I can not explain what ADHD is without discussing Executive Function, because executive functioning is the CEO of our brain. You use it to run your life: your productivity, efficiency, family, work, friendship, including every single decision you make, from career choices to when to brush your teeth. Keeping up with doctor appointments, insurance, tests, labs, medicine, etc., is so much information for my brain to keep track of! Here are the ways I stay on top of all the juggling. Find the info ...
Aug 06, 2020•19 min•Ep 57•Transcript available on Metacast I can not explain what ADHD is without discussing Executive Function, because executive functioning is the CEO of our brain. You use it to run your life: your productivity, efficiency, family, work, friendship, including every single decision you make, from career choices to when to brush your teeth. One area of EF is Focus & Consistency. Or the lack thereof, being the hallmark of ADHD. How does it affect an ADHD adult? Let's learn about our ADHD brains. Find the info & items mentioned in my pod...
Jul 30, 2020•12 min•Ep 56•Transcript available on Metacast We’re more than halfway through the year. Even though 2020 did not turn out how anyone planned, we still have 5 months to do some good work. My word for 2020 is FAILURE because I tend to play it safe. I'm a recovering perfectionist. What about you? How can you pivot on the goals you wanted to achieve this year to fit this crazy situation? It's not going to be like this forever, mama. It will get better. Don't throw 2020 in the trash just yet. For more info & free resources: https://www.patricias...
Jul 23, 2020•13 min•Ep 55•Transcript available on Metacast I can not explain what ADHD is without discussing Executive Function, because executive functioning is the CEO of our brain. You use it to run your life: your productivity, efficiency, family, work, friendship, including every single decision you make, from career choices to when to brush your teeth. One part of EF is Working Memory. We use it constantly. Every minute of every hour of every day. How does it affect an ADHD adult? Let's learn about our ADHD brains. For resources: bit.ly/MIAShowNot...
Jul 16, 2020•18 min•Ep 54•Transcript available on Metacast I can not explain what ADHD is without discussing Executive Function, because executive functioning is the CEO of our brain. You use it to run your life: your productivity, efficiency, family, work, friendship, including every single decision you make, from career choices to when to brush your teeth. This episode kicks off my Executive Function series where we'll learn what is executive functioning, discuss how we can see the EF-ADHD connection in our everyday lives, so that we can improve our d...
Jul 09, 2020•13 min•Ep 53•Transcript available on Metacast Struggling to start? ADHD brains easily feel overwhelmed by big projects and too many options. When I'm feeling stuck, here's what I do to calm the chaos, overcome fear, and break down big projects: I do one action. That's it. Just one. Join me for a pep talk on baby steps, because YOU can do one thing, too! Find the info & items mentioned in my podcast here: https://www.patriciasung.com/show-notes I also put together a free list of my favorite resources for ADHD mamas; snag that there, too....
Jul 02, 2020•14 min•Ep 52•Transcript available on Metacast How can we be better friends? Adult ADHD makes it difficult to juggle social cues, keep up with friends, and show how much you care to the people who mean the most. Let's talk some practical strategies. I also sat down with Noelle Rhodes of Friending podcast this week and discussed friendship struggles when have adult ADHD, feeling scattered or overwhelmed, so be sure to Listen in on my chat with Noelle here. Find the info & items mentioned in my podcast here: https://www.patriciasung.com/show-n...
Jun 11, 2020•20 min•Ep 51•Transcript available on Metacast Are you struggling? I sure am! Here are 10 ways I exit the depression spiral, and disrupt "Depressed Brain's" monologue on how much life sucks. Battling depression is an every day job. We can reclaim our lives as happy, productive, peaceful, and loving. Depression is an ugly beast that is so much more than just being sad. I have overcome deep depression twice, and I do these 10 things every day to stay mentally healthy, and I know that they will help you feel better, too. Find the info & items m...
Jun 04, 2020•17 min•Ep 50•Transcript available on Metacast My little sister called for advice on how to help her best friend, who just found out her mom has terminal cancer with 12 months to live. Since our mom passed away of cancer when we were young, my sister felt like she should know what to say, yet she was stuck. Grief is strange like that. A death 15 years ago can choke you up like it was yesterday. Sharing the burden of grief and death is not easy and it's scary. And that's just what a good friendship relies on: support through the tough times. ...
Apr 23, 2020•21 min•Ep 49•Transcript available on Metacast Potty Training is one of the great obstacles of parenthood. You're really excited to get to the other side and never change another diaper! You're also dreading the effort, stress, and cleanup that goes into process. Because... SO MUCH PEE. Here are my 10 tips to set yourself up for success and get your child using the toilet in 3 days using Lora Jensen's three day potty training method: it's as quick, easy, and efficient as toilet training can be. Yes, it's possible; I've done it twice. No more...
Apr 16, 2020•35 min•Ep 48•Transcript available on Metacast Grit is an intimidating word for those of us with ADHD. A lot of us feel like we're not good at sticking with, well, anything. However, if we read Angela Duckworth's life-long study of grit, we learn not only that grit is a learned skill, but also how we can build our grit muscle. There are plenty of ADHD paragons with serious grit skills, meaning we, too, can stretch and tone our Stick-to-itiveness abilities to be someone who overcomes obstacles and achieves big goals. Let's talk about how. Fin...
Apr 09, 2020•19 min•Ep 47•Transcript available on Metacast FAIL: That's my 2020 word of the year. I know, that sounds ridiculous, so listen in while I explain why this is the perfect choice for me to achieve new levels of success this year. What about you? How do you feel when I ask you how your 2020 New Years Resolution or Goals are going? If it's panic, self-loathing, or disappointment, fear not! There are still 9 months left in the year to do great things. Quit clinging to that negative attitude and let's figure out what we can do to get your goals g...
Apr 02, 2020•11 min•Ep 46•Transcript available on Metacast We're in the thick of crazy times. Nothing seems right and everything is stressful. I'm in a state of mourning how life as we knew it is gone. There is so much we can not control, so let's focus on what we can control: how can we adjust our lives to make the best of a down-right awful situation and navigate the grief? Here's what I have been doing to set priorities, modify my mindset, and adjust the basic necessities to create a balanced mama and a peaceful family as we grieve the loss of so muc...
Mar 26, 2020•18 min•Ep 45•Transcript available on Metacast I'm back! My break was half amazing and half messy, and I'm sharing my mindset goals when life gets out of control, unexpected hiccups occur, systems breakdown, and everything feels overwhelming. I'm slow rolling into 2020 as I learn to balance things while I take on a huge project for my son's school. This fundraiser is using all of the executive functioning skills that don't come easily with ADHD. I have one month left to blow this event out of the water, so wish me luck and say a whole bucket...
Feb 28, 2020•15 min•Ep 44•Transcript available on Metacast I believe perfectionism is an epidemic among ADHD women. Too many of us mastered this coping mechanism as young women in an effort to align the messages we received as girls with the reality inside our brains. And while it served us for a long a time, it doesn’t have to cripple us any longer. In the last episode, we sifted through our histories with perfectionism, and now we will practice being imperfect in a low-risk environment. Step by step we can build evidence for our brain that our new sta...
Dec 19, 2019•15 min•Transcript available on Metacast I'm here to practice what I preach, ADHD mama! So here's an imperfect episode to explain why I'm not going to publish an episode every single for the next few weeks. It's time to prioritize and practice being imperfect. Meet me over at www.motherhoodinadhd.com. Find the info & items mentioned in my podcast here: https://www.patriciasung.com/show-notes
Dec 12, 2019•6 min•Transcript available on Metacast I believe perfectionism is an epidemic among ADHD women. Too many of us mastered this coping mechanism as young women in an effort to align the messages we received as girls with the reality inside our brains. And while it served us for a long a time, it doesn’t have to cripple us any longer. Let’s discuss how we got to this place, what our current beliefs are, & how we want our thoughts to match with our priorities and values. In Part 2, we’ll practice being imperfect! Find the info & items men...
Dec 05, 2019•22 min•Transcript available on Metacast A little thank you note from me to you, sweet mama! Find the info & items mentioned in my podcast here: https://www.patriciasung.com/show-notes I also put together a free list of my favorite resources for ADHD mamas; snag that there, too.
Nov 28, 2019•4 min•Ep 40•Transcript available on Metacast Why? Why do you have that goal? Why are you trying to make a change? ADHD often gets us stuck. We aren’t sure how to proceed. It’s overwhelming and overstimulating. Or we forget about our new goal and make the same impulsive/bad/unhelpful choice as last time, tossing our new goal into the black hole along with all the forgotten goals and changes we never made. Figuring out WHY we are trying to achieve a goal makes us far more likely to stick with it. But not a surface why. Let’s dig down deep to...
Nov 21, 2019•15 min•Ep 39•Transcript available on Metacast Our brains do a great job of keeping us alive. Thanks, brain! But in our brain's wiring for survival and safety lurks a strong aversion to risk, new or scary things, and the unknown. This makes changing anything and everything feel like a Herculean effort. Before you get discouraged, listen up to how this made my struggles easier to deal with...we can still do the hard things when we have the right mindset. Find the info & items mentioned in my podcast here: https://www.patriciasung.com/show-not...
Nov 14, 2019•18 min•Ep 38•Transcript available on Metacast Some of your thoughts are garbage and you need to let go of them right now. Not everything your brain thinks deserves your brain power! We talk Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD), Intrusive Thoughts, and how we can mistakenly think we're taking control, when were actually giving our power over to our fear. Utilizing Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT), I've learned how to let go of harmful and fearful thoughts, and now I am using my energy for productive, useful thoughts. I wish words could adeq...
Nov 07, 2019•24 min•Ep 37•Transcript available on Metacast You are an amazing, loving, perfect-for-your-kids Mother. If you are struggling to think of a reason why, I asked four Powerhouse ADHD Mom Role Models to share their ADHD Ninja Mom Skills with you. I am honored to share their wisdom, honesty, and encouragement with you, Mama. In honor of ADHD Awareness month, let's celebrate how our ADHD makes us incredible. My panel of experts: Laura, The ADHD Mama, ADHD Video Creator Tracy Otsuka, Lawyer & ADHD Podcast Host Jaclyn Paul, Author & ADHD Blogger S...
Oct 31, 2019•24 min•Ep 36•Transcript available on Metacast So many of us with ADHD have been beaten over the head regarding all of the things we don't "do right". I want to challenge you to think about what you DO do right. You are a Bad A$$ Mama who can do tremendous things. You have admirable personality traits. You can do things few others can do. What are the skills that make you unstoppable? Let's all agree to stop the negativity tape that plays on repeat in our minds and record a new soundtrack that reminds ourselves how our ADHD makes us remarkab...
Oct 24, 2019•16 min•Ep 35•Transcript available on Metacast In all my years of parent conferences, most parents asked about their child's grades & that's it. That's a wasted opportunity! You can learn so much about your child from their teacher, as can the teacher learn about your child from you. You, mama, set the priorities for your child's growth, so it's time to team up & build that relationship. Everyone is on Team (your child's name). Ready, Set, Goal! Here are the questions I wished parents would ask me, covering preschool to high school. Find the...
Oct 17, 2019•21 min•Transcript available on Metacast In honor of ADHD Awareness Month: You asked; I answered! When did I get diagnosed? How has my life been affected by ADHD? I'm cracking open the history book and sharing my diagnosis, struggles, failures, as well as my successes. From sweet childhood, disastrous college years, and flawed career choices, I'm an open book. I would love to hear about you, too, so let's trade stories, Mama! Find the info & items mentioned in my podcast here: https://www.patriciasung.com/show-notes I also put together...
Oct 10, 2019•22 min•Ep 34•Transcript available on Metacast Where has all my money gone? Are you woefully distraught as you wait for payday to inch closer? It's time to quit that negative thinking. Cast the vision of your future and set your priorities. We all know we should spend less but how do we actually cut back our spending? It's time to make a few phone calls and some sacrifices, in order to reach the goals we are pursuing and achieving. Find the info & items mentioned in my podcast here: https://www.patriciasung.com/show-notes I also put together...
Oct 03, 2019•23 min•Transcript available on Metacast When you hear "budget", what are the first three words that come to mind? Fulfillment! Success! Accomplishment! Um, no? If yours are all pessimistic, then it's time to quit that negative thinking. Cast the vision of your future & set your priorities. Your budget is a financial road map that YOU create to achieve YOUR goals. Future-you is depending on Present-you to get it together. YOU are driving this mother. Now let's make that budget. You can do it. Find the info & items mentioned in my podca...
Sep 26, 2019•25 min•Transcript available on Metacast Hello, Skeletons in the closet! I am a raw and open book today. I'm sharing my myriad of mental health struggles: anxiety, depression, postpartum anxiety (PPA), suicidal thoughts, what it feels like to have a panic attack, and the tools in my toolkit for getting through the overwhelming hurdles. If you're struggling like I did, please reach out for help right now with someone you trust. All the hugs from me to you, Mama. Find the info & items mentioned in my podcast here: https://www.patriciasun...
Sep 19, 2019•24 min•Ep 30•Transcript available on Metacast I asked a few of my favorite positive ADHD Instagram role models to share what has been most impactful in learning to love themselves with ADHD. I'm so excited to share their wisdom, honesty, & positivity with you, Mama. So grab your coffee, relax, & let's get to loving ourselves a little bit more today! My panel of experts: Alissa @alissaswonkybrain Dina @theadhdlawyer Jessica @everythoughtcaptivecoaching Jon Jon @adhd_jOnjOn Kristen @i.have.adhd.podcast Liz @healthyadhd Marc @wellnesswithmarc ...
Sep 12, 2019•19 min•Ep 29•Transcript available on Metacast More happiness? That's a goal worth pursuing for all of us. In The Big Leap, Gay Hendricks shares where we often stumble and how to dissolve our obstacles to live a more full life in our Zone of Genius. We're not settling for Excellence here, mamas. We are sifting through societal stigmas and childhood wounds to find ways to overcome our worry, incompetence, and self-imposed limitations. Scary? Yes. But we can do this! It's time to level up! Find the info & items mentioned in my podcast here: ht...
Sep 05, 2019•18 min•Ep 28•Transcript available on Metacast