I've been sharing homesteading online since 2010, but lately, the online homestead world has started to feel different.... If you spend much time surfing Instagram, you might think you need a historic white farmhouse, period-appropriate clothing, and a magazine-worthy kitchen to live this old-fashioned life. But is the rise of "farmfluencing" actually hurting the movement? How can we celebrate the beautiful while also embracing the ugly? We're diving into this sticky topic on...
Mar 13, 2023•36 min•Ep 16•Transcript available on Metacast It’s one of the most old-fashioned practices we can cultivate in our modern culture. And no, it’s not baking sourdough, or growing vegetables, or milking a cow… I’m talking about building community. So why is it so hard? And how can we navigate relationships in our ultra-polarized world? Dr. Gary Chapman, best-selling author of The 5 Love Languages, is joining us today to talk about building & mending community in a world that seems determined to keep us isolated. Be sure to check out Toups ...
Mar 06, 2023•28 min•Ep 15•Transcript available on Metacast Today I'm geeking out over wheat berries. Yeah, it's no wonder I don't have a lot of non-homesteading friends, I guess I seem kinda weird to some... But fresh flour is something worth geeking out over! Join me today to find out why. Book resources on fresh flour: What Your Food Ate by David Montgomery and Anne Bikle, Flour Lab by Adam Leonti, Sourdough by Science by Karyn Lynn Newman, Bittman Bread by Mark Bittman and Kerri Conan, Artisan Sourdough Made Simple by Emilie Raffa Find...
Feb 27, 2023•32 min•Ep 14•Transcript available on Metacast Pruning is never easy. But growth isn't possible without it. Today we're chatting about some of the recent things I've been changing, cutting out, and rethinking about in every aspect of our lives... simple things... little changes... but huge results are in the works. I can feel it. Subscribe here for more thoughts on this and more: http://theprairiehomestead.com/letter Be sure to check out Toups & Co, a small homestead family that makes amazing skin products from natural ing...
Feb 20, 2023•41 min•Ep 13•Transcript available on Metacast This topic seemed deeply overwhelming to me until today's guest unveiled amazing hidden truths and tips that I think you too will find fascinating. Be sure to check out Toups & Co, a small homestead family that makes amazing skin products from natural ingredients. Go to ThePrairieHomestead.com/makeup and save 15% with code HOMESTEAD. Find Cher at: Where to find Cher Reynan: http://www.wildfibre.ca/ or https://www.prairieroseskills.ca/ Find Cher on instagram here: https://www.instagram.c...
Feb 13, 2023•45 min•Ep 12•Transcript available on Metacast Join in as Liz Haselmayer and I discuss real food. Prices keep rising at the grocery store, and it's not often easy to even find good food, especially if you can't buy a farm and move to the country. The Haselmayers--like most families--don't own a farm, but they've learned that doesn't mean they need to sacrifice nutrition. Join us as Liz and I share lots of practical insights into this timely topic. And be sure to check out Toups & Co, a small homestead family that...
Feb 06, 2023•1 hr 2 min•Ep 11•Transcript available on Metacast If you sometimes wonder if you're living in an ag echo chamber, you'll want to join in on today's conversation with a true advocate for ag and all that entails. Natalie, as a first-generation rancher with 5th-generation roots, shares a lot of great insights into what might be driving the aggressive anti-meat narrative we hear today, and so much more. Natalie's Instagram: @nataliekovarik Her podcast: Discover Ag Natalie Kovarik's website: https://nataliekovarik.com/ My (N...
Jan 30, 2023•43 min•Ep 10•Transcript available on Metacast The internet is blowing up with comedi-HENS... pricey-egg memes and egg-gangster reels, so today we're diving into my thoughts on this "Great Egg Conspiracy" and if it's really what it's cracked up to be. My (New) Old-School Blog: www.prairiephilosophy.com Head to http://www.theprairiehomestead.com/grow to get complimentary access to my best homestead resources. Get more in-depth homestead info, printable recipes, tutorials, and more on my blog at www.theprairiehomestead...
Jan 23, 2023•29 min•Ep 9•Transcript available on Metacast He's baaack... but this time Christian and I are chatting about our beef story. Join us as we walk through how we broke out of the limited mindset that told us we couldn't do this, what scared each of us the most (you may be surprised), and if all the experts are right that you can't be a rancher unless you're born or married into it. If you've ever had a dream that others tell you is impossible, there's good stuff in this episode for you. If you'd like to serv...
Jan 16, 2023•47 min•Ep 8•Transcript available on Metacast I'm thrilled to be talking with Matt Beaudreau today. And I think you'll love joining in our conversation about doing crazy things that society doesn't always agree with. Matt, a well-known speaker and co-creator of Apogee Strong, talks about how we all consistently seeing patterns in society over and over and naively thinking that, "okay, I'll take the next step, and that's where I will gain some element of control to be able to actually impact the situation."...
Jan 09, 2023•54 min•Ep 7•Transcript available on Metacast Ancient and heritage grains & how to use them in your kitchen ... It's an intriguing topic that most of us long to know so much more about. So today we do a deep dive with not one but two experts, Caitlin Youngquist, an agricultural educator with the University of Wyoming Extension, and Sarah Wood, a fourth-generation farmer. Purchase their ancient grains here: https://www.wyomingheritagegrains.com/ This episode is brought to you by our beef – Genuine Beef Co. Grab our Jingle Bells Holi...
Jan 02, 2023•55 min•Ep 6•Transcript available on Metacast It's hard to believe I've been producing this podcast since 2019 yet today is the first time this guest has joined me. Listen in as Christian and I talk about how to recognize what your spouse brings to the table in your relationship and what to do when you don't see eye-to-eye about homesteading. This episode is brought to you by our beef– Genuine Beef Co. Grab our Jingle Bells Holiday Special and get two FREE pounds of ground beef! https://genuinebeefco.com/a/bundles/jingle-bell...
Dec 19, 2022•51 min•Ep 5•Transcript available on Metacast You're gonna love this episode, just me chatting with Marty Raney (yes, THE Marty Raney) about all those giant mistakes he's seen homesteaders making over the years. This episode is brought to you by our beef– Genuine Beef Co. Grab our Jingle Bells Holiday Special and get two FREE pounds of ground beef! https://genuinebeefco.com/a/bundles/jingle-bells-holiday-special-4yya Or grab a gift card for the perfect gift that tells them you want them to have the best: https://genuinebeefco.com/...
Dec 12, 2022•1 hr 26 min•Ep 4•Transcript available on Metacast Most of us have no desire to buy things we don't need or keep stuffing our homes full of stuff. And folks like us don’t mind rocking the boat or going against the grain in almost every area of life, so Christmas gift-giving shouldn’t be any different, right? If you'd like all the recipes we talk about in today's episode--and a lot more great gift ideas-- check out the little resource we put together for you that you can refer to year after year, to easily make gifts that will be u...
Dec 05, 2022•28 min•Ep 3•Transcript available on Metacast Today I'm chatting with Kody Hanner about homestead kids and how to motivate them effectively. We talk about the complications of an over-busy family schedule and how to help it run a little more smoothly without having to toss in the towel or revamp it all. This episode is brought to you by our beef-- Genuine Beef Co. Grab our Steak Sizzler Special and enjoy two pounds of our ground beef for FREE as well as FREE shipping! https://genuinebeefco.com/a/bundles/ Find Kody at homemaderevelation...
Nov 28, 2022•53 min•Ep 2•Transcript available on Metacast Today's a fun episode, brought to you by YOU... You all threw some great questions my way and I'm answering a bunch of them today, rapid fire. And we'll kick it all off with an update on what's been happening around here, starting with a really big bull that local friends & Christian are taking by the horns. This episode is sponsored by Genuine Beef Co. & our limited-time Steak Sizzler Special. You're gonna love this! Go to https://genuinebeefco.com/a/bundles/ My...
Nov 21, 2022•50 min•Ep 1•Transcript available on Metacast Today I'm chatting with you about something that's consumed my life lately... a stage I'm going through that is my most challenging one to date. I've been feeling like the Lone Ranger in this category, and I'm sure I'm not, so please listen in and let me know if you commiserate with what I'm going through. My (New) Old-School Blog: www.prairiephilosophy.com Head to http://www.theprairiehomestead.com/grow to get complimentary access to my best homestead resource...
Oct 31, 2022•30 min•Transcript available on Metacast I'm thrilled that a bigger and better second edition of The Small Scale Poultry Flock has just been released, and the author, Harvey Ussery, is here today to share so much chicken knowledge! We talk about predators, gardens, weeds, cover crops, and lots more, and what all these things have to do with chickens. As well as why the best solutions to so many chicken problems--the natural ones that are cheap or free--aren't the ones you often hear about. Learn more about Harvey Ussery'...
Oct 24, 2022•59 min•Transcript available on Metacast Today I'm uncovering the toxic story behind what folks want us to think is a harmless fertilizer. I'm talking with Julie Lay. Julie has a BS in Animal Science from Auburn University and until 2020 spent her entire career working in the food safety industry, which you could argue she’s still doing, but in a very different way, today. The documentary featuring Julie: https://www.southernexposurefilms.org/films/soiled More about Maine's biosludge ban: https://www.theguardian.com/envi...
Oct 17, 2022•48 min•Ep 13•Transcript available on Metacast Taking a little break from our current theme today to fill you in on the major soil saga we had on the homestead this spring. If you have ever purchased potting soil or dirt, or if you keep a compost pile, my story has ramifications for you too. Link to my Youtube video on what happened this spring: What Killed My Tomato Plants (video) My favorite seed company: True Leaf Market Our Beef Company: https://genuinebeefco.com/ My favorite soil kit option on the market: theprairiehomestead.com/soiltes...
Oct 10, 2022•30 min•Ep 12•Transcript available on Metacast Today I'm welcoming back Susan Linn, psychologist, lecturer on psychiatry at Harvard Medical School, and the author a few landmark books, including her just-released Who's Raising the Kids? Is big business raising our kids today? And how we can fight back? Find Susan Linn here: susanlinn.net My (New) Old-School Blog: www.prairiephilosophy.com Head to http://www.theprairiehomestead.com/grow to get complimentary access to my best homestead resources. Get more in-depth homestead info, pri...
Oct 03, 2022•51 min•Ep 11•Transcript available on Metacast Suppose you’ve wondered why an anti-meat agenda is being pushed nationwide. In that case, you need to listen to my talk today with Diana Rodger, registered dietitian, former research biochemist, and co-author of the book Sacred Cow (and the documentary of the same name). She walks us out of what she calls “carbon tunnel vision,” and explains in very simple terms why well-raised meat is good for us and our planet. Find Diana at: Website: https://www.globalfoodjustice.org/ Patreon: https://www.pat...
Sep 26, 2022•49 min•Ep 10•Transcript available on Metacast Today's guest is an expert on how brains change in response to experiences. Dr. Kelly Lambert, an author and behavioral neuroscientist at the University of Richmond, offers us some truly old-fashioned remedies to an ever-present modern problem of increasing rates of depression. While antidepressants have become a multi-billion-dollar industry in recent decades, the rates of depression haven't gone down. Dr. Kelly Lambert offers very interesting insights, and brilliant, simple suggestio...
Sep 19, 2022•59 min•Ep 9•Transcript available on Metacast Today I'm chatting with the creator of the 1000 Hours outside movement. Ginny offers hands-on, practical ways to get your children off of electronics and out in nature while also inspiring you to do the same. She encourages us that our kids can do less of those "enriching activities," that sometimes cost a fortune, and yet gain so much more... all from more time in nature. If you've had a rough gardening season, or just want to improve your garden soil, check out this episode...
Sep 12, 2022•49 min•Ep 8•Transcript available on Metacast I'm thrilled to be talking with Michael Easter today, an award-winning journalist, contributing editor at Men’s Health magazine, and author of The Comfort Crisis. Michael breaks down how our world has gotten more and more "comfortable" since the Industrial Revolution, why this isn't necessarily a good thing, and why more folks today need to do what homesteaders, as a natural inclination, tend to do... challenge themselves and lean into "hard." Where to find Michael ...
Sep 05, 2022•50 min•Ep 7•Transcript available on Metacast If you've ever wondered why kids don't crave independent, creative play as they did a generation ago, or why today's kids don't often complete things solely for the satisfaction of achievement, you're gonna love this podcast episode. Susan Linn is an author, psychologist, and world-renowned expert on creative play and provides insight into smartphones and social-media dopamine while giving us practical ways to bring back creativity to middle childhood. Btw, if you'v...
Aug 29, 2022•43 min•Ep 6•Transcript available on Metacast When it comes to how to motivate kids, our society gets a lot wrong. If you ever find yourself seconding guess your parenting choices that don't always look like the rest of society's parenting choices, definitely listen in to my talk with Jessica Lahey today. If, on another note, you've had a rough gardening season, or just want to improve your garden soil, check out this episode's sponsor, Redmond's Agriculture, & my favorite soil kit option on the market, right he...
Aug 22, 2022•1 hr 3 min•Ep 5•Transcript available on Metacast Join in on my conversation with the author of Radical Homemakers and Redefining Rich as she breaks down the meaning of "homemaker" in ways you've never thought of. In today's episode, Shannon and I talk about how a true homemaker learns skills so she is free to live by the principles that are most important to her, all the while working through the important steps of renouncing, reclaiming, and rebuilding, and figuring out what these steps look like for her. Shannon and I tal...
Aug 15, 2022•50 min•Ep 4•Transcript available on Metacast Rory Feek joins me today to talk about why we think our current generation is the most depressed one that's ever lived and how we can slowly go about opting out of the systems, even without a detailed plan. We talk about how we can, one step at a time, become more autonomous and independent, while simultaneously investing more in the community. Want to know more about the sustainable, reusable canning lids I mentioned in this episode, and stop worrying about unforeseen shortages that could ...
Aug 08, 2022•1 hr 9 min•Ep 3•Transcript available on Metacast Today we have a fascinating guest, Lenore Skenazy, the author of the book Free-Range Kids and the founder of a nonprofit that is making it easy, normal, and legal to give kids independence. We're diving into an intriguing topic of free-range kids and the impact it has on them when adults mitigate all risks. We'll talk about how as a society we got where we are, with parents afraid to let their kids play in the front yard or walk to the corner. And we'll outline practical steps par...
Aug 01, 2022•1 hr 3 min•Ep 2•Transcript available on Metacast