Send us a text As Royce warned in the previous episode, the totalitarian communists will not accept and comply with the recent SCOTUS ruling on NYSRPA vs. Bruen, and will do everything they can to keep their usurped power,....and they have indeed begun in earnest, even flagrantly violating the law by doxxing California concealed carry permit holders. TUNE IN AND SHARE!! The American Police Hall of Fame Museum and Shooting Center (open to public), Law Enforcement and Civilian Training Freedom Gun...
Jun 30, 2022•51 min•Ep 434•Transcript available on Metacast Send us a text In this episode, Royce reveals the billions of dollars of political pork loaded into the new illegal infringements signed into law by His Fraudulency, Biden the Bolshevik, and how NOTHING in the new law would have stopped any mass murderer with a gun. It is all nothing less than plundering of the citizenry's rights and money, in short, a government crime spree spawned by a shooting spree. Addressing the NYSRPA vs. Bruen SCOTUS ruling, he also issues stern warnings to gun owne...
Jun 28, 2022•45 min•Ep 433•Transcript available on Metacast Send us a text Royce examines Justice Thomas's majority opinion in the New York State Rifle and Pistol Association vs. Bruen, which essentially destroyed 111 years of infringement in New York. This is the first of many episodes that deal with the plethora of anti-infringement implications associated with this momentous decision, so stay tuned in to the podcast in the weeks ahead! The American Police Hall of Fame Museum and Shooting Center (open to public), Law Enforcement and Civilian Train...
Jun 24, 2022•54 min•Ep 432•Transcript available on Metacast Send us a text It's a hot one, and Royce is PISSED OFF at the elected servants of this nation; and few will have any difficulty in ascertaining that once they hit "PLAY"!! Tune in and share it around!! WJS Guns Gun and Outdoor Shop, ammo, accessories, fishing tackle, more Go2 Weapons Manufacturers of AR platform rifles for military and civilian. Veteran Owned and Operated SHOOTINGCLASSES.COM Online business operations platform for firearms instructors, trainees, and Shooting Range...
Jun 23, 2022•50 min•Ep 431•Transcript available on Metacast Send us a text How would you like to hear a knock at your front door and open it to see armed federal Marshalls waving a piece of paper in your face, telling you they're there to confiscate your firearms, ammunition and any carry permit(s) you possess? And, knowing you've committed no crime and overwhelmed by the sight by the sight of armed men deliberately presenting themselves in a show of force, how would you feel? How would you react? So-called "red flag" laws (a.k.a. ex ...
Jun 18, 2022•56 min•Ep 430•Transcript available on Metacast Send us a text In this episode, Royce gives strong warnings about the enemies of our nation and Constitution amongst us and exposes them for what they are, along with their insidious methods and dark intentions. He then systematically destroys the anti-2nd Amendment sentiments of a Major General who recently used his high-ranking military status to assault the right of Americans to own weapons of war, and then goes after the actors, business owners and sports figures who've lent their influ...
Jun 14, 2022•54 min•Ep 429•Transcript available on Metacast Send us a text Countering the most recent steaming piles of bull fertilizer being vomited over the airwaves by the enemies of our Constitution, Royce lays into them with both feet, countering their false narratives with the facts He disproves Biden the Bolshevik's assertion that the right to "the 2nd Amendment was never absolute" by simply expounding on the definition of the word "absolute" in conjunction with the words of the founders themselves. Next, he explains Artic...
Jun 09, 2022•45 min•Ep 428•Transcript available on Metacast Send us a text It is an honor to have Bob White back on the program to discuss his recent entry into the race for Florida's Agricultural Commissioner, the office charged with the duties of the Concealed Carry License program. He's a staunch Constitutionalist, and he's up against a Judas Republican RINO named Wilton Simpson, an unscrupulous, lying ambitious opportunist who only cares about lining his pockets and doesn't give a ...
Jun 07, 2022•57 min•Ep 427•Transcript available on Metacast Send us a text In this episode, Royce addresses the "gun control" packages being proposed in the wake of the two most active shooter incidents and exposes the Democrat Communists for what they are: Enemies of the Constitution, the People and their God-given rights. He also proves his inculcated mantra that all gun control laws are nothing but treasonous acts of criminal aggression against the People and their rights. Royce is off the leash on this one, tune in and share! The American P...
Jun 02, 2022•53 min•Ep 426•Transcript available on Metacast Send us a text Full Armor Strategic Solutions ( Royce is tired of all the talking in the wake of yet another slaughter in a target-rich environment ("gun-free" zone) and is offering solutions. In this episode, he is joined by his buddy Tony "Cujo" Kooser, a special operations Navy Corpsman who saved lives while embedded with elite special ops teams, not only with his medical skills, but also with his ferocious fighting skills (thus his nickname, Cujo). Tune i...
May 31, 2022•56 min•Ep 425•Transcript available on Metacast Send us a text Special guest Rockin' Rod Row joins Royce on the program to talk about the most recent horrific event, the slaughter of innocents in Texas by an 18-year-old scumbag with a rifle, and the predictable aftermath of political opportunism by Democrat Communists (including the two main Bolsheviks, Barrack and Biden) rushing to use the dead and wounded as unwitting martyrs for their cause of civilian disarmament. The Gun Site 9-Lane 25 yard indoor Shooting Range, Gun Store, Training...
May 26, 2022•58 min•Ep 424•Transcript available on Metacast Send us a text From Gov. Hochul in New York to Senators Booker, Menendez and Blumenthal in Congress, the rank communists in high places are slithering out of the woodwork to exploit the recent mass murder in Buffalo, New York, for their ambitious advantage, as they attempt to seize more of the rights of the people by violently assaulting their 1st and 2nd Amendment rights with (more) proposed legislation. Also, ATF has a restraining order filed against them (AWESOME!! CAN WE "RED FLAG"...
May 24, 2022•52 min•Ep 423•Transcript available on Metacast Send us a text . The ATF is being (once again) weaponized against gun owners and the gun industry, and they're using unscrupulous tactics to wage their warfare, including (but certainly not limited to) changing regulations and definitions of firearms to suit the whims of the current illegitimate presidential administration. . The 9th Circuit Court actually sides with the Constitution and California gun owners (WHAT?!?!?). . A pro-Constitution legislator in New Jersey is filing a series of S...
May 18, 2022•42 min•Ep 422•Transcript available on Metacast Send us a text Royce goes off against the typical response of the leftist media, politicians and pro-infringement/anti-rights groups to the most recent murder of multiple UNARMED DEFENSELESS citizens in Buffalo, New York, who were forced BY LAW into victim-in-waiting status, and left to the mercy of the merciless. He deflects the blame away from the standard targets of the Democrat Communists (i.e. lawful gun owners, the gun industry, the NRA, GOA and other pro-rights groups) and lays it squarel...
May 16, 2022•38 min•Ep 421•Transcript available on Metacast Send us a text Eric Friday is General Legal Counsel for the 2nd Amendment group Florida Carry, and he's seen more than his share of legal fights with everyone from Constitutionally-dyslexic legislators to Constitutionally-ignorant law enforcement officials about the right to keep and bear arms. He even had a Florida Sheriff attempt to physically assault him at one point. He's fearless in the face of government bullies, and will not hesitate to make a stand anywhere and everywhere to de...
May 12, 2022•1 hr 9 min•Ep 420•Transcript available on Metacast Send us a text With in-depth looks at the revocation of federal firearms licenses increasing by 500% in only 11 months, and the roster of "permissible handguns" in California having been reduced by 75% (and that percentage is steadily rising), it's not difficult for Royce to prove what he's been saying for months, and that is that the federal government (as well as some state governments), in their unchecked aggression against the Peoples' supply of arms and their right ...
May 10, 2022•49 min•Ep 419•Transcript available on Metacast Send us a text With the recent illegal creation of the Disinformation Governance Board (the DGB), the ominous implications are sobering, and point to an elevated level of imminent governmental aggression against the people and their God-given rights. One need only take an historical look back at other totalitarian communist regimes to see what the future holds for America. This new unconstitutional bureau, headed by a morally-dyslexic, hate-filled woman who has voiced pedophiliac tendencies, Nin...
May 03, 2022•55 min•Ep 418•Transcript available on Metacast Send us a text So, who is this seemingly unknown figure that Obiden is wanting to make the head of the ATF? He's an Obama operative, a man who served under the former "president's" criminal administration and committed multiple crimes on behalf of the former presidential administration. He is currently a co-defendant in a 74-count RICO criminal referral, and was heavily involved in systematic malicious false prosecutions, witness intimidation (wher...
Apr 28, 2022•53 min•Ep 417•Transcript available on Metacast Send us a text Online Ammo Did you know that the song "Yankee Doodle" was written and sung by arrogant British troops in an expression of contempt for American militiamen as far back as 1754, when colonists actually fought beside the British regulars during the French and Indian War? It was also played mockingly by British forces during the Battle of Lexington and Concorde. The verses of the song have keen significance to those times! Royce connects history with the present in this epi...
Apr 26, 2022•1 hr 9 min•Ep 416•Transcript available on Metacast Send us a text Online Ammo In this episode, Royce emphasizes the heightened responsibilities of keepers and bearers, due to the fact that we are carrying deadly force on our persons. The 4 basic safety rules are ALWAYS in play, REGARDLESS of the situation and Royce looks at multiple recorded incidents, drawing lessons from each. 1.) Treat EVERY gun as if it's loaded, even prop and/or training guns. 2.) Never let the muzzle of your firearm sweep or cover anything or anyone you do not want to...
Apr 20, 2022•49 min•Ep 415•Transcript available on Metacast Send us a text Online Ammo After a brief Q&A with Ash Hess, Royce goes on full blast about recent illegal actions taken by His Fraudulency at 1600 Pennsylvania Ave, along with the murderous, Constitutionally-illegal and universally-corrupt agency known as the ATF, against so-called "ghost guns", and the real reasons behind their actions. Royce explains how these actions were founded on false statistics, and why every freedom-loving American citizen needs to harden their resolve to ...
Apr 14, 2022•59 min•Ep 414•Transcript available on Metacast Send us a text . A survey of gun owners that reveals some interesting statistics. . An improper arrest of a man in Florida who employed a firearm from his vehicle to defend himself and his girlfriend after being assaulted and battered by a group of punks. Since the young man hadn't leased his right back from the State in the form of a permit, a responding officer arrested him. Royce explains why the officer was wrong by expounding on Florida law. . Royce's take on th...
Apr 12, 2022•1 hr 1 min•Ep 413•Transcript available on Metacast Send us a text Online Ammo From the recent gang battle in Sacramento to the passing of more infringements against lawful gun dealers in Maryland to the major increase in horrific violence that we're seeing from youth as young as 12, Royce exposes the real root of the problem in today's American society, and it's not the guns at all. Guns are inanimate objects that are incapable of making moral decisions, nor are they able to inspire anyone to commit evil. Guns can only be used to ...
Apr 08, 2022•54 min•Ep 412•Transcript available on Metacast Send us a text Online Ammo It's always an honor to have Luis Valdes (a.k.a. the Cuban Constitutionalist) on the program. In this episode, he exposes the underbelly of politics in the Florida State legislature and the contempt that many therein exhibit toward the People and their rights. Luis's family escaped the brutal Castro regime, and his Grand Uncle was part of the failed Bay of Pigs invasion, an offensive designed to unseat Castro and liberate Cuba from his clutches. This is a man...
Apr 05, 2022•59 min•Ep 411•Transcript available on Metacast Send us a text Online Ammo In this episode, Royce confronts the anti-rights/pro-infringement crowd who love to spout unrelated statistics in order to "prove" that average citizens should not keep and bear arms and shuts down their entire narrative with a single rhetorical question. He then uses real statistics to point out just how frivolous their reasoning is. He also (once again) exposes the fact that magazine capacity limitation laws are small steps toward diminishing the ability of...
Mar 31, 2022•1 hr 2 min•Ep 410•Transcript available on Metacast Send us a text Online Ammo Rockin' Rod Row, renowned Godfather of the Dirty Hippie Mafia, joins Royce on the program for a lively discussion on current topics and events in the realm of keeping and bearing. Never a dull moment when these two get together, and (surprisingly) Rod was somehow able to keep his customary abundance of profane adjectives and nouns to a subdued minimum. Tune in and enjoy, then share it around with friends and family. Go2 Weapons Manufacturers of AR platform rifles ...
Mar 29, 2022•1 hr 21 min•Ep 409•Transcript available on Metacast Send us a text Online Ammo It's always an honor to have Erich Pratt, Senior Vice President of Gun Owners of America on the program. Though he is a calm gentleman of faith, he's a fighter for our rights that few can claim to be. Tune in as we discuss recent skullduggery in Washington DC, the coming persecution and federal force against gun owners by the ATF as they reach their tentacles into our local agencies and "deputize" them to begin investigations into 100% of all NICS d...
Mar 22, 2022•1 hr 6 min•Ep 408•Transcript available on Metacast Send us a text Online Ammo Not being one to hold back his annoyance, Royce calls out the immoral, irresponsible use of power, both in the Florida House as well as in the ranks of keepers and bearers. No one gets a pass when it comes to the irresponsible wielding of force, whether it be immoral legislators or careless gun owners, in this episode of the Shooting Straight Radio Podcast. SHOOTINGCLASSES.COM Online business operations platform for firearms instructors, trainees, and Shooting Ranges C...
Mar 20, 2022•52 min•Ep 407•Transcript available on Metacast Send us a text Another riveting interview with one of the most humble, and lethal, men on the planet. It's an honor to know Dale Comstock and have him back on the program again. Google his name and you'll have a very small idea of who and what he is. The Gun Site 9-Lane 25 yard indoor Shooting Range, Gun Store, Training classes Freedom Guns Firearms, Ammunition, Accessories, Training classes The American Police Hall of Fame Museum and Shooting Center (open to public)...
Mar 14, 2022•2 hr 37 min•Ep 406•Transcript available on Metacast Send us a text Online Ammo All people of the world, regardless of geographical location, have the right to defend themselves against government aggression and assault, whether it be from a foreign government as is the case in the Ukraine presently, or their own government as was the case in Canada recently. This aggression also takes place in the United States every day, in State legislatures, municipal governments, and Washington DC, where the enemies of the Constitution sitting in elected offi...
Mar 08, 2022•1 hr 1 min•Ep 405•Transcript available on Metacast