Are you forced to be a "roommate" to your loved one because of PTSD? PTSD can tear your relationship completely apart if you're not taking steps to fix things immediately. Brad and I personally went through this phase, and we want to give you practical steps for you to turn things around. PTSD is hard enough on it's own, don't let it pull the entire ship down with it! Resources Free PTSD Recovery Training – Email me with questions! T...
Jun 12, 2019•36 min•Ep 50•Transcript available on Metacast Welcome back to today's PTSD TV Monday Motivation episode! Today Brad and I talk about little wins and long term thinking. Recovering from PTSD is not going to happen overnight, it takes consistent effort over long periods of time. Most people with PTSD have the wrong mindset. They expect and hope to make short term miracle recoveries...and when that inevitably doesn't happen they break down. That's why focusing on the little wins and thinking long term is essential if you want to make a full re...
Jun 10, 2019•40 min•Ep 51•Transcript available on Metacast There's a myth that causes most people to suffer with PTSD for a lifetime... Want to learn how to avoid it? Today Brad and I talk about this myth and how it destroys the hope of millions, but most importantly we teach you how to identify this myth and take things into your own hands. This episode will completely shift your life and the way you look at recovery. Enjoy! Here's what we're covering 1 - Where most people go wrong... 2 - Why the system is set up to hurt you 3 - How to take recovery in...
Jun 04, 2019•33 min•Ep 49•Transcript available on Metacast Today Brad and I talk about THE greatest advice in the world. Most people with PTSD struggle with gaining traction in their recovery because they whenever they make progress they seem to break it all back down again. Does this sound like you? If so, you'll find the answer to end these cycles for good. What you'll learn today is the biggest and most important step you can take in your PTSD recovery...and once you take it everything will start clicking into place. Enjoy! Resources: Free PTSD Recov...
Jun 03, 2019•37 min•Ep 48•Transcript available on Metacast What's the BEST thing you can do to heal your relationship and your PTSD? It's kind of a paradox really... But, today Brad and I are going to give you a "behind the scenes" look into our relationship, and how we were able to overcome some of the darkest times. Brad and I both share our personal stories of how we were able to overcome those dark times, and how you can use the lessons we learned in your own life! Here's What We're Covering: 1 - The #1 Thing You Should Focus On In Your Relationship...
May 30, 2019•44 min•Ep 47•Transcript available on Metacast I LOVE pain? Do you know why? Pain is what our bodies deliver to us when something is wrong. It shows us the path, where we need to improve, and even how to improve. Sound too far out? It's not. Knowing how to harness the dark side of yourself and how to tap into it for energy, power, and healing is one of the most important things you can do in your recovery journey. Today we're going to shift the way you think about pain forever...and you might even learn to love it :) Here's what we're coveri...
May 29, 2019•36 min•Ep 46•Transcript available on Metacast Welcome back to this weeks PTSD Q&A! Today Brad and I talk about how you can find and make new friends when you have PTSD. Just getting out of the house can seem like an impossible task when you're in the grips of PTSD, but we're going to show you how you can get out of isolation and meet new positive people! Here's what we're covering: 1 - How to calm yourself down in social situations 2 - How to find groups, classes, and events to meet new friends 3 - How to put your plan into action and make ...
May 28, 2019•28 min•Ep 45•Transcript available on Metacast Welcome back to this weeks episode of PTSD Relationships! Today Brad and I talk about how you can get your partner to understand PTSD and actually get them on your side and moving in the same direction. It can be extremely difficult to fully understand what you're going through and why you're going through it...but it is even harder to get your partner to fully understand it too. Today we are going to show you strategies on how to build a strong connection so you can both be on the same side and...
May 09, 2019•40 min•Ep 44•Transcript available on Metacast Welcome back to this weeks PTSD Recovery Workshop! This week Brad and I talk about how to bounce back from sudden PTSD breakdowns. PTSD breakdowns are inevitable, along your journey you need to expect to fall down again and again. With every breakdown comes lessons and growth. So today we're talking about how to make the quickest comeback from PTSD breakdowns. To your recovery! Kayleen RESOURCES: FREE PTSD Recovery Training:
May 08, 2019•38 min•Ep 43•Transcript available on Metacast Welcome back to this week's PTSD TV Monday Motivation! Today Brad and I talk about the DE-Motivation Station. That's right, we're talking about what demotivates you. Because if you don't stop doing what demotivates you, it will be really hard to get and stay motivated. Staying motivated throughout your PTSD recovery journey is just as much doing as it is NOT doing. So here's what we're talking about today: 1 - How to find what de-motivates you 2 - What to do with what de-motivates you 3 - How to...
May 07, 2019•40 min•Ep 42•Transcript available on Metacast Can you fake it 'till you make it to full recovery from PTSD? That's what Brad and I are talking about in today's PTSD Recovery Workshop! Sometimes we have to force ourselves to do things that are uncomfortable or things that we don't want to do. Today we're going to talk about physiology, and how to control your body to control your mind. Even in the darkest of times we can change our mental state to something powerful and positive. Here's what we're covering: 1 - What is physiology? 2 - Why yo...
May 02, 2019•29 min•Ep 41•Transcript available on Metacast Welcome back to this weeks Monday motivation! This week Brad and I talk about Ready, Go, Set! Apposed to the regular... Ready, set go! Overthinking, worrying, and procrastination cause you to stagnate and get stuck. We're taught our whole lives to learn and learn and learn, but we're hardly ever taught to take action. Action in your PTSD recovery journey is all that matters. So get ready for this incredible episode! To your recovery! Kayleen RESOURCES: FREE PTSD Recovery Training: https://www.ov...
May 01, 2019•24 min•Ep 40•Transcript available on Metacast Welcome back to this weeks PTSD Q&A where Brad and I answer questions from YOU! Today Brad and I talk about how to get out of bed and get out of isolation. This is a massive challenge for a lot of people because oftentimes you wake up feeling hopeless, anxious, and filled with fear. And it can seem near impossible to face that fear and get out into your life. PTSD isolation is a terrible thing to go through, but with a few simple techniques that we show you, you'll be out living your life again....
Apr 30, 2019•34 min•Ep 39•Transcript available on Metacast Welcome back to this weeks episode of PTSD And Relationships! Today Brad and I talk about how to create a fulfilling relationship despite PTSD. It can seem near impossible to have calm relationship, let alone a fulfilling one, when you have PTSD. But, today we want to show you exactly what you need to be doing to grow a fulfilling, loving, and accepting relationship. It takes hard work and commitment from both sides, but I promise you that it will be one of the most fulfilling things you ever do...
Apr 27, 2019•40 min•Ep 38•Transcript available on Metacast Register for my brand new FREE PTSD recovery training: "How You Can Quickly Overcome PTSD/CPTSD, And Regain Control Of Your Life For Good" Email me with questions! To your recovery! Kayleen
Apr 24, 2019•47 min•Ep 37•Transcript available on Metacast A hidden PTSD symptom is the resistance that holds you back from doing all the things you used to love. Today Brad and I talk about how to get unstuck and start moving through the resistance and the fear that PTSD brings to us all. We give you some tactical advice from Steven Pressfields book "The War Of Art" that will help you make big leaps in your recovery. Here's what we're covering: 1 - The resistance we all face 2 - How to conquer resistance and fear 3 - Why resistance will ruin your life ...
Apr 23, 2019•33 min•Ep 36•Transcript available on Metacast PTSD hurts right? With PTSD everyday feels like you’re climbing Mount Everest with no guide, 100 mile an hour gusts, and no climbing gear… It’s painful, and it seems like it will last forever. But here’s the first lesson about PTSD…You have to learn how to play hurt. That's what Brad and I cover in today's episode. It can seem an impossible task just to get out of bed, but we're going to show you why getting up and out is your ONLY option. Get ready for a fun ride! Hope you enjoy the show :) RES...
Apr 22, 2019•34 min•Ep 35•Transcript available on Metacast "I wake up in physical fear most mornings, how do I calm myself down?" That's the question one of our listeners gave us, and it's what we're going to be covering today! In this episode we give you a LOT of tools to help you get relief, so make sure you listen up because this information will change your life. Waking up in fear is a huge problem that Brad and I both faced, but we were able to discover how to relief that fear, as well as how to stop it for good! Listen to the episode to learn how ...
Apr 19, 2019•24 min•Ep 34•Transcript available on Metacast Welcome back to this weeks Q&A! Today Brad and I talk about how to overcome the fear of intimacy so you can let love back into your life. This is an extremely hard thing to go through, but if you're committed to healing and doing the work you can live a life FULL of love. I hope you enjoy today's episode! To your recovery! Kayleen RESOURCES: FREE PTSD Recovery Training: Episode On Trust -
Apr 16, 2019•25 min•Ep 33•Transcript available on Metacast Having a vision for your future is so important to create a team atmosphere while in a relationship. If you and your partner are not on the same line, on the same page, or even in the same book recovery is going to be a LOT harder. Today Brad and I talk about how to create that vision, how to communicate it effectively to your partner, and how to conquer that vision together as a team. This is a GREAT episode to watch with your significant other, but also great if you're single as well! Hope you...
Apr 11, 2019•30 min•Ep 32•Transcript available on Metacast Welcome back to this weeks PTSD Recovery Workshop! Today Brad and I talk about Visualization, and why it is so important to your recovery journey. Visualization helps you achieve your goals, relax when nothing else works, and build confidence in yourself and in your recovery. This has been, and continues to be, a huge part of our life. It's propelled us forward when everything seemed bleak and hopeless. Here's what we're covering: 1 - Why visualization is so important 2 - What things should you ...
Apr 09, 2019•28 min•Ep 31•Transcript available on Metacast Happy Monday Motivation!! Feeling stuck and directionless in your PTSD recovery? Don't worry, we've got you covered. We've all been there, but it's vital to know how to get out of it so you can start making progress Today Brad and I talk about PTSD recovery planning... What to plan, why it's important, and when you should be doing it. Believe it or not, this is one of the most important parts of recovery, and is one of the first steps to ensure that you keep making consistent progress on your go...
Apr 08, 2019•34 min•Ep 30•Transcript available on Metacast Today Brad and I answer BIG to trust AND move through fear. Here's the question we were asked... "I find it hard to trust new people or just people in general, like my boyfriend, because of past hurts. I know PTSD is typically because of past experience traumas, but I wanted to know how do you really start to learn how to trust people. I have a fear that everyone is going to hurt me and that is not good in my relationships with friends and with my boyfriend. How should we push th...
Apr 05, 2019•32 min•Ep 29•Transcript available on Metacast Welcome back to this week's episode on PTSD And Relationships! Today Brad and I talk about how to laugh and lighten up, and why it's so important as you progress through your PTSD journey. The therapeutic benefits of humor have been understood for centuries… Finding things to laugh at while going through the horrible things life throws at us has helped humans endure some of the most extreme and unimaginable situations. Today we're teaching you a few ways to harness it's power! Here's what we're ...
Apr 04, 2019•27 min•Ep 28•Transcript available on Metacast Welcome to this weeks PTSD Recovery Workshop where Brad and I talk about how to set boundaries and speak up. Do you do what YOU want? Or is your life at the mercy of others? In today's episode we teach you steps you need to take so you can set healthy boundaries. Creating boundaries around things you accept and don't accept is essential for recovery. If you're constantly exposing yourself to harmful things and situations it's going to be a bump ride to recovery. Here's what we cover: 1 - How to ...
Apr 03, 2019•40 min•Ep 27•Transcript available on Metacast Welcome to this weeks PTSD Book Club where Brad and I review Dr. Aziz Gazipura's book "Not Nice". We uncover all the ways that you're holding yourself back in relationships. So often we allow our PTSD to rule all our relationships... we hide in our shells and can even lose a sense of who we really are. The focus of today's episode is to help you break out of that shell and help you get connected with the REAL you again. Here's what we cover: 1 - Is "nice" really nice? 2 - Your approval seeker, a...
Apr 02, 2019•58 min•Ep 26•Transcript available on Metacast This Monday Brad and I talk about how you can start to take control of your PTSD and your life. It all starts with focusing on what you CAN do, and stop focusing on what you can't. So often we worry about all these other things that our completely outside of our control, and just ignore the things that we can control. What you do, say, think, and believe may be influenced by a lot of outside factors, but they are ultimately under your control. Here's what we cover: 1 - The "3 Fatal PTSD Traps" 2...
Apr 01, 2019•36 min•Ep 25•Transcript available on Metacast Free PTSD recovery training (learn how I recovered from my 15+ yrs. of PTSD): Free Anxiety Book: PTSD Nightly Routine For Better Sleep: The Most Dangerous PTSD Myths:
Mar 14, 2019•44 min•Ep 24•Transcript available on Metacast On this week's PTSD Book Club Brad and I talk about the founder of EMDR, Francine Shapiro's, book "Getting Past Your Past"! This book is an incredible read for anyone who is suffering with PTSD, it will give you hope for a FULL recovery, and also give you some incredibly amazing action steps you can take to finally gain peace in your life. Here's what we're covering... 1 - Getting PTSD from a "perfect" life 2 - Is PTSD really permanent? 3 - How to to take the 1st recovery step I hope you enjoyed...
Mar 13, 2019•39 min•Ep 23•Transcript available on Metacast On this week's PTSD Monday Motivation Brad and I talk about how to get re-motivated! Falling down is part of the PTSD recovery process, so it's vital to learn how to get yourself motivated and moving again! We give you some amazing action steps that will really help you get out of that dark place fast! Here's what we're covering... 1 - How to set yourself up for success 2 - How to create and commit to a daily action plan to keep you energized 3 - How to stay ensure you stay motivated for the lon...
Mar 12, 2019•34 min•Ep 22•Transcript available on Metacast