Send us a text In episode 517 we talked about the need for endurance, but let’s skip back to effort again because effort only once is a result, but if you reapply your skills with even more effort, you’ll = achievement. Today we work off of Angela Duckworth’s formula for massive achievement. Talent x Effort = Skill. Skill x Effort = Achievement. People who are less talented than you are doing better than you, not because they work twice as hard- but because they apply effort twice as much as you...
Jun 03, 2020•15 min•Transcript available on Metacast Send us a text When comedian Steve Martin is asked his advice on how to be successful it’s pretty simple. “Be so good they can’t ignore you.” Today we’re riffing from @calnewport book “So good they can’t ignore you.” Adopt a “Craftsman’s Mindset” & stop playing against “tha man” & start molding your career. If you keep getting passed over or not even considered for perks or’s because you’re not even a part of the conversation. Mold yourself into the kind of person that the wo...
Jun 02, 2020•20 min•Ep 518•Transcript available on Metacast Send us a text New month, new goals, right? With renewed optimism THIS is gonna be your month. To achieve your goals it’s gonna take massive effort...we all know that. Effort = Reward. But what isn’t talked about is it’s gonna take endurance too. Endurance is the ability to stay in the tension for as long as you can, release, aNd quickly jump back in the tension, lengthening your emotional and physical rope. Endurance is your superpower. Not only for delayed gratification but gratification when ...
Jun 01, 2020•17 min•Ep 517•Transcript available on Metacast Send us a text Believe it or not, although he’s definitely had some way low’s, Mike Tyson said his rock bottom moment was when he became the Heavyweight Champion of the world. When he had no name, money, or belt he always wanted to train, but once he had it all, he didn’t want to train to defend it. If you find you’re starting to relax and lay up in your done’ need some more do’s. Text me or leave me a voice mail w/ your thoughts on today’s episode & your questions! 337-565-0906 Put y...
May 31, 2020•20 min•Ep 516•Transcript available on Metacast Send us a text “I can’t take it anymore!” Said that a few thousand times? Yea, me too, when things aren’t working. It’s times like this that you have to remember you’re playing in the gap between “Fake it till I make it” & “Make it till I make it.” You’re playing in the “take it” gap & interpreting it wrong. Text me or leave me a voice mail w/ your thoughts & questions! 337-565-0906 Put your thumbs to work! 👍Share today’s message with someone who needs it. 🔔 Hit the notification bu...
May 30, 2020•19 min•Transcript available on Metacast Send us a text Text or send me a voice memo! I want to hear from you 337-565-0906 David Clark was remembered on Rich Roll’s podcast. Rich played a previous conversation he had with David- his story was amazing to transforming from a 320 lb raging alcoholic who could only run 15 seconds, to one who ran some of those rigorous ultra runs ever. Clark said, “I didn't want to just run a marathon. I want to BE the one who runs marathons.” There’s a difference between checking a box and saying I di...
May 29, 2020•19 min•Transcript available on Metacast Send us a text “Need to so you never have to again.” Today is a “heavy have to” for me. There are days where I’m ramped up & excited about the future. But today’s not one of those days. It’s what I call a “heavy have to,” where the obligations weigh you down & call you out. “You want to do what?” & “Be what?” The heavy have to’s will fill you with doubt and make you feel like a fool. But I do what I need to do anyway. See, have to is an obligation, “I have to go to work & pay bil...
May 28, 2020•17 min•Transcript available on Metacast Send us a text When you look at an athlete, actor, entrepreneur- or anyone who is successful, you often are looking for their advantages & telling yourself that they made it “because of” (their gifts or luck). But their story is just like yours. The story you see today looks like they made it “because of” something unique, but their back story is that they made it “in spite of.” Put your thumbs to work! 👍Share today’s message with someone who needs it. 🔔 Hit the notification button for new...
May 27, 2020•15 min•Transcript available on Metacast Send us a text Benjamin Hardy writes that one of the psychological keys to Kobe Bryant’s success was his refractory period. Your refractory period is the amount of time it takes to emotionally recover & move on from an experience. KB had a short memory. He took the shot and moved on to the next one. The key to being psychologically flexible is to, “Expect everything & attach to nothing.” You lower your expectations because you get lost in the process & accept what is. ...but not any ...
May 26, 2020•20 min•Transcript available on Metacast Send us a text (Sorry for the audio quality. Experimenting w/ new equipment so I need to tweak it.) On his show Maxed Out, Ed Mylett made an off-hand comment to John Maxwell. “Who would’ve ever thought a preacher could leave his church and go on to become one of the most prolific thought leaders in business (& life), selling over 30 million books.” Maxwell responder, “It doesn’t make sense does it?” I’m sure, taking the leap into the business world over two decades ago & looking back on ...
May 25, 2020•13 min•Ep 510•Transcript available on Metacast Send us a text Neuroscientist Andrew Huberman was recently on Tom Bilyeu’s Impact Theory Podcast. I’m geeky about how the brain 🧠 works but I’m reeeeeal geeky on managing fear. Today, I’m DJ’ing Huberman’s findings, learn how to quiet your mind to boost your productivity in your Sales & Life. I will post the clip & link of the interview on The Sales Life Facebook Group. Join today to get the extra-extra Share today’s message with someone who needs it. 🔔 Hit the notification button for ...
May 24, 2020•18 min•Ep 509•Transcript available on Metacast Send us a text Double your abilities by optimizing “hard” “The ability of the average man can be DOUBLED if their situation demanded it.” Will Durant Think back...when you were in the clutch of a situation you doubled your abilities and made it happen, right? Kids, 12 hour work days, single parenting, or a new baby is hard, but think of the learning curve. The “hard” forces you to have to learn faster...think of you applied this to other areas of your life. You don’t have a time problem you have...
May 23, 2020•23 min•Ep 508•Transcript available on Metacast Send us a text 507. “Your noun needs a new verb.” On your path to change, you will suffer emotional & physical injuries along the way. Injuries are a part of it, but the word injury is a noun & your recovery has EVERYTHING to do with what comes after that noun. Past tense, past results...dead future. Here are your show notes for today's episode! ____________________________________ Share this if you or one of your friends are physical...
May 22, 2020•12 min•Ep 507•Transcript available on Metacast Send us a text In chapter 14 of Wes Berry’s book “Big Things Have Small Beginnings,” he leads off telling the true story of “A message to Garcia.” A story of one officer who had to go alone through the jungles to deliver a critical message to Garcia. It took Rowan 3 weeks but he did it. He didn’t whine or complain, he got it done. Rowans have 4 traits: Individual responsibility, focus, perseverance, & creatively find solutions to complicated problems. Rowan is awakening that gladiator inside...
May 21, 2020•20 min•Transcript available on Metacast Send us a text Self- worth is the OPINION you place on the value that you bring. Being that you’ve got no problem remembering all of your mistakes & failures you pronounce have a low self worth. Which is why you depend on material things & others to make you feel worthy. Today changes all of that. You set your worth & if you want to change your worth you must put yourself in situations that EXCEED your current self-worth. TSL action item: What “penny” people & situations will you...
May 20, 2020•15 min•Transcript available on Metacast Send us a text Jason Feifer Editor & Chief of Entrepreneur Magazine said on Heather Monahan’s “Creating Confidence” Podcast “You have 2 sets of opportunities: Opportunity Set A: All the things people are asking you to do. ie Boss, expectations. Opportunity Set B: All the things that are available but no one is asking you to do-whether on your job or on your own.” “The most important stuff is in Opportunity Set B” TSL Action item: What is an Opportunity B I will seize because it’s available e...
May 19, 2020•20 min•Ep 504•Transcript available on Metacast Send us a text “I wish I was more consistent,” is on everybody’s wish list. You start off on fire to get up earlier to work out or learn more, but you soon quit because you can barely walk or stay awake during the day. You quit in the dip. This episode will help you power through. TSL Action: What skill will you develop. What days & times will you protect to build this skill. Hearing this episode, why did you quit before & what will you do differently? Show your love by sharing this epis...
May 18, 2020•17 min•Ep 503•Transcript available on Metacast Send us a text A life without reflection is like a bike with no reflectors. You get run over. TSL Action for today: What will you reflect on? Now that you’ve shed light on that experience, what will you do- not to get back, but to move ahead? Email me @ If you ❤️ today’s episode share it with someone who needs this message or copy the link and share it on your socials. This will help spread the message of TSL. This episode was recorded on Facebook Live. Connect with me an...
May 17, 2020•11 min•Ep 502•Transcript available on Metacast Send us a text Have you ever talked to someone over the phone & in that 1 phone call you determined what they looked like- all the way down to their race, weight, height, & success? And then when you see them in person they look NOTHING like you envisioned? 😂 If your mind is that powerful to create an image of a whole person based on tone & words, just think how instrumental your mind is to your success. The question is what image are you playing to? Here are your juicy show notes! ...
May 16, 2020•18 min•Ep 501•Transcript available on Metacast Send us a text “When’s the last time you took responsibility OVER everything in your life?” ~Mark Metry author of “Screw Being Shy.” Most equate responsibility with fault. Some things weren’t your fault- they were out of your control...but it is your responsibility on who you become over those events. Response-able. Your ability to decide & act. SHOW NOTES! TSL Action Item: 1. What will you take responsibility over that has been a fault in your...
May 15, 2020•16 min•Ep 500•Transcript available on Metacast Send us a text The city cut a huge tree limb hovering over a power line. They cut the branch...but not the tree. SHOW NOTES! Your TSL Action: 1. In your life, what was a cutting of a “branch” but you saw it as a “tree?” 2. Are you acting as a stump or trunk? 3. What else needs to be pruned? Email me @ If you ❤️ today’s episode share it with someone who needs this message or copy the link and share it on your socials. This wil...
May 14, 2020•13 min•Ep 499•Transcript available on Metacast Send us a text Drinking a case of beer every night is available to me... Smashing a seafood platter or Popeye's Chicken 😋every night is available to me... You can work to a schedule or work to opportunities. Just because it’s available doesn’t mean it’s good for you. Here's your juicy show notes! TSL Action item: 1. What discipline will you put in front of your availabilities? “I will do ________ (+) instead of _________ (-). 2. What are...
May 13, 2020•18 min•Ep 498•Transcript available on Metacast Send us a text You want what “they” have right? There’s nothing wrong with wanting more...but how do you get there? They seem to be 4000 miles ahead of you. If you chase their results, you’ll quit. But if you measure their activities to your activities you’ll learn to level up. 🔥Instead of jealously pointing to their advantages, look at their activities compared to yours. How do you measure up? Here's your hot and spicy show notes! TSL Actio...
May 12, 2020•21 min•Ep 497•Transcript available on Metacast Send us a text Tired of the roller coaster ride of your life? Up, down..up, down becomes a viscous cycle & it wears you out. The reason why you find yourself on this never ending roller coaster ride is bc you’re not working in opposites. TSL Action item: Name your current situation- good or bad. How will you work contrary to your current situation? Email me @ If you ❤️ today’s episode share it with someone who needs this message or copy the link and share it on your s...
May 11, 2020•17 min•Ep 496•Transcript available on Metacast Send us a text An aircraft carrier is steered 3 degrees at a time. If you ever get to a point where you have to suddenly make a 30 degree turn, it’s not because of the moment, it’s because you didn’t make the 3 degree course corrections 5 miles ago. Think of your life as an aircraft carrier. You’re not gonna turn your ship 🚢 all at once, but you begin to “tick” it in the right direction. (& Don’t take your ticks back 😉) TSL 3 degree action step today: What is your course correction tick to...
May 10, 2020•18 min•Ep 495•Transcript available on Metacast Send us a text Neil Gaiman wrote, “You can fix anything, but one thing you cannot fix is the perfection of a white page.” How can you improve if there’s nothing on your page? TSL Action Item: What will you bravely put on your blank page today? If what you wrote failed in the past...what will you do today to improve? Email me @ If you ❤️ today’s episode share it with someone who needs this message or copy the link and share it on your socials. This will help spread the awa...
May 09, 2020•17 min•Ep 494•Transcript available on Metacast Send us a text How many times have you let circumstances stand in the way of the creative things you want to do? You want to be an author, speaker, podcaster, negotiator, personal trainer, financial planner, YouTube star, or have your own cooking show? Oh...but you need (_______this) first, right? You didn’t when you were a kid. You used duct tape, pillows, & plywood to build your desires. If you want circumstances to change, then the creatives must come before the circumstances. You have al...
May 08, 2020•24 min•Transcript available on Metacast Send us a text Don't we all. That's why I've got you on this episode. Persistence is a skill, not a talent-so the good news is, you can develop it. Persistence requires 4 ingredients: Purpose, Plan, Focus, & Alliance. If you find you're not persistent, it's probably because you're deficient in 1 or more of these areas. TSL Action Plan: 1. In which of the 4 ingredients are you lacking most? 2. FOR 7 DAYS ONLY! What will you specifically do to improve that ingredi...
May 07, 2020•23 min•Ep 497•Transcript available on Metacast Send us a text You’re gonna have those days when you, someone, or something gets you down. Feel the down moments just don’t fall to them. Use these moments as wake up calls to analyze how you need to tighten up. TS💪 Action Item: 1. Name a moment that was very tough for you 2. How will you use it as a wake up call & do something different. (& blame is not an option) 3. Email me Here are the show notes for today's episode:
May 06, 2020•16 min•Ep 491•Transcript available on Metacast Send us a text 490 (10 away from 500 episodes 🙌) Only used to come before your if comes after your if’s. You can live with regret (if only) or you can work, starting with “I’m only____” No matter what your situation is, don’t trade your only’s. Your TSL Action Item today: 1. Name a “if only...” moment. Moments you wish you would’ve done differently. 2. Name a “roll moment” (I’ve been working out for 6 months...I started my online business, book, LLC, podcast, or opened a checking or W...
May 05, 2020•15 min•Transcript available on Metacast