Nudge - podcast cover


Ever noticed how the smallest changes can have the biggest impact? On Nudge, you'll learn simple evidence-backed tips to help you kick bad habits, get a raise, and grow a business. Every bite-sized 20-minute show comes packed with practical advice from admired entrepreneurs and behavioural scientists. Nudge is fast-paced but still insightful with real-world examples that you can apply - this is not your average business podcast.


The hypnotising effect of Valentine’s day

Special days like Valentine’s day have an interesting effect on us. In ancient Roman times they inspired men to whip each other with animal hides. And today, they encourage men to spend hundreds on prospective partners. In today’s Nudge, researcher Danny Zane explains why this happens, sharing his eye-opening studies on how these special days affect us. Danny’s webpage at Lehigh: The dark history of Valentine’s day: M...

Feb 12, 202425 minEp 169Transcript available on Metacast

How to create an irresistible offer (that’s proven to sell)

Learn the 7 scientifically-proven tips which are certified to improve your offer, and create a promotion that’s “too good to refuse”. Today Thomas McKinlay, founder of Ariyh is back on the show with more marketing-science wisdom. You’ll hear why extraordinary long warranties win, how time-limited offers fail, and why a thank you note isn’t as sweet as it seems. Ariyh newsletter: The ecommerce playbook: Follow Thomas on LinkedIn: https://ww...

Feb 05, 202426 minEp 168Transcript available on Metacast

What makes a song popular?

What do Bieber, Lorde, Cézanne, Monet, Nudge Podcast, and Rock Around The Clock have in common? They all became much more popular through exposure. In today’s episode of Nudge I’ll share the irrational psychology behind popularity, and you’ll learn what it takes to create a hit. Sign up for the Nudge Newsletter: My billboard experiment:

Jan 30, 202423 minEp 167Transcript available on Metacast

I have two big announcements

Grab your copy of Wallet-Opening Words here: Support me as I go full-time: Follow me on LinkedIn Join the newsletter Subscribe on YouTube Leave a podcast review

Jan 29, 20248 minTranscript available on Metacast

Should I share all my secrets?

Sharing secrets shouldn’t be frowned upon. Being open, transparent, and candid can work in your favour. Today I’m speaking to someone who doesn’t hide much, John Lee Dumas, host of Entrepreneurs on Fire, one of the world’s most popular business podcasts. John shares almost everything, from his exact monthly income, his tax saving schemes and intimate tours of his house. Today, I explain the psychology behind sharing secrets, and how John’s business probably benefited from his transparency. Liste...

Jan 22, 202426 minEp 166Transcript available on Metacast

Is mass hysteria more common than you think?

In the middle ages hundreds of thousands of Europeans danced themselves to exhaustion. Some danced for weeks on end, many ended up dying of heart attacks and heat stroke. But why? What strange illness was causing this oddity? Turns out, it was all psychological. The dancing epidemic of the middle ages was one of the first noted examples of mass hysteria, a phenomenon where these individuals experience real illness, brought on by imagined ailments. Mass hysteria has been documented in 19th centur...

Jan 15, 202426 minEp 165Transcript available on Metacast

This advice will make you more persuasive

On today’s episode of Nudge, I learnt something that genuinely surprised me. Persuasive people aren’t born persuasive. They’re not persuasive because of their looks, their character, or their position. No, according to today’s guest, Dr Jonah Berger, their persuasiveness actually comes from the words they use. Tune in to learn how the likes of Donald Trump and Barack Obama use simple tactics to become more persuasive. And learn how you can become more persuasive by following these easy-to-apply ...

Jan 08, 202430 minEp 164Transcript available on Metacast

How Sainsbury’s and Adobe nudge customers

Adobe increased retention by 8% simply by changing the way they asked a question. Sainsbury’s added a behavioural science principle to their ad and boosted mobile downloads by 13%. And one nudge-inspired Ramadan project reduced food waste amongst families by 67%. All three of these projects are interventions by Rory Sutherland’s behavioural science practice at Ogilvy. In today’s Nudge, we’ll go behind the scenes on each of these interventions, determining why they work, and how you can copy thei...

Jan 02, 202425 minEp 163Transcript available on Metacast

The best of Nudge in 2023

I’ve spent over 50 hours this year talking to psychology experts in 2023. In today’s show, I share the 6 best bits of advice I’ve heard all year. Sign up for the Nudge Newsletter:

Dec 26, 202325 minEp 162Transcript available on Metacast

10 lessons from the #1 marketing podcasters

I sat down with fellow chart-topping marketing podcaster Jon Evans to record 10 lessons marketing lessons every marketer should know. Sign up to my newsletter: Jon’s podcast:

Dec 18, 20231 hr 3 minEp 161Transcript available on Metacast

MAAATE: The most polarising ad of the year

This campaign was praised by Piers Morgan, yet lamented by Jordan Peterson. It was championed by Caitlin Moran, yet condemned by the Guardian. It’s a campaign that’s split opinion, not by typical ideological lines, but within the echo chamber. Today, I spoke with Mike Hughes, one of the people behind the campaign, to figure out why it was so polarising, and whether or not the campaign was successful. Sign up to the Nudge Newsletter: Caitlin Moran’s artic...

Dec 11, 202324 minTranscript available on Metacast

Six proven principles to persuade anyone

In 2021, the NHS sent a text message to every single Brit. This wasn’t a normal text. It was jam-packed with six world-famous persuasion techniques designed to shift behaviour. In today’s episode of Nudge, famed behavioural scientist Patrick Fagan walks through the six techniques, and explains that everyone, from the NHS to a 6-year old selling lemonade can apply them. Can you spot the gorilla? My social proof test: The scarcity pub: https://im...

Dec 04, 202327 minEp 159Transcript available on Metacast

“Voter” vs. “Vote”: How one letter changed elections

There’s an incredibly simple way to make your message more persuasive. In fact, it’s as simple as changing a letter. In today’s episode, Professor Christopher Bryan shares his studies on messaging. He’s convinced people to vote, persuaded children to tidy up, and students to stop cheating. How? By using nouns, over verbs. Sign up for the Nudge Newsletter: Chris’s study: Chris’s website: https://voices...

Nov 28, 202329 minEp 158Transcript available on Metacast

This podcast has 1,231,705 plays (learn why that’s important)

Nudge has 1,231,705 plays. I haven’t mentioned this before, and that’s a mistake. Not sharing how many have listened has hindered my growth. At least according to today’s guest. Thomas McKinlay is the founder of Ariyh, a newsletter that shares the latest marketing research. And in today’s Nudge he shares 5 tips that are proven to boost sales, improve satisfaction and (hopefully) encourage more of you to listen to this show. Ariyh newsletter: The ecommerce playbook: https://ari...

Nov 20, 202324 minEp 157Transcript available on Metacast

Why telling someone what to do won't work

If I tell you to "listen to this podcast!", you'll be less likely to listen. We only act if we feel a sense of autonomy. So demands like this tends to backfire. Today, my guest Bri Williams explains why this happens. Listen to learn, why offering one choice backfires, why we pick the middle choice, and the FBI's guide to negotiations. Access the bonus episode: Bri’s book: Bri’s website: Sign up to my news...

Nov 13, 202322 minEp 156Transcript available on Metacast

How incentives work (and why most backfire)

Ever wondered why the houses are so thin in Amsterdam? Or why there are boarded up windows in London? Or why most daycare centres don't charge a late pick up fee? Well it's all to do with (bad) incentives. Hear the world's incentive expert Uri Gneezy explain all in the latest episode of Nudge. Uri’s book Mixed Signals: Follow the Nudge Newsletter:

Nov 06, 202328 minEp 155Transcript available on Metacast

The hidden impact of the words you use (feat Dr Jonah Berger)

Today’s guest shares how to make people 50% more likely to agree to your request. How to make children 33% more likely to tidy up. Plus, how to make your team more creative, your pitches more believable and your suggestions sound more confident. You don’t have to take some magic pill, or get face-altering surgery. You just need to change the words you use. Tune in to hear Dr Jonah Berger, best selling author and acclaimed behavioural scientist explain what makes some words magic. Sign up for the...

Oct 30, 202327 minEp 154Transcript available on Metacast

Why too much choice is a bad thing

In the early 2000s Head and Shoulders, the anti-dandruff shampoo product, sold 26 variations of their shampoo. The thinking was, the more choice, the more sales.This made sense to almost everyone, except today’s guest. See, today’s guest, the world leading expert on choice told Proctor and Gamble, the company behind Head and Shoulders, to reduce the number of variations from 26 to 15. And when they did, sales increased by 10%. Find out why on today’s episode of Nudge, featuring the brilliant She...

Oct 23, 202325 minEp 153Transcript available on Metacast

How to manipulate the masses

Can governments manipulate their citizens? Can everyday people be convinced to munch on insects? Are humans akin to wild hogs? And can we learn how to resist manipulation? In today’s episode, ex-Cambridge Analytica employee Patrick Fagan attempts to answer these questions, and more. Sign up for the Nudge Newsletter: Patrick’s book Free Your Mind: Follow Patrick on LinkedIn:

Oct 16, 202334 minEp 152Transcript available on Metacast

Why your accountant won’t get a tattoo

Your accountant (probably) doesn’t have a tattoo. This isn’t because they’re scared of needles or because they’re uncool losers. It’s because tattoos are essentially costly signals that change the perception of others. These costly signals have been proven to increase sales of MP3 players, to boost blood donations, and to get diners to pay more for their meal. Hear how on today’s episode with world-renowned behavioural scientist Uri Gneezy. Uri’s book Mixed Signals: ...

Oct 09, 202326 minEp 151Transcript available on Metacast

Feed Swap: Seth Godin’s Secrets to Launching a New Business

In this bonus episode of Nudge, I've feed swapped with Louis Grenier and his brilliant podcast Everyone Hates Marketers. Today, you’ll hear one of my favourite episodes of EHM—his discussion with the best selling author and marketing legend, Seth Godin. If you liked the show, do go and check out Louis’ podcast using the link below (you’ll spot a Nudge episode over there as well). Louis’ podcast: Follow the Nudge Newsletter (it’s free): https://www.nudg...

Oct 06, 202353 minEp 150Transcript available on Metacast

He reviewed 74 marketing science papers so you don’t have to

My guest today has read over 1,200 pages of marketing research papers and summarised this knowledge into 3 practical marketing insights every marketer should know. He promises that these insights contain no opinions, no sketchy data, and definitely no fluff. The insights he’ll share are from papers recently published, so it won’t be the same old wisdom you’ve heard before. Plus, he’s fairly certain at least one of them will boost your profits. Join Thomas McKinlay of Ariyh fame and I as we share...

Oct 02, 202322 minEp 149Transcript available on Metacast

Why powerful people dress differently

In 2010, Lady Gaga wore a dress made of raw beef cuts at the Video Music Awards. Why? Well, it turns out it has less to do with differentiation, and more to do with status. In today’s episode of Nudge, the final with my wonderful long standing guest Richard Shotton, we explain why powerful people dress differently. Access the bonus episode: Harvard Fake Data Scandal Episode: Lady Gaga’s Meat Dress:

Sep 25, 202322 minEp 148Transcript available on Metacast

7 Marketing Lessons from HubSpot’s CMO Kipp Bodnar

Today’s guest is HubSpot CMO Kipp Bodnar. He’s helped HubSpot grow from a $10 million company to a $1.7 billion company. Kipp reveals how in today’s Nudge. Tune in to hear the 7 marketing lessons he used to grow Hubspot. Access the bonus episode with Kipp: Listen to Marketing Against The Grain: Follow the Nudge Newsletter (it’s free):

Sep 18, 202325 minEp 147Transcript available on Metacast

Do brainstorms actually work?

Today I interviewed one of the world’s leading social psychologists, Professor Sheena Iyengar, to ask her … am I the only one who hates brainstorms? Sheena’s book Think Better: Sign up for the Nudge Newsletter:

Sep 11, 202331 minEp 146Transcript available on Metacast

Why ads that rhyme stand the test of time

There’s an ad that’s stuck in my mind for over a decade. It’s annoying, poorly written, and nonsensical, yet millions of Brits like me can’t forget it. In today’s episode, the bestselling author Richard Shotton explains why. Sign up to my newsletter: The infamous Frosties ad: Steve Jobs reveals the MacBook air: Listen to the full episode on Steve Jobs: My LinkedIn poll...

Sep 04, 202327 minEp 145Transcript available on Metacast

I didn't want to publish this episode

I didn’t want to make this episode. But I felt I had to. Listen to Nina Mazar teach me why nudges don’t always work in the way I tell you they do. Bonus episode: Nina’s website: Nina’s book: Try HubSpot for free: Sign up for the Nudge Newsletter: Take the Science of Marketing course:

Aug 28, 202338 minEp 144Transcript available on Metacast

Does subliminal advertising work?

WARNING: It has come to my attention that this program may contain subliminal advertising which could potentially impact the decision-making of certain individuals. We urge all listeners to exercise CAUTION before choosing to listen to this episode. We advise that only those possessing a strong will and UNWAVERING RATIONALITY should consider listening to this show. Sign up to my newsletter to be subliminally influenced: Simpsons “Yvan Eht Nioj”: https://...

Aug 21, 202321 minEp 143Transcript available on Metacast

The secret psychology behind movie trailers

There's a winning formula that turns any trailer into a blockbuster smash hit. Today, I reveal what it is. I’ve spent way too long watching trailers, and way too much money creating my own faux-trailer for my imaginary Hollywood hit. Tune in to hear it. Blindsight book How to make a blockbuster movie trailer: Auralnauts backing music: Sign up for the Nudge Newsletter: Try Hu...

Aug 14, 202335 minEp 142Transcript available on Metacast

Emergency Pod: Harvard Fake Data Scandal

News has come out that has shocked the world of behavioural science. Francesco Gino, a top professor at Harvard University, one of the world’s best known behavioural science researchers has been exposed for data fraud. In today’s emergency episode, I’ll cover what happened, what this means for the industry, how it affects marketers and the future of this show. Pete’s video on 5 behavioural science every beginner should know: Pete’s video on the scandal: https://youtu...

Aug 07, 202337 minEp 141Transcript available on Metacast
Nudge podcast - Listen or read transcript on Metacast