Mindfulness Practice led by Gris Alves
A Mindfulness Practice of Emotions, led by Gris Alves
A Mindfulness Practice of Emotions, led by Gris Alves
Any Corella, a beautiful yogi soul, tells us her experience on walking her sister Blanca home. After an aggressive cancer diagnosis, all the love and alternative healing circles, the breath of yoga and how her sister and family danced the journey of goodbyes all the while staying serene~ This is our first time recording in SPANISH... si, para tod@s aquellos que les llega mas en nuestro rico idioma, aquí esta. Disfruten, y demos gracias por cada respiración que se nos da. Ajo! G...
After January's episode of Walking my Mother Home...I find myself a few months later with a new widow (my dad) living in our granny flat. The plan to care for our elders and the opportunity to heal and love our parents as they age is set in place. The longing for wisdom keepers is real, but times have changed and when the 'wisdom keepers' don't realize this; they are robbed of their opportunity. In this deep pool of grief we're swimming in, the sensation of anger seeping in as realizations of de...
Speaking heals, being heard heals even more. This feeling of Breathing Under Water is near, it is REAL and as tangible as ever. - I explore grief, anger and being alive and awake during this time. Tales of Recovery thanks you deeply for listening....as we Recover together may we know we can always always ask for help. May you know you are not alone in this. May we become better humans through it all. Resist always. Peace, G
My friend Luis Illades and I were neighbors in Tijuana when we were kids and were both finding our way in our early twenties in the music and arts as well as working at Cafe 101 with other Tijuana greats, a wakeful fork in the road which we talk about during this podcast as we were all working on moving on to liberation from 'general' Tijuana societal structures. Luis is currently a New York City based interventionist and substance abuse counselor. With specific ties to the LGBTQ community, Luis...
This week on the TOR podcast my guest is a Mental Health Essential worker~ An in depth, real and raw conversation with San Diego based Marriage and Family Therapist Matt Bishop. Matt is one of the coolest guys in the therapy world that I know. He has a therapy wolf dog, a great story, is funny, he helps so many people in recovery, meditates and really just GETS it. He shares his own personal journey of healing and how this led to the discovery of his deep innate wisdom and empathy to choose to b...
The love we allow to flow into healing is not always made of soft and gentle caresses. It takes courage and deep work, boundaries AF, dreams, traveling into the subconscious to RE-member and then allow our true worth and intuition’s guide into breaking free from ancestral trauma and codependency. A few words on my reflections on breaking ancestral patterns of disfunction and how my mother’s love was fierce enough to ‘allow’ this to happen. Tales of Recovery, by Gris Alves....
Kirti Srivastava, my fierce friend from diLSe Movement Medicine and Spirit School and I have a conversation about all the feels, but especially about what Safety can mean during this season of Fear. What is happening in the planet and also WHO we need to quarantine with and does that feel safe? We talk about the work and time it takes to DE-program from social conditioning and coding, especially as women of traditional cultural backgrounds. Like always, Kirti blows my mind with her wisdom, humor...
WTF is happening with this pandemic? Life is at a BIG PAUSE right now; and as we are faced with the reality of the fact that this life can end ... (and one day it will) who have we been up to now and how can we choose to live in gratitude and in the present moment? How difficult is it for us to stay still at home in enclosed quarters either by ourselves, a few roommates or our families? This could be the grand opportunity we are being granted by Great Spirit to evaluate and notice what we are re...
My friend and guest RommelRomo had a recent and unexpected diagnosis with Stage 4 Cancer last month. I drove up to his home in Northern California we sat together as he shared with us his experience in a real and unedited conversation. He asked that we record this because he wants to raise awareness and continues to be generous with his life. Thank you Rommel~ May our life experience be of a beneficial presence to others. This conversation is published with great gratitude to you, for your coura...
Rommel Romo, my Tijuana friend, and brother from another mother sit and reflect on 30+ (yes 30+) years of friendship and his journey of recovery through the process of creation, painting, music and art. We chat about our perspective on societal constructs, good times and hard times growing up and the TJ 90's music and drug cartel scene that set off the intuition compass to get the heck out of town. His life experience in San Francisco and Oakland has impacted many with his talent, resilient huma...
Grief is not a feeling, it's a capacity, it is not something that disables you. We are not on the receiving end of grief, we are in the practicing end of it ~Stephen Jenkins Tales of Recovery this week is me and my grief. What it looks like, feels like and how I am traveling along with this experience of impermanence so far. I fell held in love and connection, in friendships and practices of yoga, drumming, music and good ol' weeping and pajama days. I am welcoming all of it. I am grateful for a...
My mom suffered a stroke two years ago, she transcended last week on January 2nd, 2020. This is a small bit of my experience on walking her home...
This week on the Tales of Recovery podcast, my guest Mimi Young and I have a deep and fun conversation that includes our somehow similar bi-cultural immigrant lives~ Her family moved from Taiwan to Canada when she was two years old, she sensed her intuitive gifts from a young age which included a deep connection with plants and Spirits, clairolfaction and other physic abilities. Navigating through family traditions and cultural obstacles Mimi tells her story of REcovering her gifts of healing an...
This week on Tales of Recovery my guest Lunita Velasquez, a first generation American, Yogini, Poet and Mother of two tells us about her beautiful healing journey. Recovery takes many paths and it's lovely to notice how we can all help each other heal in conversation and the honest telling of our stories~ Another Mexican Mujer shares openly with us her struggle with life, alcohol as an escape and the community and magic that led her to heal, practice embodiment, self love, boundaries and of cour...
The Appearances that Kill. The, "What will they say?" message. The mirroring of having value as a human ONLY if you look good, perform well and pretend that you have your shit together all the time is killing our souls-- as well as our capacity to relate and connect at a deeper level. Learning that love and acceptance is earned by how good you look hinders real loving and connection. It creates judgement and self-loathing and is just outright a hot mess. As a Mexican Woman, the pressure to perfo...
The fact that we were robbed of our magic, robbed of our needs and desires in order to follow "what will people say" and religious rules is some crazy bullshit. The programing is deep. All this life I've been fighting for the birthright to BE free and able to speak my truth- To Live a life of unabandoned love and magic. I've asked the difficult questions about faith and religion and family secrets ONLY to be told to be quiet- and stop questioning the law of the laaawwd and of course, the family....
Leaf Weigel, author, musician and music therapist joins me on this week's Tales of Recovery episode to talk about the reality of Eco-Grief and the longing for our bodies to connect to nature and comfort our souls. How aware are you about this? Our world is grieving this disconnect yet capitalism and the speed of culture's hustle of life has us half-blinded and half despaired to this phenomenon. Leaf shares their story about how they noticed this in their body and soul, the depression they lived ...
Why the behavior programming of training humans to just be 'polite' removes our freedom, our voice, robs us of our available healthy boundaries and the noticing and awareness of our emotions. The choice we have of continuing with the lies of having to be 'polite' vs the knowing benevolent nature of our soul~ is so important. Can we rediscover in self love and KINDness that we can live a transformed life of peace and freedom. We can stop the passive aggressive dysfunction of relationships based o...
This week on the Tales of Recovery Podcast, Tijuana sister's Carina Luz and Marcela Valladolid join me in a meaningful conversation on their journey of rediscovery and healing from the limitations of societal and religious belief systems. They share their story of pain, loss and return to love after the death of their mother. Carina Luz, entrepreneur, community gatherer and meditation guide along with her sister Chef Marcela, author, influencer and woman empowerment advocate light up the podcast...
More Recovery Insights on how this thing called 'social conditioning' and behavior modification HINDERS love, HINDERS the ability to give and receive love, self-love and the freedom to be ourselves... to just BE without all this pretending and walking on eggshells (in particular with family) because of preconceived ideas of conditional acceptance and how we 'should' act, think and perform. The awareness of these hindering blocks can be a way to journey to freedom and our birthright to think for ...
No one likes to say anything about this but doesn't family often feel like a cult? It's hard to escape it since you are born into it. Then the ongoing message that family comes first and always and over everything else can get a little overboard. Do parents really own us? Setting boundaries with family can sometimes feel more like an escape tactic and if you dare say anything delicate about the family 'secrets' you will be shamed to death but probably still not be allowed to leave... How can we ...
Sarah Knapp, daughter, vocalist and Alzheimer's groupie joins me today on this episode of Tales of Recovery as we talk about the Gift that Alzheimer's has given her. Her dad was diagnosed with this disease soon after her parent's divorced. We have a soulful and raw conversation on how this difficult and painful experience of caring for our elderly and ill parents has opened up opportunities to dance with death and really breathe in the gift of life, love, looking inwards into our own shadow, and...
What happens after a huge deconstruction of belief systems? The grief and anger of going through the process of a spiritual breakdown and realizing that the G.O.D. and certain stories and creeds I grew up and was programmed to believe were a fraud? It took me years to 1)speak up about my doubts and anxiety about non-inclusive faiths, and 2) once I did speak up all hell broke loose (no pun intended)!I felt like a rug was swiped from under my feet. The journey of grief is no joke. It takes courage...
Tamara L. Falicov joins me on this episode of Tales of Recovery to talk about her experience in Cuba as a medical traveler during the late 80's while her Father was battling cancer. We talk about her experience as a 17 year old traveling with a deep purpose and an underlying fear of the unknown in the then prohibited for Americans, Republic of Cuba. She was given only six hours to enter and then leave the Republic. With courage and the mission to help her father heal, she discovered a curiosity ...
Golden and I talk talk all things on waking up to the super life that has been controlled by outside forces- culture, family, government, patriarchy all of it. I read one of her latest posts in Instagram and the words were jumping right out of my bones. I read it on the podcast but check it out here: Awakening is a revolutionary act nowadays. it’s tricky, the system is designed to be comfortable only for ppl on auto pilot. they don’t want us awake & conscious bc it’s easier to control folks who ...
What's the deal with being a 'good girl'? Wouldn't you rather be a badass? The problem with the social programming of behavior control and trying to be "good".. which implies that we are bad to begin with as well as fuel the I am not enough epidemic! What can we Re-cover as we rediscover this unwarranted need to be a freaking 'good girl' BS? In my opinion? Liberation and empowerment. YES. Listen up and let me know what you'd rather BE?
Mary BG is my guest on this week's episode of Tales of Recovery. Mary is a blogger, social media strategist, author of Dead Dad's Club book, single mom of tween daughters and the creator of the Mama Mary Show. Mary is one of the coolest, funniest and smartest chicks I know. We played volleyball together while we were in High School and today, many years later, we have reconnected to talk about the real, raw, honest and difficult but crazy good road of recovery. Listen in and be inspired by her s...
Dave Rivas is an Activist, Artist, Theater Producer, Playwright. Dave is the creator of "Historias Tenebrosas", producer of Amigos del Rep, has served with Border Angels and you might have seen him playing "Cholo Satan" in "La Pastorela". He's not only educating and inspiring through theatre but is also helping people find their voice! Be inspired by his story of Recovery from alcoholism, his transformation through his creative process and giving so much value to our Chicanos, Mexicans, Latinos ...
What are the societal, patriarchal, religious rules that are ruining you? UNLEARNING and breaking oppressing rules has been a key process in my life and in my journey of RE-covery. Recovering our life might take a sacred rage and a fighting against the machine, domestication and imposed expectations that might just not suit our purpose in this life. A bit of my warranted rebellion shows up on this podcast- it is an invitation to explore the belief systems that have held you back from evolving an...