183: Leprechaun 4
AKA "Super Low Budget Aliens"! Join us as we discuss Leprechaun 4 In Space. We talk about the boner kill, the lazer tag set, sparkling boobies and MUCH MORE!
AKA "Super Low Budget Aliens"! Join us as we discuss Leprechaun 4 In Space. We talk about the boner kill, the lazer tag set, sparkling boobies and MUCH MORE!
Have you ever blown a rod before? Join us as we discuss Leprechaun 3 ! We talk about the creepy filming location, the sticky robot hooker, an actor getting his finger cut off and MUCH MORE!
"...she'll be my bride when she sneezes thrice!" Join us as we discuss Leprechaun 2. We talk about the lawn mower boobers, the coffee grounds beard, the homages to other films and MUCH MORE!
Join Danny as he interviews Matt Lauria (Friday Night Lights, Kingdom, CSI) about his role in the new installment of Blumhouse TV's Into The Dark entitled "Down".
Join Danny as he interviews Nicholas McCarthy, director of The Prodigy , releasing in theaters nationwide on 2/8/19!
Where's me gold!? Join us as we discuss Leprechaun! We talk about first-time-director Mark Jones' experience with the "suits" at Trimark, the director's obsession with Jennifer Aniston, the original idea for the Leprechaun character and MUCH MORE!
Join us as we interview horror icon Bill Moseley about his upcoming appearance at Astronomicon, the filming of 3 From Hell , memories of playing Chop Top and MUCH MORE!
What's in the basket? Join us as we discuss Basket Case ! We talk about the deformed nut sack creature, the cottage cheese leg hooker, Rob's first kiss and MUCH MORE!
Our furry little pals are back! Join us as we discuss Gremlins 2! We talk about the great Christopher Lee, Baker's FX, gremlin jiz and MUCH MORE!
Cute but deadly! Join us as we discuss Gremlins! We talk about who's gonna clean the microwave, the obvious food safety hazard, Randall's inability to seal the deal and MUCH MORE!
Merry Christmas Motherf$#&er! Join us as we discuss A Christmas Horror Story ! We talk about female Elijah Wood, the best trees to hang ornaments on, doing it "through the zipper" and MUCH MORE!
Grandpa got ran over by a reindeer! Join us as we discuss Santa's Slay! We talk about the epic opening scene, small town strippers, the cholo angel and MUCH MORE!
Join Danny as he interviews John McPhail, director of Anna and the Apocalypse! This Zombie Musical in the first of it's kind and it released THIS MONTH in theaters everywhere. Think Shaun of the Dead meets La La Land!
Is that.....Jiz? Join us as we discuss The Stuff! We talk about the odd pacing of the film, blended fish bones, the random army and MUCH MORE!
Join Danny as he interviews best selling author Jeremy Wagner about his new book, "Rabid Heart". Jeremy is also in the death metal band Broken Hope and has an extensive horror memorabilia collection!
Where's Tom Atkins' mustache!? Join us as we discuss The Fog! We talk about the pirate pedophile, all the ties to Halloween, Janet Leigh's old but good looks and MUCH MORE!
Join us as we interview Carmelo Chimera about his comic company Chimera's Comics and their graphic novel Cellar Door ! To support the creation of Cellar Door and to secure a copy go here: https://66a8ec02.kckb.st
Here's a sneak peek at our new Cult Classic Action podcast only available to Patreon members at the $5 or above level. If you like what you hear subscribe here: http://patreon.com/cultclassichorror !
That Witch is a 90 year old hooker! Join us as we discuss Suspiria! We talk about the wonderful dubbing, how the script was meant for 12 year olds, the old lady/nazi boy romance and MUCH MORE!
Don't blow out your pumpkin candle! Join us as we discuss Trick 'R Treat! We call Rob on his cell at work and talk about little people, drinking blood, the nods to classic horror and MUCH MORE!
Sex with robots?! Join us as we discuss The Stepford Wives ! We talk about the feminist nature of the film, Rob's ideal sex robot, the new Halloween and MUCH MORE!
Join us as we interview director Craig Deering and the cast of his movie, Asylum of Fear . Watch it on Amazon here: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B077PTRVND?ref=sr_1_3_acs_kn_imdb_pa_dp&qid=1539828775&sr=1-3-acs&autoplay=0...
Join us as we interview Joe Clarke about his psychological thriller Spiral ! This one is definitely a mind bender! Available NOW on Amazon.
Join our blogger Ty Andreaco as he interviews the lovely Tamara Glynn from Halloween 5: The Revenge of Michael Myers !
Is Mia Farrow an alien? Join us as we discuss Rosemary's Baby! We talk about the "no biggie" rape event, drugged Jello pudding, the lack of a murderous rampage at the end and MUCH MORE!
He's just CRAZY 'bout this store! Join us as we discuss Intrude r! We talk about the leather jacket wearing juvenile obviously raised by Burt Young, the amazing special effects, Rob's "Bruce Campbell" meltdown and MUCH MORE!
Join blogger extraordinaire Ty Andreaco and he interviews Brooklyn Ewing about her film She Was So Pretty . Check it out at https://www.shewassopretty.com/.
Now THIS is what we've been waiting for! Join us as we discuss Puppet Master Axis of Evil and The Littlest Reich. We talk about the boobers, the gore, porn stars and MUCH MORE!
Oh Hi Mark! Join us as we discuss Puppet Master 7 & 8! We talk about Greg Sestero's stunning performance, sand filled mummies, the correct way to watch all the Puppet Masters and MUCH MORE!
Join us as we interview Charlie Steeds. The director, producer and editor of Cannibal Farm, available on Amazon!