While I love to cook, at times it can become a drag. With everything we have going on with the kids, our various businesses, and the responsibilities of running a homestead, at times I end to fallback on the tried-and-true recipes that my family has loved throughout the years. While this might be easy and efficient, things tend to get stale over time. On today’s episode I’m here to share some of my favorite ways on how to shake the funk and get the creative juices flowing. Whether it’s finding new ways to cook old recipes, committing to cooking at last one new meal per week, or buying some new herbs you’ve never tried, there’s always a way to get yourself out of a rut.
Links from show:
>> Head over to www.theprairiehomestead.com for from-scratch recipes, homestead inspiration, and old-fashioned tutorials.
>> Get your Old-Fashioned on Purpose Swag at www.homesteadswag.com
>> Follow Jill on YouTube: http://youtube.com/theprairiehomestead
>> Follow Jill on Instagram: http://instagram.com/theprairiehomestead
>> Follow Jill on Facebook: http://facebook.com/theprairiehomestead
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