Send us a text Probably one of the most referenced to people on my podcast is Navy SEAL Marcus Luttrell who wrote the book that later became a movie “Lone Survivor.” He said “People live in a reality that is unique to them. They build it themselves to make it perfect. The people that exist in other people’s realities are the ones who succeed..” We all think that our way is the right way..the right way to manage, parent, save, lose weight...we have the right way to pray, deal with others, and eve...
May 24, 2018•6 min•Transcript available on Metacast Send us a text When my dad had total knee replacement he said the most painful part was when they showed up the next day to begin therapy...they pushed, bent, flexed, & stretched so much that he thought his knee was going to rip back open. Although the pain was excruciating, the therapists said they had to put the pain through a process or it would forever affect his may have not had surgery but you sure as hell know pain & although we don’t want to feel even more pain, we mu...
May 23, 2018•4 min•Transcript available on Metacast Send us a text Fear...oh we know of the only things that’s loyal in our lives is ole’ fear..we tell fear that we hate it..we talk about it..we express it to others and even weave it into our prayers..but fear ain’t going nowhere, it stays right there. Fear is a good has its place in our’s there to protect and provoke you, so fear ain’t the thing that’s holding you back. The thing that’s holding you back is commitment & emotions and that’s what we’re talking abou...
May 22, 2018•8 min•Transcript available on Metacast Send us a text Great salespeople are artists...they’re artists & collectors of art because the see & value what others..what most don’t see at all. Most salespeople are fashionistas- they come & go with the trends. 👉👉Thanks for checking out today’s episode. Please subscribe, share, & rate the show in order to get the word out. Remember I’m at Send in a voice message: 📣Who needs to hear this episode? Share it and help...
May 21, 2018•5 min•Transcript available on Metacast Send us a text I get’re busy..your didn’t get to listen to all of this week’s shows- well I got your back. Here is a recap of this week’s shows- see which ones provoke your interest and pop in on that particular show. 👉👉Thanks for listening..but more importantly thanks for making change happen in your Life. We’ll all benefit by what you’re doing bc we’re all connected. Keep going..make shit happen. 💯 Send in a voice message: 📣Who need...
May 20, 2018•9 min•Transcript available on Metacast Send us a text We’re back in the sales lab today to talk about Opportunities over Outcomes & how to Expect the Best..but Prepare for the Worst. Thanks for listening, subscribing, & sharing with others. I’m @ 🙌 Send in a voice message: 📣Who needs to hear this episode? Share it and help grow the show. 🛑 Watch & subscribe to episodes on my YouTube Channel: 📝Leave a q...
May 18, 2018•12 min•Transcript available on Metacast Send us a text Ahhhh the season is upon us. The envelopes are showing up in your mailbox & on your office’s graduation time & the ones you watched grow or barely even know want you to put a lil something in an envelope for them. Graduates have met a standard set by a board...but education has a committee of 1 & her name is Life. Education starts within...Today’s episode is focused on education...& it’s not about schools, scholarships, nor’s about & o...
May 17, 2018•7 min•Transcript available on Metacast Send us a text We don’t ever think of Bad as being an opportunistic situation...a sudden downsize due to divorce or bankruptcy...a loss of a loved one..the job you busted your ass for- seeing them through when they were at their stuck by them but today they’re moving on ..without you. Today’s episode is pulling on that common thread we all share..the share of hurt, pain, fear, & find opportunity in bad. 👉👉Thanks for catching today’s show. Send in a voice message: ht...
May 16, 2018•7 min•Transcript available on Metacast Send us a text While filming Deliverance, actor Burt Reynolds was stopped on set and told, “Stop acting, just behave...we’ll wait for you...bc we can’t take our eyes off of you.” In a world of actors, we need more of those who behave...those who bring the uniqueness, boldness, whit, charm, expertise, your beauty of “Me” to the position you’re in. In short we need You first...Thanks for listening. Send in a voice message: 📣Who needs to hear this episode? Shar...
May 15, 2018•5 min•Transcript available on Metacast Send us a text Those who don’t believe in you...those who think you can’t-that you’re unqualified...that they just don’t see “it” in you...those that snicker, cough, raise their eyebrows, & roll their eyes when you look away....those doubters are some of your greatest tools..& you need them. 👉👉Thanks soooo much for listening, remember I’m at 💯 Send in a voice message: 📣Who needs to hear this episode? Share it and help grow ...
May 14, 2018•7 min•Transcript available on Metacast Send us a text Here’s a quick look back at what we covered this past week...that way you can see which episodes you may want to tune into and which ones don’t apply to you right now. 👉👉Thanks for listening, Sharing, & subscribing to the show💯. Send in a voice message: 📣Who needs to hear this episode? Share it and help grow the show. 🛑 Watch & subscribe to episodes on my YouTube Channel: 📝L...
May 13, 2018•13 min•Transcript available on Metacast Send us a text The first AMA (Ask Me Anything) episode where where I answer viewer questions. For this episode a viewer asks how to get a lost account back & another viewer wants to know how to not get so discouraged when a sale isn’t made. 👉👉Send your questions to & if used on the show you’ll get some cool Sales Life swag. 👉👉Please take a min to rate the show to get the word out, subscribe not to miss an episode, & share w someone you think can use. Pay t...
May 11, 2018•13 min•Transcript available on Metacast Send us a text We want to know everything don’t we? How’s it going to play out? Is it worth it? What if it doesn’t work? Blah blah on & on...we want to know everything from A-Z & Life just doesn’t work that way. We live a Life that’s not unveiled all at once...Life is step at a time. 👉Today’s episode is about not worrying about Step Z when you need to be focusing on Step B..take the next step & don’t capitalize transitional moments along the way.👉👉thanks for catchin...
May 10, 2018•5 min•Transcript available on Metacast Send us a text Legendary skateboarder Tony Hawk said when he first started skating the ramps at the competition were terribly built & shook ..but he skated them anyway bc Hawk was a pro in action where others are amateurs in thought. Today’s episode discusses a Pro mindset vs the amateur mindset. It’s not about your title or current role- you can have a Pro mindset & Pro lifestyle in all you do. 👉👉Live what you Learn today! Thanks sooo much for listening ☝️ Send in a voice message: htt...
May 09, 2018•5 min•Transcript available on Metacast Send us a text I don’t like confrontation- you’d think that I would since I work for 20 years in the confrontation business of sales that I could confront in all areas of my Life but that’s just not the case...when it comes to my personal life I was not good at “confrontation.” But I’ve realized that it’s not confrontation that I’ve been fearful’s the uncertainty masked as confrontation. 👉👉Let me know your thoughts- I’d love to hear from you @marshbuice on Twitter or thesaleslife1@gmai...
May 08, 2018•9 min•Transcript available on Metacast Send us a text When we think of the word confidence, we all have different ways to describe it...but confidence is two sided. There’s “perceived confidence” and then there’s “earned confidence,” & today is about why you need ‘em both. 👉👉Thank you for tuning in. Please subscribe so you won’t miss an episode..share with someone in need..& rate it. The more ratings the higher & more noticeably recommended it’ll be. Much luv! ✌️ Send in a voice message:
May 07, 2018•6 min•Transcript available on Metacast Send us a text Pretty shocking title I know, but we’ve either heard someone say these words...and/or we’ve even thought them when it came to our own lives...when things seem too much, too unbearable ...when the world seems to close in and make us claustrophobic- confining us to a world of darkness we want to hit the stop button in Life. A friend said these words to me hurt to hear them...but I can relate...I’ve felt this way too. Today’s episode albeit it taboo- I felt needed to hav...
May 04, 2018•9 min•Transcript available on Metacast Send us a text Today we’re working on our “Tries” try more, differently, & openly- hell if it doesn’t work the first 10x - tweak & try again. Today’s episode are two fundamentals “Think tight, but play loose” & “Actions speak louder than words.” Hope it helps! Remember I’m at ✌️ Send in a voice message: 📣Who needs to hear this episode? Share it and help grow the show. 🛑 Watch & subscribe to episodes on my YouTube Chan...
May 03, 2018•7 min•Transcript available on Metacast Send us a text CEO, CFO, COO, CAO or whatever you wanna put between the C & the O it, tag it, label it what you want but know are the Chief of “Brand You” and you better watch your “shareholders” & put them in check. 👉👉Thanks for tuning in I really do appreciate it. Send in a voice message: 📣Who needs to hear this episode? Share it and help grow the show. 🛑 Watch & subscribe to episodes on my YouTube Channel:
May 02, 2018•5 min•Transcript available on Metacast Send us a text Ever see or know of somebody who “used to be?” other words they used to be a manager or district manager...or used to own hear they “used to be (this)” and you just don’t see it so you turn and ask someone “How in the hell?” Today’s episode is guarding yourself against being cast as a “How in the hell?!” Just bc you may have to take a step back in life (briefly) doesn’t mean you have to accept the role you’ve fallen into. 👉👉Please subscribe, rate (We got 5 🌟 so...
May 01, 2018•7 min•Transcript available on Metacast Send us a text It was a long, tiresome day...on my home I had to make a quick stop to the grocery store. It was close to closing so I hurriedly paced the aisles and when it was my turn to check out the teenager snapped my mindset with just a simple question....👉👉Thank you for tuning in & supporting the show. It means a lot to me..share the show to someone you think could use. ✌️ Send in a voice message: 📣Who needs to hear this episode? Share it and hel...
Apr 30, 2018•5 min•Transcript available on Metacast Send us a text Let’s get back in the mental gym w a couple of sales nuggets. The two we’ll cover this episode are 1) Taking ownership by eliminating the weak phrase “My manager says...” & why it’s death to your negotiations...& 2) Having a “Fast First” mentality (think Soap Opera)👉👉Thanks listening, subscribing, & sharing w others. Send in a voice message: 📣Who needs to hear this episode? Share it and help grow the show. 🛑 Watch & subscrib...
Apr 27, 2018•9 min•Transcript available on Metacast Send us a text Marcus Luttrell- the guy who wrote the book that went on to become a movie (has a great podcast Team Never Quit) ...he has a Heavy Box Mentality...he had to have it as a Navy SEAL & he had to have it recovering from his injuries & surgeries. 👉👉We all need a Heavy Box Mentality..a HBM is the 5 sec gap of making a decision to choose easy...or do it hard. 👉👉Thanks for tuning in, I’m at Send in a voice message: �...
Apr 26, 2018•5 min•Transcript available on Metacast Send us a text The sacrifices you worked two jobs- made a way out of no scraped and scrapped to make it gave him a saw in him what he didn’t even see in taught him everything you knew about the business...all that you did for your kids..your salespeople...your friends...they owe you nothing....Thanks for tuning in, I’m & Send in a voice message: 📣Who needs to hear this ep...
Apr 25, 2018•3 min•Transcript available on Metacast Send us a text Today’s podcast addresses a place we’ve all found ourselves in..The Dip...if you’re not already in one best believe there’s a Dip coming and regardless where you are you need to decide to stick w it or just quit. (Hat Tip to Seth Godin’s incredible short read The Dip) 👉👉Thank you listening, sharing, & subscribing. I’m at or follow me on Twitter @marshbuice ✌️ Send in a voice message: 📣Who needs to hear this episod...
Apr 24, 2018•4 min•Transcript available on Metacast Send us a text Ok so I was at Buffalo Wild Wings (yes I cheated) while I’m standing there waiting on my food, I see a glass case full of professional athletes’ autographs. Both kids & adults were staring into the case...some wish it was them...others wonder what could’ve been...signatures make an impact in our lives...but I’m not talking about just the famous people..I’m talking about your signature. Today’s episode is a reminder of the significance your signature bears in the lives of ...
Apr 23, 2018•5 min•Ep 169•Transcript available on Metacast Send us a text After conducting over 35,000 interviews, Oprah Winfrey said that when its over, a majority of the people interviewed asked the same question...”Was that ok?” If these big named, huge notoriety, shot-callers need validation...don’t you think your salespeople (& others for that matter) need to be validated too? Today’s podcast discusses the importance of validation- before, during, & after a sale. 👉👉Preciate the love & support. Remember I’m @ &a...
Apr 20, 2018•4 min•Transcript available on Metacast Send us a text In this week’s “I gots to have episode” here are 2 damn right Superpowers you need to add into your sales game. These two are subtle, yet powerful. Let me know your thoughts @ ✌️ Send in a voice message: 📣Who needs to hear this episode? Share it and help grow the show. 🛑 Watch & subscribe to episodes on my YouTube Channel: 📝Leave a quick rating and review fo...
Apr 19, 2018•12 min•Transcript available on Metacast Send us a text Finishing up activist & CNN personality Van Jones’ book he tells of a story when he was a child asking why didn’t his dad give the poor some money...that way they won’t be poor anymore. His dad retaliated saying that you could give the poor money..but if they’re poor in skill, education, & self reliance- they’ll have money today & be broke tomorrow. Every person has their own ladder to climb - a ladder of our own we climb we give others a rung & childre...
Apr 18, 2018•6 min•Transcript available on Metacast Send us a text Actor George Clooney- was once People Magazines Sexiest Man wasn’t always that way. In high school he was stricken w Bell’s Palsy which partially paralyses one side of your face. He goes on to say that as tough as it was to have one side of your face droop in high school he learned to develop a sense of humor...he said it's things like this that happen in Life that develop your personality....Today’s episode is about developing your personality- what it means...& how to p...
Apr 17, 2018•7 min•Ep 165•Transcript available on Metacast