Online Ammo
All people of the world, regardless of geographical location, have the right to defend themselves against government aggression and assault, whether it be from a foreign government as is the case in the Ukraine presently, or their own government as was the case in Canada recently.
This aggression also takes place in the United States every day, in State legislatures, municipal governments, and Washington DC, where the enemies of the Constitution sitting in elected offices write and propose legislation crafted with one purpose in mind: the disarming of the American citizenry.
Such legislation was recently passed in Washington State, where all gun magazines holding more than ten rounds were banned. Again, this was done for the sole purpose of inhibiting the ability of the citizenry to be able to defend themselves against their own government.
How do I know this?
Because the Washington State legislature was in possession of a study that plainly showed that such bans do not make even the slightest impact on violent crime.
GiveSendGo | Unconstitutional 2A Prosecution of Tate Adamiak
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