Episode #53 - Top 3 Midlife things you need to know about
Here are the top 3 things I coach my midlife clients on the most AND what you can do to help yourself thru them Listen in to find out how
Here are the top 3 things I coach my midlife clients on the most AND what you can do to help yourself thru them Listen in to find out how
Loving our changing bodies in midlife can be hard. Know this - it's not your fault, it's actually a totally natural process and there is something you can do about it! Listen in to find out what www.heatherlondon.ca to book a free consult call with me
The best thing we can do for our kids AND for ourselves is to make ourselves irrelevant in our kids lives. I know this sounds counter intuitive and crazy so listen in to find out more..... Click here to b ook your free consult call with Heather
When my kids came to visit me in Costa Rica, we had some of the best times and made amazing memories together! But then they left I never could have imagined how painful this part was going to be! Listen in to find our why it's so hard and what to do about it to help ease the pain If you've been thru it, you know exactly what I'm talking about If you haven't been thru it, fasten your seatbelt because it's headed your way and it's an emotional rollercoaster!...
If you want to have a better life, there's one thing you need to do for sure! Build community! This is especially important in midlife as what once was your community is now changing and it can feel lonely and isolating. Listen in to find out how to build your new midlife community that will support you and lift you up so you can go out there and crush it!!!
The best way to learn, grow and change is to get all the way out of your comfort zone as often as possible! Midlife is the perfect time not only for your kids to spread their wings and find out who they are, but it's the perfect time for you to do this too! Listen in to find out how you can make it fun and exciting instead of scary as hell!
Change is hard period. Changing in midlife with the raging hormones, kids dumping you and your body doing it's own thing is a whole other ballgame. Listen in to find out when to change and how to make it easy and effortless.
What if I asked you to do the one thing that would be breaking the Mom code..... Put yourself first If this is not at the top of your midlife to do list then you definitely need to listen in....
Midlife & menopause can be hard, but the good news is, there are simple ways to make it easier! The #1 way to experience menopause as gracefully as possible is to balance your hormones. Our entire body is regulated by hormones and our bodies hold the innate wisdom to know exactly how to balance itself out! Listen in as I share the #1 food that will help your body balance your hormones... The top two natural food hormone regulators are Maca and Shatavari I buy my Maca from Ecoideas...
If you're thinking about breaking up with your kids - which I highly recommend - you can't just dump them and then carry on as if nothings happened or ask Ben & Jerry to fix your heart. Everywhere you go, there you are, so the best way to do it is to really, really get curious about who you want to become once you transition into this next gloriously, exciting phase of your life. No matter what you do to try and fill that huge hole in your heart, you'll still be the same broken hearted...
Midlife is not the time that we break down, midlife is the time that we break out and apply all of those crazy Momming skills we've honed for the past 20 years and point them in our own direction! There's nothing we can't do - there's only us getting in our own way. Listen in to hear about the moment when the switch flipped for me and find out how it's possible for you too! ...
Midlife is your time to live your BEST life and put your dreams and desires first! In this episode, I share with you the one thing you need to do today to get anything you want and the 3 simple steps that will get you there the fastest! Listen in to find out how.....
What if instead of going thru a "midlife crisis", you are being invited to become the absolute best version of yourself and create your biggest, juciest life that you only thought possible in your whiteclaw induced daydreams! All aboard the self actualization express where you get transported to a time and place where that already exists and all you have to do is just simply step into it and own it like the badass that you are! Listen in to find out how......
I had no idea that getting dumped by your kids could be this hard or that is was even going to be a thing! If this sounds relatable to you, listen in as I share my journey into this heart wrenching abyss. I'll also share some hot tips on how to turn this whole thing around and have it work to your advantage so it can be easy breezy, midlife squeezy.
I'm creating a world where beauty is not based on how you look, but rather how you feel about yourself. In a superficial world where we are judged by material things and looks, come learn how you can cultivate that beauty from the inside out as you gracefully rock midlife and all it's challenges and changes. Listen in as we drop some hot tips on how to retain that healthy glow in midlife. If you'd like to learn more about Drupti Glowinkowski, , you can connect with her...
Why is it that we can lose weight but we can NEVER seem to keep it off? Because you know WHAT to eat, but you don't know WHY you eat! Listen in and find out how to learn WHY you eat and how to eliminate emotional eating once and for all so maintaining weight loss can be a "piece of cake". To book your free consult with me, click here.
Today we're diving into a topic that affects millions of lives around the world - overcoming food addictions and learning the transformative power of self-love. Our special guest today, Brooke Robichaud, is an incredible beacon of hope, resilience, and inspiration. She's here to share her incredible journey, and I promise, her story is bound to leave you feeling uplifted and empowered. Listen is as we share personal journeys and powerful action steps to help get you back on track with healt...
Everything changes in midlife, including our friends! If you find yourself with more time on your hands but no one to go get into trouble with, you need some fabulous new midlife friends! Listen in as I chat with Friendship Coach Sarah Siegert as she shares 3 easy steps to making new friends in midlife Learn more about Sarah https://instagram.com/friendships.abroad?igshid=MzMyNGUyNmU2YQ== https://friendshipsabroad.net/ ...
On this episode, I have a fun girl talk with my Mom's bestie, Sylvia. Not only is she the cutest ray of sunshine, she shares her midlife experience and how she just skipped right past menopause without any symptoms or struggles and how you can do it too! Listen in to find out more..... Share with all your midlife Mom friends
When we learn how to embrace all parts of ourselves - the good and the bad - life becomes magical! Listen in as I talk about how these "unlovable" parts of us were created and how we can learn to love these parts of ourselves and live our best life possible. For reference Debbie Ford - The Shadow Effect movie David Bedrick - Un shaming work - https://www.davidbedrick.com/
As our teenagers become more independent, they need us less and this opens up more time for us to follow our passion and purpose. Many midlife Mommas find that their purpose is their children and when their kids get older, they can feel stuck and without purpose. So what do they do now with this new found time? Listen in to find out more.....
Want to know the BEST foods to help relieve the symptoms of menopause and midlife? Listen in as I share my top midlife munchies that you should be adding to your daily routine. Most of them you already have in your kitchen! For more info on AG1 click here
When we hit midlife, we come up against a whole new set of problems. Whether it's sudden weight gain, crazy body changes, new injuries, reinventing relationships, your kids dumping you or feeling like you've lost your purpose, I can help you solve these problems! Listen in as I share 2 tools that can help you to turn any midlife problem into powerful solutions that will help you to master midlife in the best way possible!
Have you seen the Barbie movie? Yes? We need to talk! Let's also talk about midlife weight loss and all you need to know to make it easy and sustainable Listen in to learn more....
Should you practice intermittent fasting in midlife? YES! When done right, the health benefits to intermittent fasting are huge! The key is to learn how to do it correctly and then tailor it to your unique life. Listen in as I share with you how to use IF to help your body heal and reach it's optimal potential including your idea weight - even in midlife If you want to work with me to create your ideal midlife and body, book your free consult call with me today www.heatherlondon.ca...
If you are experiencing crazy body changes that seem to come out of nowhere, you are not alone! The best way to gracefully navigate your way thru this is by talking about it. Listen in as one of my besties, Sandra and I talk about how our bodies have changed during Menopause and what we are doing about it and see if you can #relate. #midlifemombod #midlifewomen #midlifeweightloss #youarenotalone
Midlife is your time to break free and redefine yourself. The only thing standing in your way is...YOU! In this episode you'll learn how to break the old habits that are keeping you stuck and getting the same results you DON'T want AND how to go after your big scary goal and blow your own damn mind! Listen in to find out more...... Click here for the 4 CNS balancers that will also help you to interrupt your old pattern so you can create something exciting and new....
Are you tired of being stuck and year after year creating the same old, same old??? You have to listen to this episode! I'm going to tell you why this is happening AND share with you exactly what to do to create the Best Year of Your Life - THIS YEAR! Listen in to find out more...
How did we get to the point where we put stranger's advice about our midlife bodies over our own innate knowing? Girlfriend - your body knows exactly how to navigate all these crazy midlife changes that are happening seemingly overnight! Your body was designed for this! It's time to tune in and take notes! Listen in and find out what your body is telling you and what exactly it needs on this midlife journey. I f you want to work with me or you want to learn more about what this would ...