Being able to travel and explore the world in our 20s is such a unique privilege, but sometimes we can overdo a good thing and hit a point of complete emotional, mental and physical exhaustion, causing us to want to go home early, abandon our trip or enjoy our travels a lot less. In this episode we break down the psychology behind travel burnout, why it occurs, what it says about our human need to belong, creature comforts and my tips for overcoming the fatigue and exhaustion and getting the mos...
Jan 23, 2024•41 min•Transcript available on Metacast We experience chronic guilt towards a lot of things: guilt for resting, guilt for not resting, guilt for prioritising ourselves, guilt for being a bad friend, a bad partner, a bad student, for not deserving your opportunities. In today's episode we break down the guilt complex by exploring: The childhood guilt wound People pleasing The fawn response Perfectionism Negative self esteem We also discuss how we can overcome our chronic guilt by deciding to live for ourselves and putting energy into o...
Jan 19, 2024•35 min•Transcript available on Metacast In today's episode we are going to discuss the psychology behind our health anxiety, something we don't speak about enough in our 20s. Health anxiety leaves us feeling incredibly hypervigilant to symptoms or feelings in our body that could indicate a life threatening illness or impending death, even if they are just a projection or derived from stress. This comes from our need to feel in control of our bodies and a lot of primal, evolutionary origins. It can also leave us struggling with feeling...
Jan 16, 2024•29 min•Transcript available on Metacast Getting into a new relationship can bring up a lot of past trauma from previous relationships, and cause a lot of self sabotage or anxiety, resulting in behaviours such as: Emotional unavailability Knit picking behaviour Starting unnecessary fights Stone walling Pushing people away Ignoring red flags In this episode we answer the question "do you need to completely heal before entering into a new relationship?". We are joined by the incredible, Tasha Bailey, otherwise known as the Real Talk Ther...
Jan 12, 2024•38 min•Transcript available on Metacast Many of us find ourselves obsessively focused on the opinions and judgements of others, letting their opinion of us influence our sense of self worth and confidence. However, true power and success comes when we embrace the courage to be disliked and recognise that the negative words of others come from their own insecurity, rather than as a reflection of us. In this episode we break down this concept, alongside the role of reputation, conformity, the chameleon effect and how we can embrace our ...
Jan 09, 2024•36 min•Transcript available on Metacast Alcohol is a drug, highly addictive, has proven to do damage to our minds and our bodies and yet makes up a huge part of our 20s, especially how we socialise and connect with others. In today's episode we are going to talk about the psychology of alcohol, the impact of alcohol on our brains, the influence our social circles and friendships have on our drinking habits, hangiexty, binge drinking and all the conversations about alcohol we should be having in our 20s, that maybe we are not. As part ...
Jan 04, 2024•38 min•Transcript available on Metacast Welcome to 2024! With each new year on the podcast, we set a new theme or intention for the next 12 months. This year our theme is RISK, embracing our fear of change or making a mistake and embracing risk in all its forms! We discuss how we can get a better idea of what we want for our future, discover our purpose, what type of risks will get us there, the difference between bounded and unbounded risk and why risks not always have to be impulsive or spontaneous. Listen now and welcome to your ye...
Jan 02, 2024•33 min•Transcript available on Metacast Dating with an anxious attachment style comes with a number of challenges: struggling to feel secure, requiring constant reassurance, mistrust, a fear of abandonment, feeling unworthy of love or difficulty setting boundaries. But your attachment style is not a life sentence, it is something you can challenge and heal by embracing vulnerability, healthy love, boundary setting and applying the love you crave from others to yourself. We are joined by the wonderful Thais Gibson, an author, speaker, ...
Dec 29, 2023•49 min•Transcript available on Metacast Feeling stuck and dissatisfied with where you are in your life is never a place we want to be in. Perhaps you are contemplating a major life change - moving to a new city, quitting your job, leaving a long term relationship - that you believe will be the antidote to your future happiness and fulfilment. Psychology shows that this might not always be the case. Wanting to change something about our environment may reflect that the true change we need to make is internal. We are joined by Dr Lisa M...
Dec 25, 2023•41 min•Transcript available on Metacast When we experience healthy love for the first time after years of unsettling, unhealthy, toxic relationships, one of the first reactions we can have is "why does this feel so boring?" Often we confuse safety with a lack of passion, or assume that just because this person doesn't activate our nervous system, we are missing the spark. This is often left over from past relationships where we have confused anxiety with excitement. In this episode, we bring on Sarah Yudkin, the founder of You Love an...
Dec 22, 2023•42 min•Transcript available on Metacast As the holiday season approaches so does the expectation to start seeing family, including difficult family members who you would rather avoid. In today's episode we are joined by Alexis Fernandez, the host of the show Do You F***ing Mind, to gain a better understanding of how we can navigate those who we may be related to by blood but have a hard time being around, including: Narcissistic parents and in laws Jealous family members Family members with political differences Depressed parents Comp...
Dec 19, 2023•46 min•Transcript available on Metacast Impulse shopping in an experience we've all had, the feeling of buying something you know you don't really need, but you want it desperately in the moment. Often during this decade we begin earning "adult money" for the first time and that means we can begin spending as a way to emotional regulate. Had a bad day? Buy a new pair of shoes. Been through a breakup? Shopping spree. There are so many ways that companies encourage this behaviour through flash sales and low stock sales, creating a sense...
Dec 14, 2023•57 min•Transcript available on Metacast We all know the feeling of going on a few dates with someone and, suddenly, you're unable to stop checking your phone for messages, wondering when they're free, imagining the wedding, your future kids. And then we are left depleted, ghosted or disappointed. This is what happens when we romanticise the idea of someone, engage in fantasy bonding and it can often end up sabotaging the relationship. In today's episode we are joined by the wonderful Lyss Boss, host of the Date Yourself Instead podcas...
Dec 11, 2023•46 min•Transcript available on Metacast Often when we think about sex, we only think about the physical. We only think about the other person's enjoyment or what sex should look like rather than what it could look like. Many of us have a very outdated understanding of what good, even great sex feels like and even less of an idea around how to achieve greater levels of pleasure and intimacy. In today's episode, we bring on the incredible Gina Gutierrez, co-founder of the audio erotica app, Dipsea to discuss how we can use story telling...
Dec 08, 2023•50 min•Transcript available on Metacast Confidence truly is the secret to a better life: better friendships, better self esteem, better dates, better romance, better career success. Today, we are joined by the iconic, Tiff Baira known best for her show "Street Hearts NYC", her role as a matchmaker and model, as we explore how having certainty in your worth is the key to your dream life. We break down the equation for true, undeniable confidence, treating confidence as a skill you can strengthen and train, the truth behind "fake it til...
Dec 05, 2023•41 min•Transcript available on Metacast In 2021, Ellie Middelton received a diagnosis of ADHD and autism at the age of 23. It was one of the best things that happened to her. Today, she joins us to discuss why neurodivergence is typically overlooked in women, the misconceptions we have about ADHD and autism, unmasking and how to navigate a diagnosis later in life. She also discusses how to manage neurodivergence in our 20s, why self diagnosis is valid, and why the path people want you to take, may not always be the one for you. Listen...
Dec 01, 2023•52 min•Transcript available on Metacast Do you ever feel like you need to be perfect, that you are responsible for the emotions of others, you’re the organiser in the friendship group, highly self reliant, an overachiever, constantly being told your mature for your age? I would make a good guess that you are the eldest daughter. In today's episode we break down the psychology behind 'eldest daughter syndrome' and how birth order and gender combines to create a certain personality profile and way of behaving and seeing the world. We ex...
Nov 28, 2023•43 min•Transcript available on Metacast Living in sharehouses in our 20s are like their own weird, social experiment. We put together a group of people with different upbringings, personalities, lifestyles and standards under one roof and expect it to work out. Sometimes it does, other times it doesn't and we see social harmony break down. In today's episode we discuss: The four styles of roommates The Cinderella Roommate The psychology of freeloading The influence of personality Living with friends The role of communication Conflict,...
Nov 23, 2023•42 min•Transcript available on Metacast Attractiveness and beauty is something we all inevitably find ourselves considering. We question whether we would be happier if we lost weight, would find love if our skin was better, would be more successful if we looked more like her or him. Our obsession with beauty is psychological and deeply rooted in our biology and evolution as a species. In today's episode we break down the existence of pretty privilege and beauty standards in our 20s and how they are impacting our mental wellbeing, sens...
Nov 21, 2023•39 min•Transcript available on Metacast In our 20s there are four things we worry about more than anything else: love, money, the future, and our friendships. As we grow and change, the relationships around us will also naturally change and we may begin to notice how we are seeing our friends less and less, watching certain friendships fizzle out or completely outgrowing each other. It's not the same as it once was. This can cause a lot of panic. But underneath the fear of our changing friendships is a more primal fear of being alone....
Nov 17, 2023•44 min•Transcript available on Metacast Have you ever had the experience of leaving a conversation and feeling like something you said was off, you sounded weird, you were awkward, worrying about what this person may think of you? This experience is much more common than we think and in today’s episode we break down the psychology behind why we replay conversations, exploring: Rumination The illusion of control Social approval Hypervigilance Rejection sensitivity dysphoria Social anxiety, and more We often place the perceptions and op...
Nov 14, 2023•30 min•Transcript available on Metacast In this week's episode we discuss the curse of being an overachiever. Society celebrates us for our successes, for our ability to work hard, push ourselves and constantly be the best. But this sometimes has contradictory consequences whereby the more we invest in our achievements, the less satisfaction and fulfillment we feel. We break down the paradox of being an overachiever and explore: The impact of being labelled a 'gifted child' Golden child syndrome and family expectations External valida...
Nov 10, 2023•39 min•Transcript available on Metacast We all know the feeling of wanting desperately to move on from someone - an ex, a past love, situationship, someone we know we shouldn't be with - but being unable to stop obsessively thinking about them. In this episode we explore the psychology behind why that is, but also how to get to the next stage of healing where you are free of the past memories, thoughts and your feelings for this person. We discuss: The psychological need for emotional closure and how to provide YOURSELF closure The Po...
Nov 07, 2023•39 min•Transcript available on Metacast Envy is ingrained into our human psyche, each and every one of us has, at times, compared ourselves to someone who has more, or possesses a quality or a level of success that we don't, and felt that familiar spike of pain. In today's episode we break down the psychology behind envy, and why it reflects a deeper insecurity in ourselves we are not ready to recognise. We explore: The prevalence of envy in our 20s The primal origins of envy Envy vs. Jealousy vs. Greed How envy shows up in our behavi...
Nov 02, 2023•33 min•Transcript available on Metacast Dating in our 20s can feel like a minefield, a lot of people don't know what they want, what they like, we get ghosted, we get stood up, and then there are the first dates. First dates can feel intimidating but today we are breaking down my 10 tips to have the best first dates of your life. By adopting the mindset that you are there to learn more about yourself and have a fun experience, we take first dates off a pedestal and lower the stakes. Dating is a skill than anything else, it is somethin...
Oct 31, 2023•38 min•Transcript available on Metacast Dr David Rosmarin is an Associate Professor at Harvard Medical School and the founder of the Centre for Anxiety. Today he joins us on the podcast to discuss how we are getting anxiety WRONG as we break down a new approach to managing our anxiety, rather than approaching it with fear. For anyone who is anxious or has battled anxiety in their 20s and beyond, join us for a vulnerable conversation of how anxiety may actually be your superpower and how it has even created stronger relationships for m...
Oct 27, 2023•37 min•Transcript available on Metacast Today we're having a candid chat about how I'm going. How I'm really going! We discuss imposter syndrome, why I've been putting way too much pressure on myself as of late and in the lead up to 2024 and why that has manifested in some serious burnout and illness (don't mind my Covid voice). I also break down my struggles with being disliked, particularly online and how we can manage and redirect the opinions of others to ensure they do not interrupt our journey to being our most authentic selves....
Oct 24, 2023•36 min•Transcript available on Metacast Putting off a task to the last minute might feel good in the moment, but it often leads to a lot of long term consequences and stress. In today's episode we discuss the psychology behind why we procrastinate. Procrastination is often confused with laziness and poor time management, but its so much more than that. Many of us are chronic procrastinators because of factors like: Boredom Perfectionism and overthinking Poor impulse control The pleasure principle Anxiety regulation Enjoying the urgenc...
Oct 19, 2023•35 min•Transcript available on Metacast Our relationship with food is so much more psychological then it appears to be, and the evidence for that can be seen with emotional eating. Sometimes we eat as a way to process or regulate our emotions, rather than from actual hunger. This can disrupt our relationship with food and lead us to develop unhealthy coping mechanisms. In today's episode, we discuss: The psychology behind emotional eating Why we emotionally eat The impact of our hormones and stress response How diet culture is putting...
Oct 17, 2023•42 min•Transcript available on Metacast You're dating someone new and suddenly, they show up to a date wearing crocs, or wear goggles to the beach and you get the ick. You immediately lose all attraction to them, you feel the immediate need to end the relationship, why is that? In this episode we break down some of the surprising psychology behind the ick, including the links to our intuition, emotional unavailability, rejection sensitivity and more, but also why the ick isn't always a death sentence. We also discuss why we voluntaril...
Oct 13, 2023•32 min•Transcript available on Metacast