033: Leatherface
The Saw is Family! Join us for a behind the scenes look at Leatherface, The Texas Chainsaw Massacre 3 ! We talk about alternate endings, broken ribs, naked old people and MUCH more!
The Saw is Family! Join us for a behind the scenes look at Leatherface, The Texas Chainsaw Massacre 3 ! We talk about alternate endings, broken ribs, naked old people and MUCH more!
I'm the Lord of the Harvest! Join us for a discussion on Tobe Hooper's The Texas Chainsaw Massacre 2. We talk about Dennis Hopper's leisure suit, how Cannon Films screws everyone, AND we deal with some super cool awesome audio issues!
Look what your brother did to the door!! Join us for a behind the scenes discussion on Tobe Hooper's 1974 The Texas Chainsaw Massacre ! How did each actor get involved? Why did the house ALWAYS smell like sh*t? What is the most DISTURBING MOVIE OF ALL TIME? Tune in to find out!
Join us for an exclusive interview with Daniel Beer! Daniel played Randy (Poncho) in The Raft sequence from Creepshow 2. We go deep behind the scenes of Creepshow 2 as well as a few of his other films. We also talk about his new novel! Pre-order it here: http://cultclassichorror.com/beer
Savini is back! Join us as we discuss George A Romero's Land of the Dead. We talk about the grueling night shoots, special FX wizardry, and MUCH more!
Bub! Listen in as we go deep behind the scenes of George A Romero's Day of the Dead. what were filming conditions like in the mineshaft? Who got brain matter in their eye? What does this film have to do with Raiders of the Lost Ark? Listen in and find out!
Thanks for the ride lady! Join us as we discuss Creepshow 2. Which actor almost died? Who got booted from the set? What the heck is the FXaco station? Listen in and find out!
Where's my cake? Join us and special guest Rob Oneal as we discuss George A. Romero's Creepshow! We talk about disco Ed Harris, mean Leslie Nielsen, cock socks, and MUCH more!
When there's no more room in Hell.....Join us as we discuss George A. Romero's classic, Dawn of the Dead! We talk about our first hand experiences with hookers (seriously), Fly Boy's running habits, and we explain why "Poncho" just HAD to get his blood pressure taken before he died.
Martin! He's the man, WAAAAAAAASUP!? Join us as we talk about George A. Romero's Martin! Was he REALLY a vampire? What is "sexy stuff"? Listen in and find out!
"What the hell is happening here?" Those were our words during the first 20 minutes of this movie! Listen in as we discuss George A. Romero's classic, The Crazies! This movie is a MUST if you like unibrows, attempted incest, and "chick flick" miscommunication!
They're coming to get you Barbara! Join us as we discuss George Romero's masterpiece, Night of the Living Dead! Where did the production crew sleep? How did they get the sound mixed for free? How old was I when I first touched a girl's no no place? Listen in and find out!
Kane Hodder is OUSTED!! Join us for our discussion of Freddy VS Jason and Friday The 13th (2009). We talk about ecstasy, Vicks vapor rub, mammary flaps, and MUCH more!
Jason blew up!!! Join us as we discuss Jason Goes To Hell & Jason X! We talk about flying condoms, toilet snakes, Kane's lip tattoo, and MUCH more!
Here comes the 80's music! Join us for our discussion of Friday The 13th Part 7 & 8. We talk about "Frigay" the 13th, duck butter, bum sweat, and MUCH more!
Boobs are back in FULL force! Join us for Episode 18 of The Cult Classic horror show as we go behind the scenes of Friday The 13th Part 5: A New Beginning and Part 6: Jason Lives. I you have sex you die AND if you poop without wiping you die!
Jason loves pitchforks!! We're back with Part 3 and 4 of the Friday The 13th series. Join us as we talk about how much 11 year old Corey Feldman likes boobs, techniques for wiping your butt, crappy flashlights and MUCH more!
If you have sex you're dead!! This episode marks the start of our Friday The 13th series as we go behind the scenes of Friday The 13th Part 1 & 2. Join us as we talk about Kevin Bacon in Speedos, Mrs. Voorhees' hairy knuckles, dick pics and MUCH more!
Freddy's Dead!! Join us as we wrap up our month of "all things Freddy". We talk about how Freddy was almost a decrepit old bum, which cast member turned into a lesbian gothic wreck, and how much material should go between your balls and leg when you're sleeping on your side! (guys, don't even act like you don't know what we're talking about).
It's a boy!!! Listen in as we continue to discuss the Nightmare On Elm Street series! We talk about Dominos Pizza, Paraplegic Freddy and MUCH more!
Welcome to primetime b*tch! Join us as we continue our bloody journey through the Nightmare on Elm Street series. We talk about why Freddy's Revenge is "the gay one", who wanted to bang Patricia Arquette, and MUCH more!
One two Freddy's coming for you! Join us as we discuss the nitty gritty details of this horror classic. How did Johnny Depp get cast in the film? Would we bang Nancy's mom? Listen in and find out!
This one is packed with boobs, blood and bushes! Join us as we dissect this classic. We talk about toy helicopters, retard strength, homeless guy chins, and MUCH more! How does this all relate? Listen in and find out!
I've got to return some videotapes!! We don't care if you don't think this is a horror movie because it's one of our favorites! Join us as we talk about what the hell is going on in this movie! Did Bateman really kill everyone? Is it all in his head? We have some insights for you.
You don't want to miss this splatter-fest! Join us as we discuss this cult classic favorite. We talk about old lady face, Nazi veterinarians, sriracha sauce and MUCH more!
Here's Johnny!! Join us as we discuss our unhealthy obsession with this movie! We talk about 70's bushes, crushing a child's head with a sledge hammer, why Kubrick was an asshole sometimes, and MUCH more!
Alright you primitive screwheads, listen up! In this episode we talk about how Army of Darkness came to be, which scene Bruce Campbell's dad is in, why Sam, Rob, and Bruce had to put some of their own money into the production, and MUCH more!
Join us as we talk with Theresa Tilly (Shelly from The Evil Dead) about her experience on the set of The Evil Dead, why it was the hardest shoot of her career, what she's done since then, her thoughts on Ash vs Evil Dead and MUCH more!
JOIN US for a "behind the scenes" look at Evil Dead 2! We talk about how Stephen King helped get this film off the ground, why they use green and blue blood, things you should notice while watching, and MUCH more!
We're gonna get you, not another peep, time to go to sleep! Join us as we talk to Betsy Baker about her experience filming The Evil Dead, how it's impacted her career as an actress, her thoughts on Ash vs Evil Dead, and MUCH more!