Send us a text>>>CLICK HERE TO DOWNLOAD THE QUESTIONS<<<The Lazy Genius Inspired this week's podcast because it's a set of principles that can cultivate more intentionality in anyone's life, but particularly, for those of us with ADHD. Why? Because we can be a little compulsive and reactive (as you're probably well aware). But this set of questions provides a framework for stopping our internal noise, paying attention to what we're paying attention to, and t...
Apr 29, 2022•21 min•Transcript available on Metacast Send us a textThis week, I'm sharing a discussion on getting over perfectionism, imposter syndrome and getting started on ANYTHING with fellow ADHD coach, Dr. Lola Day. I can't wait for you to hear this discussion where we talk about how to get past the pain of being "new" and not as good as you want to be.If you want to learn more about ADHD coaching, click here. ________________________________________________________________👋 C O M E S A Y H I ! ⟡ Click here to Get on the Sunday Set...
Apr 22, 2022•33 min•Transcript available on Metacast Send us a textWhy is it SO important to focus on our ADHD Strengths? For the simple reason that our brain wiring is something that’s never going to change, so until we learn to accept it, embrace it and use it to our advantage, then we’re always going to feel like we’re driving a car with square wheels.Now, not every ADHD strength listed in this video is going to apply to you, but I encourage you to think about how you can take this line of thinking and use it to make life just a little...
Apr 15, 2022•16 min•Transcript available on Metacast Send us a textQuarterly planning is something that would never have occurred to me to do before this year, but honestly, given how much of an impact monthly and weekly planning has had on my life and business, I can’t imagine not taking the time to plan my quarters as wel.There’s a LOT we can accomplish in a 90 day period if we’re intentional and focused - which is a tall order for those of us with ADHD. But the power of planning is so evident to me now that I hope I can convince you to...
Apr 08, 2022•32 min•Transcript available on Metacast Send us a textDo you set goals that you fail to follow through on? Me too. Or, at least I used to do that! Today, I set reasonable, meaningful goals that are well defined and just a little outside my comfort zone. Because I've put so much effort into the development of great goals, they stick and I follow through on them.Want to set stickier goals? Ask yourself these 7 questions before you commit to anything: Is the goal worth perusing? Is it clear and acti...
Apr 01, 2022•32 min•Transcript available on Metacast Send us a textAdopting a minimalist lifestyle is hands down, one of the best moves I’ve made for managing my anxiety, and my ADHD. It has given me more control over my space, my spending and freed up more time to do things that are meaningful to me. Like filming videos! A minimalist lifestyle isn’t as difficult as it may sound. In fact, it’s made everything easier. So if you have some preconceived ideas about giving away all your stuff and living like a monk, this...
Mar 25, 2022•22 min•Transcript available on Metacast Send us a textAn ADHD life coach, as long as they have ICF accredited training, is equipped to coach anyone, just like a regular life coach. However, they also go through additional training around ADHD symptoms and solutions so they have an additional layer of expertise that a general life coach won't have. Should you only work with an ADHD coach if you have ADHD? In this video I'll cover that, and more. Want to work with a certified ADHD life coach? Start here: https...
Mar 18, 2022•21 min•Transcript available on Metacast Send us a textADHD can make weekly and monthly planning a freaking nightmare! But in this podcast I'm sharing a system I've developed that works amazing for me and my ADHD brain using Google Calendar and Notion. Watch the video here.As an ADHDer, I have to have a process that's both simple and FUN so that I'll keep it up. This process that I'm sharing in today's video has kept me on the ball so much in 2022! Notion and Google Calendar are easy and free to use. Together...
Mar 11, 2022•16 min•Transcript available on Metacast Send us a textYes, ADHD burnout is thing. It's actually a BIG thing and if you've ever felt like you always seem to end up here, then you're not alone. Burnout is cyclical and unless you're aware of how it starts, you'll never get past it.In today's video I'm talking about WHY ADHD brains get burned out, how it's different than typical brains and most importantly HOW to stop the cycle of burnout!If this video resonates with you, and you'd like support creating stratgies for solvin...
Mar 04, 2022•27 min•Transcript available on Metacast Send us a textIf you’re feeling a little frazzled, anxious or bummed out lately, i truly hope the resources and ideas I share today will help you. You see, I’ve been feeling that way lately and thanks to coaching and self-discovery, I have a lot more self-awareness around knowing when I’m getting into a funk and finding ways to get myself out of it. So these are random, simple and doable ideas that just help me stay out of that funky space, and I hope they give you som...
Feb 26, 2022•30 min•Transcript available on Metacast Send us a textI'm so passionate about the topic of minimalism, particularly for ADHDer's because "stuff" can often be our worst distractor. Spending and consuming are also impulsive activities for people with ADHD, and I know quite well how this can cause anxiety and a lot of issues in your financial life. today I'm sharing my road to minimalism which is kinda messy, but it works for my brain. Since adopting this process and mindset I've turned my financial situation around,...
Feb 18, 2022•28 min•Transcript available on Metacast Send us a textClick here to snag the self-care list!Click here to get coached on your self-care routine.If you are woman juggling career, family and life, then you know how hard it is to fit self-care into your daily routine. Often, it gets put to the bottom of your todo list. If you’re a woman with ADHD, we often just forget to take care of ourselves and you know what? That only exasperates our symptoms. In fact, if a neurotypical person goes two days without a proper...
Feb 11, 2022•22 min•Transcript available on Metacast Send us a textI'm not typically one for money management tips, but this one is a must-know for ADHD peeps. We NEED freedom and flexibility in our lives to focus on our strengths and create boundaries around things like jobs and people that aren't good for us. Discovering this ADHD money management tip changed the game for me, and I hope that it does for you, too. Because you're amazing, and you're worth the effort. Here's a few resources that will hel...
Feb 05, 2022•27 min•Transcript available on Metacast Send us a textADHD job switching is a BIG deal in our community. Not because we switch jobs so much, but because there's a lot of shame around it. I think it's time to ditch the guilt about switching jobs when you have ADHD. In this video I talk about WHY we switch jobs so much and what we can do to not only embrace this part of ourselves, but also find ways to choose our next jobs more strategically. Want some help with your job switching strategy? L...
Jan 29, 2022•24 min•Transcript available on Metacast Send us a textIs ADHD an Entrepreneurial Superpower? Oh heck ya it is! In this episode I share 3 tips for moving from distraction to action by levering the power of your brain to get focused on what you want and take consistent action in your business.Want 1-1 support with moving from distraction to action in your biz? I help ADHD (and the ADD-ish) entrepreneurs build businesses they LOVE! Click here to learn more. ___________________________________________________________...
Jan 22, 2022•24 min•Transcript available on Metacast Send us a textHow long have you been dreaming about starting that project or business? Years maybe? Well, you're in luck because today, I'm walking you though a 5-step process for getting started on your juiciest goal and completing it - even if you're someone who isn't great at follow through (like me). CLICK HERE to get the resources mentioned in this podcast.#ADHD #ADHDcoach #AdultADHD #lifecoaching #goalsetting _____________________________________________________...
Jan 15, 2022•21 min•Transcript available on Metacast Send us a textGet the links to my recommended sources here.Find out more about my coaching packages here.Whether you have ADHD or not, these recommendations will help you live your healthiest, wealthiest, happiest year in 2022. These are my top recommendations across fitness, food, content and thoughtful ideas for creating an amazing year for yourself. ________________________________________________________________👋 C O M E S A Y H I ! ⟡ Click here to Get on the Sunday Set Up! : ⟡ We...
Jan 08, 2022•32 min•Transcript available on Metacast Send us a textWait, what? What happened to the Fit Habit? I explain everything in this short podcast. If you're a Fit Habit listener, you're still welcome here, but going forward, we're shifting focus to serve women with ADHD brains. I hope you'll stay with us! Join me on Instagram Join me on Youtube Get on my mailing List ________________________________________________________________👋 C O M E S A Y H I ! ⟡ Click here to Get on the Sunday Set Up! : ⟡ Website:...
Jan 03, 2022•5 min•Transcript available on Metacast Send us a textLinks Google Spreadsheet Goal Template Needs Assessment Get coached through this process Read the blog post Watch the Youtube video Visit me on InstagramWe all know how easy it is to set a bunch of goal and then never follow through on them, whether you have ADHD or not. But how awesome would your life be if you could actually follow-through on your juiciest goals? Wouldn't it be incredible to feel that sense of accomplishment?Today I'm sharing a fail-proof system ...
Jan 02, 2022•38 min•Transcript available on Metacast Send us a textGrab a cup of tea or glass of wine and sit down with me to review your year. In this podcast we're diving deep into how we spent 2021 so we know exactly how to plan for the best possible year ahead. We're talking all things energy-enhancing, getting clear on what worked for us (and what didn't), and pulling it all together into a fun one-word theme for the year ahead.Click here to explore 1 on 1 coaching with me.Click here for the Needs AssessmentClick here to join m...
Dec 29, 2021•22 min•Transcript available on Metacast Send us a textAre you feeling burned out and overwhelmed? You're not alone. So many of my clients end up here, mostly because they aren't creating boundaries to protect their energy and focus. Instead of going after what they want, or getting their own needs met, they are catering to the wants and needs of others.Sound familiar? In this episode I'll teach you how to change that dynamic.Click here to take the needs analysis nowClick here to read the blog post _________...
Dec 08, 2021•32 min•Transcript available on Metacast Send us a textAre you avoiding working out because you believe it's going to be boring, hard or painful? These are all stories and choices. You can chose to believe working out will make you feel amazing (and it will), or you can choose to believe it will be absolutely terrible.In this episode I break down the logic behind how we sabotage our workouts by assuming it's going to be THE WORST THING EVER, when in fact, it doesn't have to be! Want to get coached by me? Get the details right ...
Dec 05, 2021•22 min•Transcript available on Metacast Send us a textSelf-care has become a commodity to sell everything from bubble bath to botox. But what is it really? And how do we think about it once we hit our 40s and 50s? Today we're talking broadly about self-care and the things that really matter at this stage of life.Join me on Instagram to keep the conversation going.Visit The Fit Habit for more inspiration and guidance on getting fit over 40. ________________________________________________________________👋 C O M E ...
Sep 19, 2021•22 min•Transcript available on Metacast Send us a textOne of the best ways to discover who you are is to test your character strengths and values. Once you know this about yourself you can intentionally move toward greater authenticity, alignment and true happiness in your life. This is a powerful tool for all people, but especially for those of us with adult ADHD. With your level of hyperfocus, if you can determine what lights you up, you can become unstoppable.For the resources listed in this episode, click here...
Sep 12, 2021•36 min•Transcript available on Metacast Send us a textDo you love a good mat-based workout? Whether it's barre, yoga or just body strength exercises, mat-based, bare-foot workouts are ideal for those of us who don't want to use a lot of equipment or need a lot of space to get a great workout in. If that's you, then you're going to love today's episode. I review the benefits of mat-based workouts and provide a list of my favorite go-to's for barre, yoga and yoga sculpt. All the resources listed in this episode can ...
Aug 28, 2021•28 min•Transcript available on Metacast Send us a textAre you running around taking care of everyone but yourself? Do you find that mani/pedis and bubble baths are just not enough to give you that sense of well being you crave?Today I'm talking through the critical self-care routines that I've developed for myself and recommend to my clients to live a happy, healthy and present life. They may take a while to incorporate, but lean into what works for you. Take was resonates with you the most and start there.Find a ...
Aug 22, 2021•46 min•Transcript available on Metacast Send us a textIf you've come out of the last 16 months feeling like your brain is toast and you now can't focus on anything, it's pretty understandable. A lot of us feel that way.But is it ADHD? Maybe. Or maybe it's anxiety, depression or PTSD. Today I'm sharing some of the ways ADHD show up in adult women. If it sounds like you, it might be worth exploring with a professional. For resources mentioned in this podcast, click here. _________________________________...
Aug 08, 2021•26 min•Transcript available on Metacast Send us a textA few months ago, I was diagnosed with ADHD. It has been a life-changing eye-opener for me in so many ways, including how my fit habits actually saved me from a life of chaos. I think this is a must-listen for anyone who feels distracted and unfocused. you may not have ADHD, but there are ways to focus your brain to get after what you want. If you want to learn more about my diagnosis journey, you can head here.To learn more about ADHD and how to THRIVE w...
Jul 31, 2021•29 min•Transcript available on Metacast Send us a textBelieve it or not, this is one of the top searched questions on Pinterest right now. Maybe it's sad that we're searching for ways to love ourselves, or maybe it's a step in the right direction, but I would argue that we're thinking about self-love the wrong way. If you want to learn how to train your brain to "love yourself", listen in!BTW - the podcast I mention in this discussion is EP. 117: ADHD and How to Control Rumination, RSD and Depressive Thoughts by Tracy O...
Apr 02, 2021•35 min•Transcript available on Metacast Send us a textThere's a huge difference between eating for improved health vs weight loss. In this episode I cover how to select the right diet for your goals and lifestyle. Sign up for my new program, Macros Made Easy - Eat what you want, get the results you crave. ________________________________________________________________👋 C O M E S A Y H I ! ⟡ Click here to Get on the Sunday Set Up! : ⟡ Website: ⟡ Instagram:
Mar 07, 2021•32 min•Transcript available on Metacast