėsi iki pat horizonto, kur sniegas ir dangus susijungė į vieną baltą masę. En: The expanse of ice stretched all the way to the horizon, where snow and sky merged into a single white mass. Lt: Dovydas ir Gintarė stypsojo ant Arktinio tundros krašto, kur likęs pasau...

Nov 06, 202416 minTranscript available on Metacast

Art and History: A Warehouse Tale of Unexpected Friendship

Fluent Fiction - Lithuanian : Art and History: A Warehouse Tale of Unexpected Friendship Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more: fluentfiction.com/lt/episode/2024-11-05-23-34-03-lt Story Transcript: Lt: Ruduo Lietuvoje buvo ypatingas. En: Autumn in Lietuva was special. Lt: Vėjas lenkė medžių šakas, o spalvoti lapai švilpavo ore, krisdami į žemę. En: The wind bent the branches of trees, and colorful leaves whistled in the air, falling to the ground. Lt: Buvo Visų šventųjų di...

Nov 05, 202414 minTranscript available on Metacast

Trakai Castle: Where History and Hearts Open

Fluent Fiction - Lithuanian : Trakai Castle: Where History and Hearts Open Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more: fluentfiction.com/lt/episode/2024-11-04-23-34-03-lt Story Transcript: Lt: Rudens oras buvo gaivinantis ir švelnus. En: The autumn air was refreshing and mild. Lt: Artyn atsklido skleidžiantis Trakų pilis, kuri stūksojo saloje tarp mėlynų ežerų vandenų. En: Coming closer was the unfolding Trakų pilis (Trakai Castle), which stood on an island among the blue water...

Nov 04, 202416 minTranscript available on Metacast

Unexpected Harmony: An Autumn Evening at Vilniaus Garden

Fluent Fiction - Lithuanian : Unexpected Harmony: An Autumn Evening at Vilniaus Garden Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more: fluentfiction.com/lt/episode/2024-11-03-23-34-03-lt Story Transcript: Lt: Vilniaus Botanikos sodas rudens vakarą buvo nuostabiai nusidažęs švelniomis oranžinėmis ir geltonomis spalvomis. En: Vilniaus Botanical Garden was beautifully painted in soft orange and yellow colors on an autumn evening. Lt: Tai buvo tobula vieta Ruta ir Martyno renginiui. En...

Nov 03, 202414 minTranscript available on Metacast

The Case of the Missing Artifact: Mindaugas’ Sleuthing Day

Fluent Fiction - Lithuanian : The Case of the Missing Artifact: Mindaugas’ Sleuthing Day Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more: fluentfiction.com/lt/episode/2024-11-02-22-34-03-lt Story Transcript: Lt: Vilniaus Gamtos Istorijos Muziejus buvo ypatingai ramus tą rudens dieną, kai Mindaugas, mėgėjų detektyvas, apsilankė ten. En: The Vilniaus Gamtos Istorijos Muziejus (Vilnius Natural History Museum) was particularly calm on that autumn day when Mindaugas, the amateur detectiv...

Nov 02, 202416 minTranscript available on Metacast

Autumnal Redemption: Finding Family in Vilnius Park

Fluent Fiction - Lithuanian : Autumnal Redemption: Finding Family in Vilnius Park Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more: fluentfiction.com/lt/episode/2024-11-01-22-34-01-lt Story Transcript: Lt: Rudens lapkričio vėsa Vilniaus Bernardinų parke buvo įsimintina. En: The autumn coolness of November in Vilnius Bernardinų parkas was memorable. Lt: Spalvinga rudens lapija dengė žemę, o gėlių sodai, nors jau ne tokie ryškūs, vis dar žavėjo praeivius. En: The colorful autumn foliag...

Nov 01, 202418 minTranscript available on Metacast

When Rain and Costumes Spark Spontaneous Adventures

Fluent Fiction - Lithuanian : When Rain and Costumes Spark Spontaneous Adventures Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more: fluentfiction.com/lt/episode/2024-10-31-22-34-02-lt Story Transcript: Lt: Trakų miškas spindėjo rudens auksu ir raudonumu. En: The Trakų forest glimmered with the gold and red of autumn. Lt: Lapų šlamesys kaskart naujai viliojo žmones į savo gilėn vykstantį pasaulį. En: The rustle of leaves continuously enticed people into its deep, inviting world. Lt: T...

Oct 31, 202416 minTranscript available on Metacast

A Celebrated Homecoming: Crafting Vėlinės Memories

Fluent Fiction - Lithuanian : A Celebrated Homecoming: Crafting Vėlinės Memories Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more: fluentfiction.com/lt/episode/2024-10-30-22-34-02-lt Story Transcript: Lt: Rytas Nidoje prasidėjo saulės spinduliais, šviesiais ant medinių namukų stogų. En: The morning in Nida began with rays of sunshine, brightly illuminating the roofs of wooden houses. Lt: Dovydas lėtai žingsniavo per miestelį. En: Dovydas walked slowly through the town. Lt: Jis grįžo ...

Oct 30, 202415 minTranscript available on Metacast

Overcoming Anxiety: Rūta's Starry Night of New Friendships

Fluent Fiction - Lithuanian : Overcoming Anxiety: Rūta's Starry Night of New Friendships Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more: fluentfiction.com/lt/episode/2024-10-29-22-34-02-lt Story Transcript: Lt: Vilniaus priemiesčio gatvėmis aidėjo rudens vėjas. En: The autumn wind echoed through the streets of the Vilniaus suburbs. Lt: Medžių lapai šoko ore. En: Tree leaves danced in the air. Lt: Oras vėsus, o tamsus dangus buvo pilnas žvaigždžių. En: The air was cool, and the dark...

Oct 29, 202416 minTranscript available on Metacast

Orange Fiasco Turns College Nerves into Laughter Gold

Fluent Fiction - Lithuanian : Orange Fiasco Turns College Nerves into Laughter Gold Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more: fluentfiction.com/lt/episode/2024-10-28-22-34-03-lt Story Transcript: Lt: Lapai rudenį krenta lengvai kaip plunksnos, o kolegijos bendrabučio kambaryje Vytautas nervingai žvelgia į veidrodį. En: The leaves fall in autumn as lightly as feathers, and in the college dorm room, Vytautas nervously looks into the mirror. Lt: Jo plaukai ryški oranžinė spalva....

Oct 28, 202418 minTranscript available on Metacast

Autumn Whispers in Vilniaus: A Tale of Friendship and Healing

Fluent Fiction - Lithuanian : Autumn Whispers in Vilniaus: A Tale of Friendship and Healing Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more: fluentfiction.org/autumn-whispers-in-vilniaus-a-tale-of-friendship-and-healing Story Transcript: Lt: Vilniaus senamiestis buvo užburtas. En: Vilniaus Old Town was enchanted. Lt: Rudenio vėjas lengvai ėjo per aukso lapus, kurie kaip kilimas dengiavo senųjų akmenų gatves. En: The autumn wind gently passed through the golden leaves, which covered ...

Oct 27, 202415 minTranscript available on Metacast

Eglė's Leafy Adventure: A Bold Spin on Halloween Art

Fluent Fiction - Lithuanian : Eglė's Leafy Adventure: A Bold Spin on Halloween Art Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more: fluentfiction.org/egles-leafy-adventure-a-bold-spin-on-halloween-art Story Transcript: Lt: Ruduo Užupyje visada buvo ypatingas. En: Autumn in Užupis was always special. Lt: Spalvoti lapai krenta ant grindinio, o oras gaivus. En: Colorful leaves fell onto the pavement, and the air was fresh. Lt: Kiekvienas Užupio kampelis alsuoja kūryba. En: Every corner...

Oct 26, 202416 minTranscript available on Metacast

Autumn Leaves and Unlikely Friends: A Creative Collaboration

Fluent Fiction - Lithuanian : Autumn Leaves and Unlikely Friends: A Creative Collaboration Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more: fluentfiction.org/autumn-leaves-and-unlikely-friends-a-creative-collaboration Story Transcript: Lt: Ryškus rudens lapų auksas nusileido ant Langų, apsuptų senosios internatinės mokyklos. En: The bright golden leaves of autumn settled on the windows surrounding the old boarding school. Lt: Tai buvo neįprastai rami diena, tačiau jaudulys dėl artėj...

Oct 25, 202417 minTranscript available on Metacast

Mystery of the Kuršių Artifact: Secrets Unveiled in Nida

Fluent Fiction - Lithuanian : Mystery of the Kuršių Artifact: Secrets Unveiled in Nida Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more: fluentfiction.org/mystery-of-the-kursiu-artifact-secrets-unveiled-in-nida Story Transcript: Lt: Vėlyvą rudenį, kai Kuršių nerija apsisiautusi rūkų šydu ir geltonos medžių lapai šnarena vėjyje, aš, Jurgis, istorikas, vaikštau po jaukias Nidos gatveles. En: Late in autumn, when the Kuršių nerija is cloaked in a veil of mist and the yellow tree leaves ...

Oct 24, 202414 minTranscript available on Metacast

Mantas and the Mystery of the Whispering Attic

Fluent Fiction - Lithuanian : Mantas and the Mystery of the Whispering Attic Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more: fluentfiction.org/mantas-and-the-mystery-of-the-whispering-attic Story Transcript: Lt: Spalvingą rudens vakarą saulė pamažu slėpėsi už horizonto, nuspalvindama dangų tamsiai raudonai. En: On a colorful autumn evening, the sun was slowly slipping behind the horizon, painting the sky a deep red. Lt: Dideliame šeimos name, kurio sienas puošė medžio lapai, Mantas...

Oct 23, 202415 minTranscript available on Metacast
FluentFiction - Lithuanian podcast - Listen or read transcript on Metacast