123: Bone Tomahawk
"Say goodbye to my wife. I'll say hello to yours." Join us and special guest John Crockett as we discuss Bone Tomahawk ! We talk about the amazing script, the killer cinematography, the "wishbone" and MUCH MORE!
"Say goodbye to my wife. I'll say hello to yours." Join us and special guest John Crockett as we discuss Bone Tomahawk ! We talk about the amazing script, the killer cinematography, the "wishbone" and MUCH MORE!
Join Ty Andreaco (our blogger extraordinaire) as he interviews Zane Hershberger, Director of Photography for "The Barn" and a writer/director for a segment in "10/31"!
HE WAS LICKING ME!!! Join us as we discuss Ravenous ! We talk about the last minute change in directors, the made up fight scene at the end, the right way to cook a penis and MUCH more!
Cordell! Join us as we discuss Hannibal . We talk about sexual favors from Cordell, another side of Hannibal, the botched ending and MUCH MORE!
Listen in as we talk to Jaret Rivet, writer of the film "Jackals" starring Stephen Dorff!
It puts the lotion on it's skin, or else it gets the hose again. Join us as we discuss The Silence of the Lambs! We talk about the MANY other actors considered for the leads, how this saved Hopkins' career, the accurate cum toss and MUCH MORE!
Listen in as we interview James Landry Hebert (Stranger Things, Westworld, Carnage Park) and Director Rich Ragsdale about their experience on Ghost House, available to watch on Netflix and all other VOD platforms.
The ULTIMATE 80's crime thriller! Join us as we discuss Manhunter! We talk about the good ole days of crime scene investigation, A listers that almost played the lead, the Neve Campbell lookalike and MUCH MORE!
It takes all kinds of critters to make Farmer Vincent's fritters! Join us as we discuss Motel Hell ! We talk about the "gunt punch", the molesty sheriff, the lack of gore and MUCH more!
LOTTA dicks and bushes! Join us as we discuss Cannibal Holocaust ! We talk about the grueling conditions the film crew and actors endured, the murder charges brought against the director, how Curious George got his wig split and MUCH MORE!
Are zombies cannibals? Join us as we discuss C.H.U.D ll: Bud the Chud! We talk about "sex drawers", Bone Tomahawk, Rob's sexual experimentation and MUCH MORE!
Homeless cannibal creatures and "cop talk"! Join us as we discuss C.H.U.D! We talk about the guys from Home Alone, a possible Rob Zombie remake, homeless Ron and MUCH MORE!
Time for some good ole fashioned incest! Join us as we discuss Psycho 4 The Beginning . We talk about the "slow" detective, John Elway's teeth, nipple types and MUCH MORE!
"You coulda been cummin instead of goin!" Join us as we discuss Psycho 3! We talk about all the homages to the original, 47 year old high school students, Scotty almost chopping his leg off with an axe and MUCH MORE!
They paroled the serial killer! Join us as we discuss Psycho 2 ! We talk about the less attractive Tilly sister, tensions on set, Danny's desire to take a shovel to an old lady's head and MUCH MORE!
A TRUE classic! Join us as we discuss Psycho! We talk about the fastest used car purchase EVER, tons of interesting facts, Hitchcock's mom and MUCH MORE!
Fellatio 20880! Join us as we discuss Black Christmas! We talk about Rob's keen sense of hearing, the actor with alzheimer's that was supposed to play the detective, how Carpenter possibly ripped off Halloween from Bob Clark and MUCH MORE!
PUNISH! Join us as we discuss Silent Night Deadly Night! We talk about grade A boobers, the caroler with Parkinson's, the hairy ass shot and MUCH MORE!
Looks like Christmas came a little early! Join as we discuss Jack Frost! We talk about the cotton snow, the hairspray explosion, Rob's lack of affection growing up and MUCH MORE!
It's Christmas time! Join us as we discuss Krampus ! We talk about Adam Scott's child-like features, the awesome practical effects, diaper snow and MUCH MORE!
Underworld totally ripped this off! Join us as we discuss Howling 6 The Freaks! We talk about an epic montage, the unresolved plot lines, He/She's privates and MUCH more!
They're all just dogs!! Join us as we discuss Howling 3 & 4! We talk about Mexican coke, moussed pubic hair, the biggest sword ever and MUCH more!
What did we get ourselves into?! Join us as we discuss The Howling 2 and The Howling 3! We talk about the weirdest threesome ever, the massive amount of sweating, the small old man faced hamster and MUCH more!
Dee Wallace is a Pomeranian!! Join us as we discuss The Howling! We talk about digital werewolf sex, the 10 minute transformation, the cleanliness of the "jack shack" and MORE!
It's not who you come with, it's who you come on! Join us as we discuss Prom Night 4: Deliver us from Evil! We talk about explosive priest juice, the epic cross toss, violent homosexual tendencies and MUCH more!
A good old fashioned sexual haunting! Join us as we discuss Prom Night 3: The Last Kiss . We talk about Canadian little league football, sharp scissors, Molson and MUCH more!
Mary Lou is HOTTTT! Join us as we discuss Prom Night 2: Hello Mary Lou ! We talk about MAJOR cardboard tits, coat hanger abortions, father daughter incest and MUCH more!
Holy unibrow! Join us as we discuss Prom Night! We talk about premature ejaculation (don't google the spelling for that), 45 year old high schoolers, horrible child acting and MUCH more!
They should've stopped with the first one! Join us as we discuss The Hills Have Eyes part 1 and 2 from 2006 and 2007. We talk about the awesome practical effects done by KNB, the epic finale from part 1, the utter disappointment of part 2 and MUCH more!
The Hills Have Eyes 3.....sort of. Join us as we discuss Mind Ripper! We talk about how the 80's rocker monster, a mother's douche, the WONDERFUL acting and MUCH more!