In one of the more exciting developments on the homestead over the past couple months, we have calves! For many of you, the idea of dairy producing animals might be completely foreign. On today’s episode, I’m here to demystify the process of breeding milk cows. I cover topics such as artificial insemination, when and how to begin the milking process, and how to ensure you wind up with heifers. Listen to find out how were dealing with our new calves and discover why beef bulls can be used for breeding purposes, but it’s not the ideal solution in the long-term. If you’ve ever been interested in adding dairy animals to your homestead but have no idea where to start, this episode is sure to get the wheels churning.
>> A BIG shout-out to our podcast sponsor this month— Lehman’s Hardware!
They are your one-stop homesteading shop for EVERYTHING you need for an old-fashioned lifestyle. Use code JILLMAY for 10% all baking supplies!
Don't forget to head on over to Lehman's and use the code JILLMAY for 10% off on their entire stock of baking supplies.
>> Make safe, natural udder balms & teat sprays for your milk cows & goats at home with my free handbook!
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