Book a FREE PTSD recovery consultation with our team here: "The healing journey itself should not be traumatic." On this episode of PTSD TV Brad and I talk about another big myth that blocks a lot of people from recovery... The belief you have to remember or relive trauma to heal. I'll let you know right now that that's not the truth. But if you feel this way, you're not alone.. This is a myth that personally stopped my recovery journey in its tracks more tha...
Apr 14, 2020•35 min•Ep 81•Transcript available on Metacast Book a FREE PTSD recovery consultation with our team here: Today Brad and I talk about another big myth that blocks a lot of people from recovery... The belief that other things in their life block them from healing. We lovingly call it "alphabet soup". PTSD, CPTSD, PNES, BPD, GAD, etc. are all labels that can seriously hut someones chances at full recovery... This tricky because PTSD is on of the most misdiagnosed things in the field of mental health... If y...
Apr 11, 2020•23 min•Ep 80•Transcript available on Metacast Today Brad and I talk about another big myth that blocks a lot of people from recovery... The belief that their trauma is different (not as bad or worse than others) and therefore can't heal. This is an especially tricky one because if you think your trauma is not as bad as someone else's you could be telling yourself... "WOW what I went through wasn't nearly as bad as that person's, I don't really have anything to complain about..." And if you think like this you're not going to do the things y...
Apr 10, 2020•36 min•Ep 79•Transcript available on Metacast Welcome to our first PTSD Myth Marathon episode! Myth #1 is: It’s impossible to heal because PTSD changes your brain. Brad and I are going to go through the top 13 or so myths about PTSD that cause people to feel hopeless and out of control. The first PTSD myth we cover is one that I hear ALL the time from people who have PTSD, “Its impossible to heal because PTSD changed my brain and is permanently damaged”. This myth is particularly dangerous because it’s actually half true! If you have heard ...
Apr 07, 2020•26 min•Ep 78•Transcript available on Metacast In today’s episode Brad and I talk about 3 things you can do to help yourself stay motivated while you’re stuck inside during COVID-19. Being isolated can feel lonely, and depressing at times, but there is also a huge opportunity to it as well. The #1 goal for everyone with PTSD should be to heal their PTSD. This may seem obvious to you, but in all honesty most people don’t take their healing seriously… and if they want to, they just can’t seem to get themselves motivated to take action everyday...
Apr 06, 2020•30 min•Ep 77•Transcript available on Metacast We’re back! Today Brad and I talk about what you can do to keep your mind and body sharp during this COVID-19 crisis. This is a hard time for a lot of people… It’s a time where a lot of external forces are limiting and controlling what you can and can’t do. The important thing is not what’s being taken away, but what you still have. So today we’re going to show you 6 things that you STILL have during this crisis, things you can still control, and things that will allow you to stay mentally and p...
Apr 04, 2020•43 min•Ep 76•Transcript available on Metacast A lot of talk (and fear-mongering) has been spread the past weeks, and I wanted to clear things up for you. Every week I do a live Q&A for all my clients and one question asked was about how to handle these stressful times. My answer was you don't have to be stressful! I also gave some practical tips to help people cope and manage these times better. Coronavirus doesn't have to cause as much stress as it is. Hope you enjoy! Remember to stay positive, and my heart goes out to you and your family ...
Mar 20, 2020•7 min•Ep 75•Transcript available on Metacast Are you committed to your healing? What does commitment mean to you? To us commitment means that you remove all other options from the stop dabbling and you go all in and hold nothing back. It's time to commit to yourself, your healing, your relationship, and to never giving up until you fully recover. Brad and I both constantly recommitted throughout our recovery (and beyond), and it was a key part that pushed us through our low points. Interested in learning the 4 commitments neede...
Nov 01, 2019•26 min•Ep 74•Transcript available on Metacast At every moment you have the choice... To see the good, or to see the bad. In every situation there is bad AND good...but it's up to you to choose what you want to focus on. Many of us get stuck in pessimistic and negative cycles that only cause us to hurt ourselves more. Today Brad and I talk about 5 ways to shift your thinking to see the best in every situation, no matter how bad it gets. This is an essential skill that you should be implementing daily to change your negative brain, positive. ...
Oct 31, 2019•32 min•Ep 73•Transcript available on Metacast A psychologist that says therapy and medication won't heal the world? "This problem will not be ended by Prozac. We are not going to give anti-depressant drugs to an entire generation...We are also not going to do therapy with an entire generations, because there are simply not enough good therapists to go around." - Martin Seligman (Former President of The APA) If this is the case, then what do you do? What is the solution? That's exactly what we talk about on today's episode. How to take power...
Oct 29, 2019•23 min•Ep 72•Transcript available on Metacast What do you do when you're overwhelmed, exhausted, and have zero energy? That's a problem most people have...PTSD overwhelms your brain and makes you feel exhausted. It's vital to have a strategy and routine in place to ensure that your generating energy every single day. You want to have a system in place to get energy on demand, especially when you least feel like it. If you're not sure how to generate energy then this episode is for YOU! Energy is a vital part of the process, mentally AND phy...
Oct 28, 2019•20 min•Ep 71•Transcript available on Metacast When you have 2 hurt people coming together trying to solve problems nothing gets better... Usually things end up worse...more fights, holes in walls, and closed off hearts. It's because 99% of people focus on healing their relationship...and this is all wrong! Things don't get better until you heal each individual. You need to spend more time fixing YOU than trying to fix your relationship. Be honest, how much time are you spending on healing YOU? If you're like me and Brad were, it's almost 0%...
Oct 24, 2019•30 min•Ep 70•Transcript available on Metacast Some days it's hard to get out of bed...when those days come you want to be prepared with a plan. Today Brad and I talk about 3 things you can do to get yourself up and motivated again, and the key thing that is required. We share techniques that we used when we were still struggling with PTSD, and systems that you can implement to ensure you're motivated for years on end. It can feel impossible to just get up some days, but it's not. Today we show you how to fight back and win! To your recovery...
Oct 23, 2019•22 min•Ep 69•Transcript available on Metacast Today Brad and I talk about the book "Psycho Cybernetics" and how you can program your mind for full recovery from PTSD. Your mind is like a machine, one that automatically strives to achieve any goal it's fed. The problem here is that most of us feed our minds with negative goals through worry and "worst case scenario" thinking. PTSD causes most people to spiral down with negative thoughts and images. It's these things that program our mind for failure...we end up optimizing to fail and our neg...
Oct 22, 2019•41 min•Ep 68•Transcript available on Metacast Today is the first episode of our "Famous Failure's" PTSD TV Monday Motivation Episode. Today we're talking about Thomas Edison and how we can learn to become a master over failure. Edison had hit many roadblocks in his life, but it didn't stop him from achieving extraordinary things in his life. He's been called too stupid to learn anything, was fired from multiple jobs for being "unproductive", failed over 1,000 times to create the light bulb, and lost millions of dollars from a fire in his fa...
Oct 21, 2019•23 min•Ep 67•Transcript available on Metacast Here's something that almost no one knows how to handle...anger! One little and seemingly insignificant thing can set off a chain reaction of negative emotions that hurt you and everyone around you. Once the dust has cleared and everything has calmed down you're left feeling shameful and guilty for what happened Here's the key to stopping this mess before it happens, you have to catch it before it starts. Today Brad and I are going to walk you through a simple 3-step process that will prevent an...
Sep 06, 2019•29 min•Ep 66•Transcript available on Metacast Do you feel in control of your mind? Most people feel dominated by their thoughts, and feel like all they can do is block out the mental noise with TV, food, music, or other vices like drugs or alcohol. Today Brad and I talk about how to become aware of your mental world and how to optimize it to support you in your recovery goals. Resources: Right now I’m running a free training that took me an entire month to create. In it I teach you the 3 pillars of PTSD recovery… these are the ONLY 3 things...
Sep 04, 2019•34 min•Ep 65•Transcript available on Metacast Today I got the privilege to sit down with Jen Ready again and talk about the biggest turning points in our recovery. Both Jen and I had PTSD and have fully recovered from it. Along our journey we both ran into a series of turning points that made all the difference. Each one was an epiphany that launched us forward and inspired us to keep working. Today we want to share our biggest turning points to show you that you're not alone, and that full recovery is possible for everyone willing to keep ...
Aug 24, 2019•58 min•Ep 63•Transcript available on Metacast Do you feel like you do everything for your partner, but they don't even appreciate it? This comes from a lack of perspective...let me explain... You and your partner accept love in different ways, and the way you accept and give love may not be the way your partner accepts and gives love. Today Brad and I walk you through a book called "The 5 Love Languages" by Gary Chapman. This book can help you rekindle real deep connection within your relationship...which is something very hard to come by w...
Aug 20, 2019•28 min•Ep 64•Transcript available on Metacast How does your environment make you feel? Does it support you in your recovery goals, or does it pull you down like anchors? Today Brad and I talk about how you can optimize your external environment so it supports you in your recovery. Most people's environment act like anchors to their pulls them down and prevents them from making any real progress. Maybe they make a little progress, but then the negativity in their environment pull them down until the crash at bottom again. Today we ...
Aug 19, 2019•48 min•Ep 62•Transcript available on Metacast How long does it take to fully recover from PTSD? A month, a year, a lifetime? Those are all possible, but how quick you heal depends on 3 things... Want to know what these 3 things are? Today we're going to show you the 3 things that we learned throughout our recovery so you can shortcut your healing by years or even decades. Not everyone recovers from PTSD because of things they don't know. We want to share our experience and knowledge with you so you don't have to suffer any longer than you h...
Aug 09, 2019•35 min•Ep 61•Transcript available on Metacast Your life is controlled by 2 forces... These forces control your life whether or not you are aware of it. People who are unaware of these powers feel stuck and life seems to control them. Those who understand how to manipulate these powers control their destiny. Ready to learn how to harness these powers to overcome PTSD and live a life on your terms? Resources: If you’re interested in learning more about how Brad and I not only healed our PTSD, but saved our relationship (and made it a LOT stro...
Aug 09, 2019•28 min•Ep 59•Transcript available on Metacast Our BEST PTSD relationship episode EVER! Today we ask a big question... Is it even possible to save a relationship from PTSD? More than that...can you be happy together and not just tolerate your existence? Today we answer that and more. Brad and I go DEEP into the lessons and principles that we learned that made us successful in healing our PTSD and saving our relationship. We show you the core foundational principles that you need to learn and more importantly apply to your life, relationship,...
Aug 08, 2019•44 min•Ep 60•Transcript available on Metacast If you're interested in learning more about how Brad and I not only healed our PTSD, but saved our relationship (and made it a LOT stronger because of it) check out this free case study video here - In the video I go through 3 things that will really help open your eyes to how you can save your relationship from PTSD and rebuild strong deep love. Click the link below to watch the free case study video now: At the end of th...
Aug 05, 2019•20 min•Ep 58•Transcript available on Metacast What is YOU and what is PTSD? It seems like a never ending internal battle between you and your PTSD... I used to always ask myself... "Why do I always lash out at Brad, the love of my life?" I could never understand why I was so angry, sad, frustrated, and scared all the time. It was like I had these two internal forces inside of me fighting to the death. One side wanted to be kind and wanted to hold Brad close and tell him how much he meant to me. And the other side was just pure r...
Aug 02, 2019•22 min•Ep 57•Transcript available on Metacast Welcome back to this week's Monday Motivation! Today Brad and I talk about Keeping Success In Front Of You and why it's so important on your recovery journey. This world is filled with negativity and if you're not careful you will be pulled down by it. Everyone faces doubt, failure, and negativity from time to time, but it's up to us to combat it! Resources: FREE PTSD Recovery Training - Jen Ready's Interview On How She Overcame PTSD -
Aug 01, 2019•33 min•Ep 56•Transcript available on Metacast Today Brad and I talk about how you can (and should) use the Myers Briggs personality test to help you in your relationship. Knowing and learning about your partner's personality type helps you understand where your partner is coming from. It allows you to get an inside look at how their brain ticks. Personality tests shine awareness on you and your partner's strengths, weaknesses, communication styles, and so much more! Most people in general have a hard time communicating in a romantic relatio...
Jul 25, 2019•20 min•Ep 55•Transcript available on Metacast Welcome back to Monday Motivation! Today Brad and I talk about BAD days and how to discover whether or not you're adding to the pain. Most of the time our thoughts and actions perpetuate the downward cycles in our lives. It's 99.99% likely that your thoughts are producing negative actions that are causing you to spiral down out of control. So... how do you end this spiral and take back the power? That's exactly what we're talking about today! Here's what we're covering: 1 - What it means to give...
Jul 18, 2019•32 min•Ep 54•Transcript available on Metacast Yesterday I had the absolute pleasure of doing a 6 month interview with one of my clients Jen Ready.. Jen enrolled in Broken to Unbreakable about 6 months ago and since has seen some absolutely amazing changes in her life. After suffering with PTSD for most of her life, Jen approached me nervous but ready for a change In this interview we talk about the moments Jen new things had to change, how she was able to change so profoundly and what her life looks like now. Just a few weeks after working ...
Jun 29, 2019•54 min•Ep 53•Transcript available on Metacast Welcome back to this weeks Monday motivation! Today Brad and I talk about advice from Walt Disney himself :) "The best way to get started is to quit talking and start doing!" This advice is the cornerstone of recovery, most people are stuck in perpetual overthinking mode, otherwise known as analysis paralysis. Most people with PTSD have this problem and feel overwhelmed 24/7 and therefore get nothing done. Today we show you how you can "quit talking and start doing" so you can start to see massi...
Jun 19, 2019•21 min•Ep 52•Transcript available on Metacast