Staffing stress? You’re not on your Pat Malone! Many of you have recently brought on your first staff members, and I hear you. YOU. ARE. STRESSED. Building a team can be a truly exciting and rewarding time in any business, but it often comes with traumatic growth on the part of the business owner. This isn’t because you’re a bad leader or a bad business owner … You’re a great “technician” (skilled clinician, in the case of most of my clients), with no training on how to recruit and retain staff ...
May 24, 2022•8 min•Transcript available on Metacast Why exactly am I so excited? Well some of it is a secret for now, but here’s what I can tell you … EXCITING NEWS! In addition to new online courses (announcement coming next week), I’m putting together a series of in-person events in Melbourne! It’s been such an incredibly long time since I’ve been able to run workshops, and I can’t wait to get back into that space again. I’m planning something incredibly spoiling … think stunning views, expert catering, and a whole day of indulgence (whic...
May 02, 2022•10 min•Transcript available on Metacast This week I’ve been speaking about this with my Like A Boss members (in BIG detail) and also introduced the concept to my No Quarter members. The key issues everyone is weighed down by seem to be: (i) A need to work “smarter-not-harder” after our past brutal couple of years; (ii) The need for several changes to how their businesses function in order to achieve this (time management, fee structure, recruitment, etc); and then (iii) complete overwhelm at how much work needs to be done with so litt...
Feb 03, 2022•11 min•Transcript available on Metacast What’s it like to be a member of Like A Boss? Well, for starters the retreats are just magic - so much work ON your business, so much support, so much problem solving! This is Day Two of our current retreat, and this one’s a hybrid with some members on-site and some members zooming in. And it’s still magic! I’m only admitting ONE more member to this special group this year, so if you’ve been thinking about taking the plunge and joining us, now's the time to reach out. Visit
Nov 09, 2021•11 min•Transcript available on Metacast You already know what works to put you into a better frame of mind. Do more of that. And if you can’t find motivation, override it and take opposite action. * Don’t feel like walking? Go anyway. * Not in the mood to talk to anyone? Call a friend. * Feeling miserable? Watch a movie that always makes you laugh. You get the idea. You know what works for you. It’s just that sometimes we just can’t be arsed, right? Decide. Then do. Best wishes, Tess x p.s. If you need help with your mental health, my...
Oct 07, 2021•2 min•Transcript available on Metacast One of the main stressors in modern life is not having enough hours in the day. Trying to juggle working from home and remote learning for those of us in lockdown magnifies the problem. It stirs up the background noise of stress around getting things done at all (let alone on time). How’s your email inbox looking? What about your bills? How are you juggling remote schooling? I find the biggest time bandits in my day are common to most people: * Distraction (including constant interruptions) * Pr...
Oct 06, 2021•8 min•Transcript available on Metacast “Why am I so tired all the time?” This is a question I hear all the time at the moment … and one I often ask myself! You might have seen media articles talking about ‘fatigue’ and ‘languishing’, but what’s it all about? And why can’t we just “pick ourselves up by the bootstraps” and soldier on like we used to? Well, let’s stop for a minute and think about all the things we’ve been dealing with for the past couple of years … and don’t forget to include the 2019 bushfires. We’ve not had a br...
Oct 06, 2021•7 min•Transcript available on Metacast We all need to feel seen and heard, especially when times are tough. We need to know that when we’re struggling, others see our pain. This provides validation that what we are experiencing is real. We also need to know that our reaction to difficult times is not “crazy”, but a normal response that anyone in the same situation would also experience. This helps normalise our response and take some of the self-judgement out of the equation. As mental health professionals normalising and validating ...
Oct 04, 2021•7 min•Transcript available on Metacast One of the easiest things we can do to improve the moment we are in (which can have the added benefit of refreshing our mood) is to grab a reset minute. What’s that? Something super simple that creates a pattern-interrupt when you’re in a bit of a mood fug. Even something as simple as changing your posture or vocalising can do it. * If you’ve been sitting at your desk and feel your forehead stuck in a frown, stand up and give yourself a bit of a shake. It will reset you physically and refr...
Oct 03, 2021•8 min•Transcript available on Metacast October is mental health awareness month. I’ve decided to bring some of my top tips for maintaining good mental health. A bit like cleaning your teeth to avoid decay, there are little things we can do each day to reset, refresh, and manage our moods. Today’s tip is GROUNDING … What does this mean? If we think of how our emotions have the occasional potential to spiral out of control, escalating higher and higher into the stratosphere, it can be really helpful to know how to head off that process...
Oct 01, 2021•6 min•Transcript available on Metacast It was so exciting to be interviewed by the wonderful Gerda Muller about the forthcoming Elevate 2021 conference, where I’ll be speaking on the topic of #CEOMindset. Can’t wait! Elevate 2021 is the Private Practice Success Conference for Allied Health & Mental Health Professionals scheduled for 15th & 16th September 2021. Details at:
Jul 22, 2021•41 min•Transcript available on Metacast The new financial year provides a great opportunity to spend time identifying and then nurturing important relationships to your business. Neighbours, clients, referrers, and staff … these are all relationships that contribute to the viability of your business. Look after them. Ways to nurture important relationships: A handwritten thank you card Cross-referring to professional colleagues Maintaining good communication Marketing in ways that enhance knowledge and communication (not just sell, se...
Jul 05, 2021•4 min•Transcript available on Metacast MONEY... We all drop the ball sometimes! This time of year gets us laser focussed on what’s been coming into our businesses, and more confrontingly, what’s been going out. We are forced to pay close attention to some truths about our businesses that we might not like. Perhaps we’ve been a bit stuck in a comfort zone with regards revenue streams. Or perhaps we’ve fallen into some bad spending habits. *ahem* Whatever it is, you need to know this: a) It happens to all of us b) It doesn’t mean you’r...
Jul 01, 2021•10 min•Ep 70•Transcript available on Metacast PERFORMANCE … When talking performance indicators, most people assume Key Performance Indicators - and then link these to punitive measures to curb underperformance. I’d like you instead to think of two types of performance indicators: Key Performance Indicators and CUSTOMER Performance Indicators. Key Performance Indicators can be things like: - Number or referrals/enquiries per month. - Number of conversions (initial appointments attended or first sales) - Retention rates (number of sess...
Jun 30, 2021•6 min•Ep 69•Transcript available on Metacast Have you avoided marketing this past financial year? Too busy? Like, literally TOO BUSY? Scared it’s going to cost you time and money? I’m here to tell you all that is nonsense. Many business owners tell me they don’t want to engage in marketing because they’re scared to have to turn business away. What does this tell us? They need to recruit, right? But there’s no staff to be found! And around and around they go. Here’s the thing. Marketing your business isn’t just about generating more busines...
Jun 29, 2021•6 min•Transcript available on Metacast “What if I fail? What if I don’t have all my shit together? I’m the boss, I should have all the answers!” … And other nonsense we tell ourselves. I was interviewed today by my buddy, Gerda Muller, and we got talking about business failures and how this relates to adopting a CEO Mindset. What I said to her might surprise you.
Jun 28, 2021•7 min•Transcript available on Metacast Huge thanks to the more than 60 people who completed my survey (it’s still open if your keen). Key issues for most people: Time Management Staffing Marketing (this was very telling!) Delegation Revenue Streams So what am I doing about it? Luckily I’d already started putting together my CEO Mindset training program, which covers all these issues, and a bit more! Tess x...
Jun 26, 2021•17 min•Transcript available on Metacast Today I launched my CEO Mindset training, which will run in July (2021). What is a CEO mindset though? Here's a snippet from a video I recorded in 2019 where I explain the CEO mindset concept. Since this was filmed, I've moved to Melbourne, sold one of my practices, started a third business, and employed more people to help me grow in each of my businesses ... all things I predicted as early as 2018, a classic example of strategic CEO-style visioning! Whatever your vision for your business, the ...
Jun 23, 2021•5 min•Transcript available on Metacast I was asked a great question this morning from someone launching a new practice. In summary the question was this: “How do I know when to set my fees at the same rate as others?” There are so many factors that go into fee setting, but the first thing you need to factor in is your own money baggage. Do you feel “worthy” to charge the same as your colleagues? Do you feel you “deserve” to earn a decent living from your labours? Do you feel that you “should” put the financial welfare of others befor...
Jun 02, 2021•25 min•Transcript available on Metacast You’ve already got all the training, knowledge, and skills you need. All you need to do is trust in that, and share it! We all worry about “getting it wrong” sometimes. But the reality is you have conversations within your area of expertise every day. So why is it so hard to do the exact same thing with an audience? Scared of embarrassing yourself? Maybe. Scared of being judged? Probably. List all the reasons you’re an authority in your field: Years of training Money spent on professional develo...
Mar 17, 2021•5 min•Transcript available on Metacast Being outspoken does not make you wrong. Being opinionated does not make you a bad person. Having a voice does not make you unprofessional. Expressing dissent does not make you difficult. Not even if you’re a woman! #businesswoman #outspoken #difficultwoman #entrepreneur #psychologist...
Mar 08, 2021•11 min•Transcript available on Metacast It Can Take Time to Find What Suits Us in Our Businesses. In business and in life, we can spend an awful lot of time faffing about with different styles trying to figure out which one works for us. We’re familiar with ‘body shape’ fashion advice, but what about the right fit for your business? Sole Trader or Company? Employee Model or SubContractor Model? Don’t assume that just because others are doing things a certain way, that it must be the “right” way t...
Mar 03, 2021•10 min•Transcript available on Metacast Don’t assume no-one’s looking at your content, and don’t underestimate the influence you’re having. It’s tempting to focus on the number of followers, likes, comments, and shares that our social media activity generates. But this only tells a very small part of the story. #businesscoach #psychologist #privatepractice #socialmedia #influence #entrepreneur #smallbusiness #melbourne...
Mar 02, 2021•5 min•Transcript available on Metacast I’ve had a few conversations this week about delegating. What to delegate, who to delegate to, how to delegate, and all of the feelings that delegating triggers in us. What to delegate: * Takes you don’t enjoy (yes, this is allowed!) * Tasks you never seem to get to * Tasks that misuse your time * Tasks that deplete your energy Who to delegate to: * People who’ll get the job done (obviously) * Is there a member of staff who can do the task...
Mar 01, 2021•14 min•Transcript available on Metacast Let’s talk about “emotional whiplash” ... If you’re in Melbourne you’ll know exactly what I’m talking about. We’ve all learned to be flexible during this pandemic, but sudden changes in quick succession are exhausting. They also remind us how little we can plan at the moment, which is additionally stressful in itself. Feeling that we don’t have control can contribute to anxiety. So focus on the things that are in your control, and practice some psychological flexi...
Feb 26, 2021•7 min•Transcript available on Metacast Stepping outside your comfort zone pushes all sorts of buttons. It might be fear of judgement, fear of embarrassing yourself, fear of making a mistake. But as I told my son this morning, fear of something that hasn’t happened yet is wasted energy. My philosophy (based on years of stepping outside of my own comfort zone, and encouraging others to do likewise) is that it’s better to do the thing first and worry about fear later - because the thing we fear (judgement, embarrassment, mis...
Feb 25, 2021•9 min•Transcript available on Metacast How has Facebook’s ban on viewing and sharing news in Australia affected you? If you are a content creator or own a business page, here’s why you should be concerned, and what you can do to protect your content. #businessowner #entrepreneur #psychologist #businesscoach #businessmentor #privatepractice #mentor #business #burnout #businesswoman
Feb 24, 2021•13 min•Transcript available on Metacast Feeling exhausted and emotional? Me too. Maybe you need to take a moment to acknowledge all the background noise taking up your attention, energy, and memory space. And maybe a little defrag will help! #LockdownDay4 #melbournelockdown #selfcare #mentalhealth #melbourne #businesscoach #psychologist #privatepractice
Feb 23, 2021•12 min•Transcript available on Metacast Lockdown Day 3 - How are you travelling? The return to juggling work and remote learning threw me a bit today. But interestingly, working with my business clients had me laser focussed. Naturally we were talking about fees and busting some money mindset myths. #businesscoach #psychologist #privatepractice #moneymindset #chargeyourworth #melbourne...
Feb 22, 2021•10 min•Transcript available on Metacast Melbourne Lockdown Day 2 ... Your Mental Health. I’m focusing on simply being with my kids, but I couldn’t shake the awareness of how much anxiety I’m seeing in the community at the moment. So I’m taking a minute to share a couple of tips for coping with that anxiety. #melbournelockdown #businesscoach #psychologist #anxiety #memtalhealth #privatepractice #crawleyhouse #crawleyclinic #melbourne
Feb 19, 2021•10 min•Transcript available on Metacast