18: The New Hotness
The Bikini-Industrial Complex. What is it and how can you escape it? Also- The secret identity of The New Hotness (Spoiler warning: It's you.) ****** Health at Every Size
The Bikini-Industrial Complex. What is it and how can you escape it? Also- The secret identity of The New Hotness (Spoiler warning: It's you.) ****** Health at Every Size
Gratitude is important. But just because we’ve come a long way, it doesn’t mean we’re close to where we need to be. Emily and Amelia discuss. FSP2020 episode 5: What's your something larger? Nichole’s Gratitude on Medium . Amelia is a huge Brandon Sanderson fan.
We're white ladies. We know we're not going to say anything that people of color don't already know. We're going to make mistakes. But we're going to try our best. Show notes: Me and White Supremacy workbook by Layla Saad The Nap Bishop Leesa Renee Hall Tressie McMillan Cottom's THICK Brittany Cooper’s Eloquent Rage A History of White People...
It's the inevitable politics episode. Amelia is an idealist. Emily's a pragmatist. But guess what? They both want to do the right thing.
Amelia takes the lead on this one. How does creative self-expression help you complete the stress response cycle? (Hint: It has to do with recognizing that emotions are real.)
Burnout and trauma are not the same thing. Emily and Amelia discuss the difference and some ways to help. (Apologies for the audio quality on this one. We had some microphone difficulties.)
How much sleep do you need? What's the "right" way to sleep? Emily and Amelia talk about sleep debt, sleep personalities, and a just a touch of Jane Eyre.
What makes a relationship safe and renewing? Emily and Amelia explain using Cupcake Economics.
Rest is important. You're probably not getting enough. Let's talk about it with Emily, Amelia, and a special secret guest cameo appearance from Rachel Maddow. We're huge fans of The Nap Ministry, who you should follow on Instagram.
Rage. It's a maligned and misunderstood emotion. What's your relationship with your rage? What's your rage's relationship with... poop?
Frustration. Everybody feels it. Emily and Amelia discuss the science of how frustration works, and strategies for managing it. Worksheets from their book Burnout are here: https://www.burnoutbook.net/downloads
It's almost Thanksgiving here in these United States. Emily and Amelia discuss their strategies for dealing with people you disagree with during the holidays. In the words of Luke Skywalker, "This is not going to go the way you think."
Impeachment has begun. What's your relationship with the news right now? Emily and Amelia discuss their strategies. Spoiler alert: It's OK to dial it back and take care of yourself.
There's a lot of research that says meaning and purpose is good for your mental health. But how do we define that? Emily, Amelia, and Moana are here to figure that out.
Today... we’re gonna look squarely into the abyss. We’ve all got one. Let’s talk about it.
In this episode, the question is: What’s the biggest cultural barrier between feminists and their ability to complete the stress response cycles?
So if solving actual stressors isn’t enough to deal with the stress in your body, what does deal with it? How do we complete the stress response cycle? This episode is a catalog of a dozen concrete, specific, evidence-based strategies for doing just that.
Wellness is a state of action. The cure for burnout isn’t self-care, it’s all of us caring for each other. And when we embrace those things, we’re not taking a break from fixing the world, we are already fixing the world.
What is the Feminist Survival Project 2020? Emily and Amelia Nagoski explain the project and how you can help.