It’s good news at Bridge Farm after Helen gets the thumbs-up to re-open the dairy. But the bad news is that their sales figures since the closure are even worse than expected. Meanwhile, Tony’s not keen on Pat going to a demonstration against Borsetshire Water tomorrow at a shareholders’ meeting, although Helen defends Pat’s noble intentions. Tony’s also concerned about Henry wanting to learn to drive a tractor. Later, in the Edible Forest Garden, Tony admits to Helen how the thought of Henry on...
Mar 10, 2025•13 min•Ep 26•Transcript available on Metacast At Lower Loxley Freddie’s rushing to get to work for the first big day of his initiative, hoping to persuade the local Academy Trust and their schools to use locally produced food, including Casey Meats. He’ll be giving local farmers a tour of the abattoir while Vince schmoozes the bigwigs from the Academy Trust. Lily is encouraging and wishes Freddie luck. But just as the tour’s about to start Lily calls Freddie - he’s left all his tour notes behind. Then Lynda texts, telling Freddie he’ll be c...
Mar 09, 2025•13 min•Ep 25•Transcript available on Metacast Playing football outside their Beechwood house with Akram, Khalil’s shot just misses Joy and Lilian. Akram apologises before disappearing inside to check on the workmen’s progress, while Khalil offers to try and repair the broken robot vacuum cleaner Joy is carrying. At Bridge Farm Tony is touching up the scenery on his model train layout when Natasha probes into the awkward atmosphere between Pat and Tony. Tony admits there’s an issue over Pat’s new-found zeal for campaigning against Borsetshir...
Mar 07, 2025•13 min•Ep 24•Transcript available on Metacast Natasha tells Pat about putting in a reduced offer for Kirsty’s house on Beechwood, because of the risk that the sewage problem might happen again. Pat wonders, if they’re so worried about a recurrence then why risk it at all? Natasha insists they’re going ahead with the offer, before asking if things are okay between Pat and Tony? Pat insists they are, then mentions her upcoming radio interview. At The Tearoom later though, disappointed Pat tells Emma that Radio Borsetshire cancelled her interv...
Mar 06, 2025•13 min•Ep 23•Transcript available on Metacast Standing outside the Shop Pat and Kirsty catch up about the ongoing effects of the sewage spill. Pat’s looking for more testimonials to add to their social media page, plus getting the petition more widely disseminated. Inside the Shop Kirsty tells Joy how much trying to sell her house is getting her down. She’s frustrated with Tom and Natasha, who seem to be holding up the sale deliberately. Then Lilian enters and confesses to snooping around outside Home Farm because she wanted to see what the...
Mar 05, 2025•13 min•Ep 22•Transcript available on Metacast At the Tearoom, before the pancake eating competition starts, Zainab tells relieved Akram she was never going to take a job at The Bull. Brad meanwhile isn’t feeling great, following his starvation diet. Natasha introduces Zainab and Brad in boxing-match style with ridiculous nicknames, but then Brad collapses to the floor. Later, while embarrassed Brad recovers, Natasha desperately tries to find a replacement, but it doesn’t look promising. Before setting off in the Riley Jazzer confesses how a...
Mar 04, 2025•13 min•Ep 21•Transcript available on Metacast At No.6 The Green Jazzer moans to Brad about the posh dinner Tracy’s making him go to with Susan and Neil. But Brad has other things on his mind, including the pancake eating competition. Jazzer would far rather go to that, but Tracy refuses to change their dinner date to let him do both. Brad then tells jealous Jazzer he’ll fast before the competition to make sure he beats Zainab. The prize is as good as his. Akram fills Azra in on how Adil is doing in Pakistan, then outlines some ideas to get ...
Mar 03, 2025•13 min•Ep 20•Transcript available on Metacast Whilst preparing the meal at Ambridge Hall for breaking their fast, Azra disapproves of Zainab applying to work at The Bull, a pub. Lynda admits how tricky she’s found the fasting, but Azra appreciates the effort Lynda is making to share their experience. Azra then queries Zainab taking part in the Tearoom’s pancake eating competition on Tuesday. An eating competition is not really in the spirit of Ramadan, even if it doesn’t start until after sunset. Zainab talks Azra round, claiming she’s doin...
Mar 02, 2025•13 min•Ep 19•Transcript available on Metacast Lynda tries to persuade Tom to step down as cricket captain. He soon rumbles her, and Lynda admits Freddie’s come forward. She’s been so busy her wires have crossed and now she’s in a tricky position. Tom’s relaxed, suggesting they have two captains. Lynda’s not at all sure it’s a good idea, but Freddie’s on board. He’d be flattered to share the position with experienced Tom. When they get down to business Tom makes no bones about the fact they need to cut some dead wood from the team now they’v...
Feb 28, 2025•13 min•Ep 18•Transcript available on Metacast Azra’s organising food and her children indulge in some low level bickering. Khalil doesn’t understand why he still can’t participate fully in Ramadan. He leaves to take Monty for a walk. Lynda feels for him. Zainab tries to cheer Khalil with the news that the insurance will cover their damaged tech items. Khalil can’t get past being excluded from fasting. Zainab assures him they’re all just looking out for him. Khalil comments that at least at his new school he’s treated like everyone else. Azr...
Feb 27, 2025•13 min•Ep 17•Transcript available on Metacast Things aren’t getting any better for Natasha as she worries to Joy about both the Beechwood house and the lack of returning business at the Tearoom. She’s missing Fallon keenly. She can’t help thinking that if she was there, they’d get more support. Joy’s not so sure about that; and it’s not like Natasha could have done anything differently. Natasha thanks Joy for the chat. Zainab bumps into Brad and asks if they can talk. After some initial awkwardness they agree they can’t avoid one another fo...
Feb 26, 2025•13 min•Ep 16•Transcript available on Metacast Kirsty still hasn’t heard from Tom and Natasha about the house sale. Lilian ventures that their hesitation’s understandable given the sewage spill incident. Joy suggests giving them a nudge. Lilian’s intrigued to discover Joy and Mick are currently residing at Home Farm. Later she pays Joy a visit, taking Justin with her, on the pretext that she’s interested in an item in the garden. To Justin’s horror she’s soon asking if she might come in and see the Gills’ kitchen while she’s here. Joy cites ...
Feb 25, 2025•13 min•Ep 15•Transcript available on Metacast Freddie’s spotted an opportunity he thinks might appeal to Vince for Casey Meats. It involves working with an academy trust to supply locally sourced produce to schools for their meals. After some persuasion Vince sees the benefits and agrees to Freddie getting the ball rolling, starting with inviting trustees for a tour of the abattoir. Stressed Fallon’s struggling on a particularly busy evening at the Bull. Diners Robert and Lynda discuss Ramadan. Robert supports Lynda’s plan to fast but is ta...
Feb 24, 2025•13 min•Ep 14•Transcript available on Metacast Frustrated Natasha thinks Emma’s wasting her time pursuing the water company when she should be focusing her efforts increasing footfall at the Tearoom. Later she apologises for being snippy, admitting she’s worried. They’re losing money and it’s demoralising. She’s pleased to see Kirsty, joking she’s at least one paying customer. Kirsty wonders whether Natasha and Tom have had a chance to progress the house purchase. Natasha promises they’ll all sit down together soon. Her priority currently is...
Feb 23, 2025•13 min•Ep 13•Transcript available on Metacast Emma congratulates Fallon on her new permanent role at the Bull. Kicking her heels on a day off, Fallon admits to Joy that it’s hard to relax with Harrison away. Joy invites her over to the Gills’. Later as they enjoy wine, nibbles and playing with the various fancy gadgets at Home Farm, Fallon wonders what Brian would make of the Gills’ refurb of his old home. Mick returns and immediately sends Fallon away, insisting to embarrassed and annoyed Joy that no guests are permitted. However he goes s...
Feb 21, 2025•13 min•Ep 12•Transcript available on Metacast Robert is taking Khalil out to reward him for spotting Constanza the llama’s injury, and he has high hopes for a great day out. Zainab tags along to the annoyance of her younger brother. They arrive at Arkwright Lake and both are disappointed to find that the treat is birdwatching at the hide. Khalil particularly is unimpressed, and cold. He loves animals close up, but not birds at a distance. Zainab, however, gets more drawn in and enjoys herself. Robert says they’re welcome to visit any time. ...
Feb 20, 2025•13 min•Ep 11•Transcript available on Metacast Helen visits Celia Sparrow about the milk deal with trepidation. Their last encounter was when Helen deliberately gave Celia’s cheese a low score at a food fair. Now Helen hopes for a fair price for their waste Montbeliardes milk. Celia makes Helen sample her cheeses, so that she can taste how the milk will be used. One of them is the Cordwell Cream that Helen marked down in the competition. Helen has to agree it’s excellent. Using this as leverage, Celia offers way below the recommended rate fo...
Feb 19, 2025•13 min•Ep 10•Transcript available on Metacast Joy and Mick are dazzled by the opulence and tech at Home Farm. As they look round, closely followed by the robot vacuum cleaner, Joy marvels at the white and shiny kitchen. A bearded dragon in a tank freaks her out, but Mick promises he’ll take responsibility for feeding duties. Joy needs a cuppa, but everything in the house is operated from a master controller, which they can’t find… With no heating or cooking facilities, they’re forced to snuggle under a duvet with takeaway pizza. This isn’t ...
Feb 18, 2025•13 min•Ep 9•Transcript available on Metacast It’s half term and Khalil is bored at Ambridge Hall. Robert’s plan to get him to reorganise the library books isn’t going down well with Khalil, so Robert suggests he helps feed the llamas instead, (which cheers him up). Khalil notices a graze on Constanza’s leg, so Alistair is alerted and Khalil watches with interest as the injury is treated. Zainab joins them and is unimpressed as Constanza spits in indignation. Robert observes Khalil has an affinity with animals. He’s grateful to Khalil for s...
Feb 17, 2025•13 min•Ep 8•Transcript available on Metacast The clean-up at Bridge Farm continues. Helen expresses her gratitude to Joy for her help. She’s welcome to stay in the farmhouse as long as she needs. They speculate as to whether everywhere still seems to smell, or whether they’re imagining it. Helen reckons they’ll know tomorrow, when the Tearoom reopens. Joy worries that Rochelle might come back and find the house in a state. Helen’s surprised Joy hasn’t told Rochelle about the sewage leak. Joy brushes it off. She thinks Rochelle might be hav...
Feb 16, 2025•13 min•Ep 7•Transcript available on Metacast As Harrison packs his bag to leave for Yorkshire, he and Fallon reassure one another that they are doing the right thing. Harrison calls in to see Alice, to ask her to look out for Fallon. Fallon surprises Harrison as he departs with a Valentine’s gift, even though they’d said they wouldn’t exchange them this year. They embrace as he leaves. Fallon is soon joined by Alice who has brought a beautiful basket of heart shaped goodies – from Harrison to Fallon. Khalil compliments Lynda over breakfast...
Feb 14, 2025•13 min•Ep 6•Transcript available on Metacast Jolene is furious when she hears about Wayne’s menu lies. Fallon defends her father, arguing that he was trying to save The Bull money but acknowledges that she would never mislead her own customers. Jolene is adamant – Wayne should be sacked. Fallon pleads for a second chance for him, but Jolene has had years of experience of Wayne and has had enough. If he is sacked, it will not be Fallon’s fault for exposing him, he did the damage himself. At Ambridge Hall, Lynda meets Lawrence to prepare for...
Feb 13, 2025•13 min•Ep 5•Transcript available on Metacast Helen and Joy survey the damage to their homes, where heavy machinery has been pumping out the drains all night. Helen is also worried about delayed production at the dairy and their reputation– even loyal customers will be put off by sewage. Joy and Mick spent the night in their car, not wanting to spend money on accommodation until the insurance assessor’s visit. Helen insists that they take up Tony and Pat’s offer to stay at Bridge Farm, which Joy accepts. Helen and Joy are frustrated with Bo...
Feb 12, 2025•13 min•Ep 4•Transcript available on Metacast The exhausting task of cleaning Bridge Farm and the Dairy is in operation. Tom disposes of the morning’s milk. The dairy machinery clean up will take days, even before swabs can be sent off for the lab to show them clear of contamination and so all production is on hold. Tom and Helen hope there will not be further pollution after another wet night. As Mick and Joy enjoy breakfast, a gurgling noise and terrible smell stops them. As untreated sewage spills from the plugholes, shower and toilet, t...
Feb 11, 2025•13 min•Ep 3•Transcript available on Metacast Susan and Helen have a nice chat at Bridge Farm about Neil’s recent trip to meet Nelly and Helen’s house plans. Then a shocking incident stops everything, as a tide of raw sewage comes spilling out of the brook. Pat, Tony and Tom are desperate to stop it from reaching the house and dairy. Pat goes to warn Helen and Tom says he’ll call David – they need Brookfield’s yard scraper - while Tony fetches the power hose. Meanwhile, Pat tells Helen to save what she can in the dairy with Susan, before th...
Feb 10, 2025•13 min•Ep 2•Transcript available on Metacast Fallon has been experimenting with Wayne’s recipes in The Bull but is finding that the customers are not too keen on her new lighter pie crusts, preferring Wayne’s more stodgy and filling pies. Jolene, trying to be subtle, suggests that she concentrates on Harrison before he leaves for his secondment. Fallon is keen to focus on getting on with things, such as new recipes for the pub. Jolene has to be more blunt and reminds her that Wayne’s menu is really popular, and that the customers won’t wan...
Feb 09, 2025•13 min•Ep 1•Transcript available on Metacast