Last Action Podcast Classic- Die Hard 2
In honor of the retirement of Bruce Willis, we present a Last Action Podcast Classic. Die Hard 2
LPJ, Sphinx, and Hovercraft Joe talk about the greatest films of all time, action movies. They'll argue about their favorite moments, rate the movies and bring you film knowledge you didn't even know you wanted every Monday.
In honor of the retirement of Bruce Willis, we present a Last Action Podcast Classic. Die Hard 2
Double the JCVD. Double the awesome.
Nobody knows Action like Jackson.
Not the best Batman movie but maybe the most important.
The Adventure Begins…and then ends…eventually…ugh…this movie…
This episode is fine. It’s fine. Everything is fine.
Chops joins us to discuss train dining in the frozen apocalypse.
Not even Arnold could erase this episode.
The birth of the buddy cop movie.
Caaaan Yooooou DIIIG IIIIT!!
We’re Back! And Hell’s coming with us!
The year of the sequel comes to a close with the sequel to our 8th ever episode. The Bat, the Cat, the Bird and all of us at the Last Action Podcast wish you all a happy holidays and we’ll see you back in 2022.
Even in Europe, he’s still your friendly neighborhood Spider-Man.
Sometimes Transporters take kids to school. Who knew?
If you like the Rock and Ryan Reynolds, then this is the movie for you. Also Gal Gadot is in it.
Stallone + Cannon Films = …well we’re not really sure what this is.
This may be the most spoofed movie of all time.
This week we dig into the black sheep of the Bond franchise.
Sphinx and Deadite close out October with the found footage movie that started it all.
Sphinx and Deadite are back again. This time they take a trip overseas and they remembered to pack their silver bullets.
This movie has wormed it’s way onto the show and shaken the hosts to their core.
Of course the Glitch is joining us. We couldn’t do a parody movie without him.
Vampires and feet.
Shakedown. Breakdown. We’re busted.
We are embarrassed it took us this long to get to this movie.
It finally happened. The episode LPJ has been waiting for. Now sit back, relax, and enjoy some Taco Bell.
Danny Glover is just as good as Schwarzenegger, right?…RIGTH?!
We dust off our black trench coats and pop another red pill.