Recuperando la Vida ~ Una conversación profunda con mi amiga Rosy Contreras, fundadora del nuevo súper podcast Contraterapy que surge a través vez del camino que Rosy y su familia emprenden al enfrentar un diagnóstico que después de casi 15 doctores negándole lo que ella sospechaba y ya sentía, el destino los llevo a la Fundación Castro Limón al descubrir en diagnóstico en su hijo de 11 años y poder lograr empezar su tratamiento~ La preciosa vulnerabilidad, fuerza y amor que Rosy nos regala en e...
Jun 18, 2021•53 min•Ep 76•Transcript available on Metacast Today the mantra, "I Understand" replaced forever in my heart the usual mantra of "acceptance.' We are told to accept the things we can not change, which is a way to surrender to that which is out of our hands to control. I have struggled with that word (acceptance) because it is so strict and in a way triggering to my rebel soul. My heart has expanded in a capacity to UNDERSTAND - which is for me a deeper way of acknowledging the difficulties, struggles, and sufferings of life. Yes, obviously t...
Jun 11, 2021•26 min•Ep 75•Transcript available on Metacast Nikki Velch is an Earth Intimacy Facilitator, Ayurvedic Educator, Natural Builder and Beautiful Soul. We met a few summers ago at Elder Farm in Southern California and I have been following Nikki's journey and her inspiring lifestyle of honoring Mother Earth, our bodies and humanity in such a gentle, powerful and beautiful wildness that is absolutely beyond inspiring to me. Listen in and enjoy her stories of living both the dream as well as the hardships of what it takes to create a life living ...
May 22, 2021•1 hr 11 min•Ep 74•Transcript available on Metacast Que le da sentido a tu vida? Como sabes si lo que estas haciendo es para ti o para complacer a los demás? A tus padres, la sociedad, los abuelos, a la cultura, las mentiras tóxicas de la religión? Con tantos humanos en depresión , anestesiados y sufriendo de ansiedad estaría bien investigar si se robaron el sentido o en realidad estamos viviendo los que nuestras almas vinieron a experimentar en esta vida. Pensamientos en domingo. G
May 02, 2021•35 min•Ep 73•Transcript available on Metacast The changes I have been a part of, witnessed and experienced in these lat 20 plus tears in the solutions and choices people can have for assisting with addictions. From outgrowing 12 step programs and trading addictions (from alcohol to religion or food or work or perfectionism etc...) and a constant seeking and doing "the work" of healing; the evolution I see is the really the PERSPECTIVE of addiction rather than which way you choose to heal and move toward wellness for your SELF, your children...
Apr 27, 2021•32 min•Transcript available on Metacast Tales of Recovery this week sprouts from an experience I had at a retreat with my hands as I was led to softly touch and massage them in a guided meditation. Noticing how my hands are looking more and more like my mothers, I felt a sense of grief at first, then such deep pleasure and intense beauty. The felt sense of beauty is so many times bypassed by the deep struggle that we hold because of standards of 'beauty' artificially created by others- and then imposed on ourselves. How where you SEEN...
Mar 22, 2021•28 min•Transcript available on Metacast Una super interesante y profunda conversación con Yannina Thomassiny, Host del podcast Sabiduría Psicodélica, periodista, músico terapeuta, y facilitadora de la medicina del Sapo ~Bufo Alvarious. Conocí a Yannina el año pasado en un viaje al centro de México cuando fui a tomar la medicina del Sapo con ella. Su energía, su activismo para la expansión de la consciencia y el amor que lleva en su podcast de sabiduría psicodélica y lo que está haciendo esta mujer para el mundo es tan importante que t...
Mar 04, 2021•51 min•Transcript available on Metacast This week on the Tales of Recovery Podcast, I sit with my friend Danna and listen to her beautiful spirit as she tells us her story of turning pain into power. Danna lost her son to a culture that allowed men to override the rights of a mother, she sought justice all the while protecting her child's heart, and fought hard for years until she was able to reunite with him. She then continued to create avenues of communication for other women to speak up and seek help as well. It was an honor to si...
Feb 22, 2021•45 min•Ep 68•Transcript available on Metacast El querer crecer y ser mejor persona es algo bello y necesario para evolucionar como especie~ Pero.... la ansiedad que cargamos al exigirnos siempre mas y mas y mas se puede cuestionar. Para QUIEN te exiges tanto? Para tus padres? Para el gobierno? La sociedad? Los vecinos? tus hijos? Como para QUIEN? Deja tu el para que.. ahi podría haber sentido que hay que trabajara para pagar la renta y comer; o lograr un deseo lindo que quieres realizar para TU vida. Pero cuando se cambia el "para que"- con...
Feb 13, 2021•32 min•Transcript available on Metacast I had the gift of sitting in conversation with the powerful Myranda Bennett for this week's episode of Tales of Recovery. In her words, we continue to bridge communities and dismantle systems of control and oppression. By sharing our journeys with strong backs and soft hearts, may we continue to heal, REcover and REMEMBER all that we have forgotten that belongs to us~ just as we belong to Her~ Boundless Warrior, Myranda Bennett is a Holy Guardian of Indigenous Teachings, Shamanic Practitioner an...
Feb 05, 2021•53 min•Transcript available on Metacast Mimi Young returns to the podcast for a raw and vulnerable conversation on sexism and the disconnect, competition and insecurity (among other issues) this brings among women. The betrayal that gets handed down by mothers, grandmothers, other women is real and certainly not ill heart intended-- but Hurt people: Hurt people! We dive into our experience with sexism and how this system has affected us personally, culturally and how it actually created a women policing other women effect. Sexism and ...
Jan 17, 2021•1 hr 4 min•Transcript available on Metacast Recuperando la Vida ~ Tales of Recovery en español. Que tal si pensáramos bien bien que tanto nos roba de la vida seguir tradiciones que ni al caso… como por ejemplo dejar la autoridad personal de tu cuerpo, voz y alma? Ya sea con tradiciones culturales de la sociedad, de la religion, de tu familia etc? Que tanto escuchas a tu intuición? Porque creo que si no tenemos energía y gozo de nuestro cuerpo alma y voz, pues algo estamos llevando subconscientemente que no tiene congruencia con nuestra in...
Jan 06, 2021•30 min•Transcript available on Metacast The Grief of Beliefs that no longer serve us. This week on Tales of Recovery. After a long ass time of "holidays and new lockdowns", the GRIEF of Beliefs is a compassionate and helpful conversation about investigating beliefs that have not been helpful in this walk of LIFE, and of course the grief that comes from this realization. The realization that these beliefs, standards, imposed emotions are NOT TRUE. It's ok, we are all going to be ok but we can still feel and GRIEVE and cry and feel like...
Dec 28, 2020•30 min•Transcript available on Metacast If you are feeling a bit stressed or are heading into automatic numbing mode due to the recently and upcoming imposed "holidays"..... (like super unnecessary last minute shopping, worried about what you will hear upon entering your family's house (or zoom room) or how the sensations the body remembers from your youth will sneak upon you? Worry not, this is not the scrooge podcast! Just few thoughts of practice and preparing so we can ALLOW Life to flow through us and actually enjoy and be in con...
Dec 20, 2020•33 min•Transcript available on Metacast Recuperando la Vida~ Una rica plática con Tamara Ciriza, lectora y maestra de registros Akáshicos. Este verano tomé un curso de formación de lectores de registros Akáshicos y me cambió la vida~Recordé una vez más la gran capacidad que tenemos para saber y navegar nuestro propio camino. La capacidad y el regalo que es el sernos fieles a nosotros mismos, lograr la gran conexión del espíritu y el amor que se nos tiende a olvidar ; especialmente cuando le seguimos entregando nuestro poder a sistemas...
Dec 14, 2020•57 min•Transcript available on Metacast Reflections on Perspective, Life and Love after the death of a loved one~ Or Anyone! What all happened this year? Integrating so many aspects of Life after a Death, with Magic, Therapy, Energy and the POWER of Self Compassion, I figure living in Softness really is healing and makes the intensity of life a bit easier to take... Thank you for listening, May this be of benefit to anyone struggling today. G
Nov 23, 2020•42 min•Transcript available on Metacast This week on Tales of Recovery: Lisa Lunsford, Holistic Life Coach and Writer, sits with us and shares her powerful journey of healing. She shares some of the difficulties, struggles, tools and experiences in crafting her powerful transformation. From healing childhood trauma, to therapy, breaking up with family, deconstruction of Christian belief systems that contained her in 'safety' for a long time and being a part of a huge mega church break down while going all inclusive LGBTQ... to yoga te...
Nov 09, 2020•56 min•Ep 59•Transcript available on Metacast Aquí va; Tales en Recovery en español. Recuperando la Vida cada vez mas~ See nos ha olvidado nuestro estado natural, al grado que no sabemos como conectarnos con nosotros mismos, con la madre tierra ni con aquellos que nos rodean. Hay tanta programación de miedos que nos alejan del estado natural y sagrado de la vida, muerte y renacimiento~ Y todo por creernos el cuento de que el mas produce, mas vale. El que mas juguetes tiene, mas vale. La mas bonita, joven, flaquita y guapa sale ganando. Y qu...
Nov 03, 2020•46 min•Transcript available on Metacast Some of us have been driven so far away from our natural state that we struggle to connect. With ourselves, with the earth, with others around us. The deep programing of fear based alienation from the natural state and sacred process of life, death and rebirth fed to humans by this hustle culture, government and religious institutions to REMOVE our power has been so long that we sometimes don't even see it. It is so obvious yet we've fallen for it and deem it as normal. We've been robbed of our ...
Oct 26, 2020•56 min•Transcript available on Metacast Lunita Velasquez and I have a conversation about what we did, didn't do, realized and are working through... in these intense times of covid fear and shelter in place. It was a healing and vulnerable conversation for me, I always feel so seen by Lunita and her wisdom and love are tangible in person and in this recording. We touched on some heavy topics with light hearts and hope that listening to this allows some space for healing, laughter and realizing that we are not alone in the grief and cu...
Oct 11, 2020•58 min•Transcript available on Metacast Recuperando la Vida, una introducción en espanol de lo que se trata este espacio~ compartiendo experiencias de cómo vamos recuperando la vida, siéndonos fieles a nosotros mismos con el corazón abierto y hablando las netas sin esconder ni pretender ya más. Les platico mi historia y la razón de este podcast. G
Oct 04, 2020•46 min•Transcript available on Metacast Only after revealing her deepest dark secret, Robin Clare was able to become her most authentic spiritual self. Struggling with food addiction and bulimia, for decades, she finally dug deep into current and past lives to heal wounds that had blocked success and fed her active addiction. Now in recovery, Robin is living her Soul Mission as a speaker and life / writing coach. As an author, she documented her extraordinary spiritual journey in the highly-acclaimed Messiah Within, followed by Amazon...
Sep 30, 2020•46 min•Transcript available on Metacast Recuperando la Vida~ Tales of Recovery en Español! Una platica rica y llena de amor con mi prima y Terapeuta Holistica Karin Astiazaran-Santillan. Hace varios años me salvo la vida en una reunión en Casa Plena en Tijuana. Con sus cuencos maravillosos, su paciencia y comprensión de la des-construcción que vivía yo en ese momento. Maestra y guía de meditación, Karin ha tocado miles de corazones al ayudarnos a encontrar el estar con el aquí y ahora, en paz y armonía. Hoy nos platica de su camino. D...
Sep 21, 2020•1 hr•Ep 53•Transcript available on Metacast My dear friend Golden messaged me a few weeks ago and told me about her friend Leanne, whom she surfs with wanted to share her Re-covery story. Leanne and I connected right away and here is this week's Tales of Recovery podcast for you, a GIFT to the world. Thank you Leanne for speaking your truth and encouraging others to pursue healing. Leanne transformed trauma into clarity, inner peace, and newfound joy-through surfing, EMDR, and sisterhood. She joins me this week on Tales of Recovery to sha...
Sep 12, 2020•54 min•Transcript available on Metacast This week on Tales of Recovery we go Bi-lingual again! Recuperando la Vida. Una conversación profunda con mis amigas del alma las hermanas Paola y Carla Ruiz de Chávez. Platicamos de lo que es el camino de serte fiel a ti misma, cómo llegar a lograr tomar esta decisión aunque eso pueda a veces incluir un divorcio. Lo difícil que es y el tiempo que toma llegar a esta decisión que al final del tiempo te permite expander y vivir el amor más profundo. El amor propio y tu libertad~ Carla y Paola nos ...
Sep 05, 2020•57 min•Ep 51•Transcript available on Metacast Once again I am on here letting my voice speak of this intense habit humans have of returning to the addiction of certainty via the naming of a specific idol. I wonder why even after a deep awakening, a process of religious deconstruction and a time go healing- the addiction to certainty and returning to worship the idol of our childhood returns? Could it be.....superstition? Who knows. Tales of Recovery. G
Aug 28, 2020•25 min•Transcript available on Metacast Practicing calm, entering into Presence~ 22 Minute Meditation led by Gris Alves
Aug 22, 2020•23 min•Transcript available on Metacast On Tales of Recovery this week, I share some highlights of my experience with meditation throughout the years. As a little girl, in recovery, dancing, playing or out of a desperate desire to heal and find answers to my reality. There are many ways we enter into this space of PRESENCE without always being aware of it. When we are little looking out the window on a road trip, sitting on the beach and listening to the waves, entranced in dance or drumming.... or even with a guide anxious to get it ...
Aug 19, 2020•34 min•Transcript available on Metacast On death and dying (part one) begins from a conversation on the difficulty of goodbyes, illness and end of life situations. Which are inevitable. Why are we so scared of the "D" word? Can we begin to realize that it is not a superstitious omen to talk about our transcendence - but talking about death can be an awareness of the actual full and meaningful LIFE that we are gifted to experience here for a while. AND since it will end, how do we want to LIVE?...
Aug 09, 2020•29 min•Transcript available on Metacast In a world with so much available information, healing modalities, science based evidence on the power of meditation and connection....WHY are we still drinking the Kool-aid LIES of patriarchal religious belief systems and the toxic contracts on negative self-worth that these systems create? WHY? What if we can imagine for a few minutes a day that we were born in a different setting, with no prison boxes, but a free and inclusive community that celebrates all lives? A community that is aware of ...
Aug 01, 2020•31 min•Ep 46•Transcript available on Metacast