In one of the more exciting developments on the homestead over the past couple months, we have calves! For many of you, the idea of dairy producing animals might be completely foreign. On today’s episode, I’m here to demystify the process of breeding milk cows. I cover topics such as artificial insemination, when and how to begin the milking process, and how to ensure you wind up with heifers. Listen to find out how were dealing with our new calves and discover why beef bulls can be used for bre...
May 04, 2020•18 min•Transcript available on Metacast After nearly 10 years of talking about it, we’re finally taking the plunge. As discussed in previous episodes about increasing food production, now is the time to put a greenhouse on our homestead. In all honesty, I’ve been getting tired of the short growing seasons we have here in Wyoming. On today’s episode I share the in-depth research I’ve performed over the past couple months on different ways to extend your growing season. Whether it’s a cold frame, a greenhouse, a low tunnel, or a high tu...
May 01, 2020•21 min•Transcript available on Metacast If there’s one positive to come out of our current situation, it’s the incredible surge of interest in gardening. Now more than ever, people are realizing the importance of growing and producing their own food. As any veteran gardener knows. your soil is perhaps the most important factor when it comes to successfully growing your own food. While it’s not necessary for everyone to get their soil tested, on today’s episode I explain when and why you should do it, where you can get it done, and wha...
Apr 29, 2020•17 min•Transcript available on Metacast While most parts of homesteading are extremely fun and rewarding, it’s not all sunshine and roses. Sometimes I make mistakes. Sometimes Christian and I face serious challenges that simply aren’t pleasant to deal with. If you’ve been listening to the podcast or reading the blog over the past couple months, you’d know that we’ve been working on breeding goats. When my daughter Mesa went to check on the goats this week, she discovered something tragic. It turns out our goat had given birth to tripl...
Apr 27, 2020•18 min•Transcript available on Metacast For a long time, I’ve lived under the belief that gardening season in Wyoming runs from June to September. In the midst of the Covid-19 epidemic I’ve been obsessively reading about new and different approaches to gardening that quite frankly have blown my past beliefs to pieces. Today I’m dishing out my favorite new tips and tricks that I’ve learned over the past couple weeks and explain what I’m getting ready to implement in my own garden. Learn how to always have a constant, quick supply of gr...
Apr 24, 2020•17 min•Transcript available on Metacast It’s a rather interesting time to be alive, isn’t it? Even though I tend to spend a lot of time at home under normal circumstances, the current state of the world has made it even more extreme. Even though I haven’t been going anywhere, it feels like I have even less time than ever before. Are you feeling that way as well? After getting too caught up in things I have no control over, I knew it was time to refocus and make a change. Now I’m focusing on distancing myself from the devices and honin...
Apr 22, 2020•19 min•Transcript available on Metacast Somehow, someway, more chicks have found their way onto our homestead. In the name of food security and the uncertainty surrounding our current time, I broke a promise I made to myself just a couple weeks ago. If you’re feeling that same itch or you have yet to purchase chicks this season, I’m here to give you a thorough rundown on the best practices when it comes to finding the right chicks to suit your needs. Learn about some specialty items like heat plates, heat lamps, electrolyte solutions,...
Apr 20, 2020•16 min•Transcript available on Metacast While this most certainly is a homestead focused show, the whole reason I’ve been able to sustain and grow my homestead is because I took the time to establish other businesses. Whether you’re currently pursuing another business or have been thinking about venturing out on your own, growing an online presence is a necessity at this point. Case in point, many of you listening arrived at my podcast only after following my blog, my website, or my social accounts. On today’s episode I address the mo...
Apr 17, 2020•21 min•Transcript available on Metacast Have you ever discovered a forgotten piece of equipment at just the right time? With the madness going on at the grocery, I stumbled upon an old dusty grain mill. While I’ve stuck to all-purpose flour for quite some time, our current circumstances have forced a slight pivot in terms of the grains I use. If you’ve never used a grain mill and you find yourself running out of flour, this episode will help you find several options to fortify your wheat supply. You’ll learn about the different types ...
Apr 15, 2020•20 min•Transcript available on Metacast What is and isn’t a homesteader? If you’re anything like me, this question has weighed on your mind at one point or another. To be honest, the deeper I dove into this topic, I quickly realized how difficult it is to define what homesteading is. I’ve come to find that homesteading is less about certain behaviors or checking off certain boxes and more about living by a mindset and a lifestyle. Listen today to find out what that is. >> Click here to get my special master-pack: https://www.the...
Apr 13, 2020•16 min•Transcript available on Metacast Time and time again, I get inundated with questions about sourdough. On this very special episode (which was broadcast live on Facebook) I answer every sourdough question you could throw my way. We cover everything from why sourdough starter separates, why it molds, how to tell if sourdough is active, and everything in between. If you’ve ever had any questions as to why your sourdough isn’t panning out, then today is your lucky day! >> Click here to get my special master-pack: https://www....
Apr 10, 2020•43 min•Transcript available on Metacast During uncertain times, basic survival needs like food security become a topic of daily discussion. While I realize homesteading is essentially preparing us for times like these, not everyone that listens to this podcast are on a homestead. Many of you live in a city or in suburbs and don’t have a ton of extra space. Today I’m here to lay out what I’d do if I had to start over in the suburbs. Learn the essential vegetables to grow, why you need to own a grain mill, and how I’d stock my pantry. F...
Apr 08, 2020•18 min•Transcript available on Metacast Lately it seems Christian and I have been talking a lot about our dreams for the homestead. More than anything, we’ve realized we share a strong desire to increase our food production this year. Listen today as we take our vision well beyond just adding more chickens and cows. We’re taking steps to further protect our crops from hail and other natural elements to preserve our final yield. Most important, we’re taking steps to produce more food to help provide for our community. During this uncer...
Apr 06, 2020•20 min•Transcript available on Metacast On today’s episode, I’m taking a bit of a departure from my traditional format to dive into the present state of our homestead. I cover everything from prepping raised beds, meat chickens, what we’re doing with our milking setup, and so much more. While we might still be waiting for the cold weather and the snow to pass, things are slowly starting to ramp up in our world. Let’s get ready for spring! >> Click here to get my special master-pack:
Apr 03, 2020•17 min•Transcript available on Metacast The chicks are here! Yes, it’s that time of year. Last year we were a bit behind the eight ball and missed out on meat chickens. Not this time my friend. If you’ve ever wanted to raise meat chickens but have yet to take the plunge, this episode is for you. I dive deep into what makes a great meat chickens, why you shouldn’t let your chickens grow too fast, what to feed your chicken, and so much more. Listen today to get a jumpstart on your meat chicken journey! LINKS: >> How to Raise Meat ...
Apr 01, 2020•17 min•Transcript available on Metacast With everything going on in the world today, it’s important to always check back in on some basics. For everyone that has followed me for any period of time, you’d know canning is easily one of my favorite things when it comes to homesteading. I know what many are you thinking right now: why can dry beans? On today’s episode I’m going to explain the many benefits of canning dry beans as well as share my favorite canning method. LINKS: >> Step-by-Step Tutorial: https://www.theprairiehomeste...
Mar 30, 2020•15 min•Transcript available on Metacast What do you do when everything goes as you hoped, or perhaps even better than you hoped? While it’s great to be able to produce our own food on the homestead, sometimes we find ourselves with a perishable bounty that needs to be dealt with. On today’s episode, I explain how I’m dealing with an excess of eggs. While selling some is always an option, listen to find out how I use this abundance in order to inspire new dishes. I also share some of my favorite preservation techniques so you can still...
Mar 27, 2020•20 min•Transcript available on Metacast Seemingly in the blink of an eye, the world became homeschoolers. For some of you listening, it’s business as usual. For others? Full time panic mode has ensued. Whether you’re a seasoned veteran or a rookie doing this for the first time, I’m here to offer some guidance that anyone can use regardless of experience. I explore some of the most common issues people have when it comes to homeschooling (hint: you don’t have to be perfect) and offer solutions that are sure to ease some stress. Rest as...
Mar 25, 2020•23 min•Transcript available on Metacast To say the world is full of uncertainty is a bit of an understatement at the moment. We’re living in some uncharted waters as a country and as humans in general. I for one can say my mind has been spinning over the past couple weeks. Even with the craziness in the world, the events of the past few weeks has reassured me the choice we made to begin the homesteading journey. Not only are we in a position to produce for for our family, but if it’s needed, we can help the community and inspire other...
Mar 23, 2020•20 min•Transcript available on Metacast Have you ever tried to save a piece of cast iron and found yourself in way too deep? This was my story just last week. After staring at a skillet in my kitchen for years, I finally decided to do something about it. After testing several different solutions, most unsuccessfully, I stumbled upon something that finally worked! Listen today to find out how coconut oil, lard, or flaxseed oil might be your savior when it comes to that old, beat up skillet. Links from show: >> My cast iron fix: h...
Mar 20, 2020•16 min•Transcript available on Metacast Contrary to popular belief, I wasn’t born into the homestead life. If you go back and listen to some of my first episodes you can get the full story on how Christian and I caught the homestead bug. In the end, learning how to homestead has been nothing more than an insatiable desire to learn and taking massive imperfect action everyday. Listen today as I dig into some of my favorite places to gather information. I know some of you will be inspired to take some action of your own. Links from show...
Mar 18, 2020•13 min•Transcript available on Metacast While we’d all love an open, sunny spot to plant our garden, the reality of it is some things are beyond our control. Rest assured, a shady spot doesn’t always mean a death sentence. On today’s episode, I explain how it's possible to grow a garden even without ideal sunlight. Links from show: >>Blog Post: >> Head over to for from-scratch recipes, homestead inspiration, ...
Mar 16, 2020•30 min•Transcript available on Metacast Have you ever jumped head first into starting seeds and quickly find yourself overwhelmed? Trust me, when I first started expanding my garden I was right there with you. The truth is that this will always be the case unless you build a system for planting seeds. Well my friends, with the days getting longer and the air outside feeling a bit different, it’s finally time to start the seeds. Today I’m going to walk you through my own system for starting seeds, complete with full instructions so you...
Mar 11, 2020•22 min•Transcript available on Metacast While I love to cook, at times it can become a drag. With everything we have going on with the kids, our various businesses, and the responsibilities of running a homestead, at times I end to fallback on the tried-and-true recipes that my family has loved throughout the years. While this might be easy and efficient, things tend to get stale over time. On today’s episode I’m here to share some of my favorite ways on how to shake the funk and get the creative juices flowing. Whether it’s finding n...
Mar 09, 2020•14 min•Transcript available on Metacast It’s no secret by now. If you’ve been listening at all to the podcast lately, you’d know that I’ve got gardening on my mind. I’ve said i many times before but I’ll say it once again; gardening is likely a close second on my “what I love about homesteading list”, trailing only the animals. Wha’s the best news out of all this win it comes to gardening? It’s far easier than you think. Listen to today’s show to find out why and gain some valuable tips on how you can get started today! Links from sho...
Mar 06, 2020•13 min•Transcript available on Metacast Between late frosts in the spring, early frosts in the fall, blizzards in the middle of May, and everything in between, Wyoming is one of the most difficult climates you’ll find to grow a garden. So I do I combat this every year? I focus on understanding the frost cycle and only grow what will thrive in our zone. I start seeds inside to capitalize on prime growing season. Learn why you should be leery of the big box stores and why working with local suppliers who know your zone is crucial. If yo...
Mar 04, 2020•16 min•Transcript available on Metacast Believe it or not, many of the best ways to use up leftover sourdough starter have nothing to do with baking bread. If you’ve ever wondered what to do with your leftover sourdough starter, then this is the episode you’ve been waiting for. Join me on today’s show where you’ll learn my top 5 favorite discard recipes, including pancakes, waffles, and biscuits. So slow your roll, don’t ditch that dough, and find out how to take advantage of that discard in this incredibly helpful episode. >> H...
Mar 02, 2020•17 min•Transcript available on Metacast I’m not going to lie. This episode is likely to ruffle some feathers. However, this is a topic that’s been weighing on my mind for quite some time. On various videos or social media posts, I’ve received a number of questions about how Christian and I have been able to afford our homestead. Many assume we come from a wealthy background, but that couldn’t be further from the truth. I’m here to explain how we found a small property, got out of debt, worked odd jobs, and built our homestead overtime...
Feb 28, 2020•30 min•Transcript available on Metacast If you’ve been listening or following me for a while, you’d know that it was horses that actually spurred my initial interest in homesteading. While most people wouldn’t consider a horse as a traditional ‘homestead’ animal, I’ve found that they hold a very special place in our daily lives. On today’s episode, I explain how to make sure you’re getting the right type of horse for you and your family. More important, I explain why a horse is NOT your dog. >>Get complimentary access to my full...
Feb 26, 2020•23 min•Transcript available on Metacast Thanks to social media, I might appear to be some type of super woman. The truth of the matter is, Instagram and Facebook posts never tell the full story no matter how transparent I try to be. I’m able to “Do It All” because I’ve become extremely efficient with time management and have realized that I simply can’t do it all. On today’s episode, I explain how things like finding help, saying no, and blocking time have enabled me to not only become super productive, but also free up more time in o...
Feb 24, 2020•25 min•Transcript available on Metacast