Episode description
I asked a few of my favorite positive ADHD Instagram role models to share what has been most impactful in learning to love themselves with ADHD. I'm so excited to share their wisdom, honesty, & positivity with you, Mama. So grab your coffee, relax, & let's get to loving ourselves a little bit more today! My panel of experts:
Alissa @alissaswonkybrain
Dina @theadhdlawyer
Jessica @everythoughtcaptivecoaching
Jon Jon @adhd_jOnjOn
Kristen @i.have.adhd.podcast
Liz @healthyadhd
Marc @wellnesswithmarc
Sandra @theadhdgoodlife
To reach out to any of our guests, please head to https://www.patriciasung.com/show-notes
for their contact info!