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Why exactly am I so excited? Well some of it is a secret for now, but here’s what I can tell you … EXCITING NEWS! In addition to new online courses (announcement coming next week), I’m putting together a series of in-person events in Melbourne!
It’s been such an incredibly long time since I’ve been able to run workshops, and I can’t wait to get back into that space again. I’m planning something incredibly spoiling … think stunning views, expert catering, and a whole day of indulgence (which is how I think of time spent working ON our businesses instead of IN our businesses). If you keep your eye out, you might see a sneak peak of the venue when I inspect it next Wednesday!
What’s coming? … Workshops and working days … I’m planning at least a couple of events for the second half of this year. At least one will be a training day (think CEO Mindset on steroids) and at least one will be a working day (think No Quarter on speed!). They’ll be priced at around the $440 per head mark for a one-day event, and $880 for a two-day event. There’ll be a maximum of 20 people per event.
SO … if you’d like to be added to the waitlist for these events (I know you want all the details, be patient!), shoot a little email to my assistants Jess & Josie (hello@tesscrawley.com.au) to be first in line for a place at the table (literally) … we’ll add you to the priority list once all the details are on hand. I am genuinely so excited to be back in the room with you (and to meet some of you for the first time). The very thought of it makes my heart sing!
Much love,
Tess x