Fallon has been experimenting with Wayne’s recipes in The Bull but is finding that the customers are not too keen on her new lighter pie crusts, preferring Wayne’s more stodgy and filling pies. Jolene, trying to be subtle, suggests that she concentrates on Harrison before he leaves for his secondment. Fallon is keen to focus on getting on with things, such as new recipes for the pub. Jolene has to be more blunt and reminds her that Wayne’s menu is really popular, and that the customers won’t want change. When Jolene later hears that there are plans for Southern Barbecue Brisket and Korean Style Chicken to be offered to customers, she puts her foot down – the menu is not up for discussion. It would not be fair on Wayne to return from his cruise to new dishes.
Ben helps Zainab move some of her Dad’s unpacked boxes to the Maliks’ utility room, as they were cluttering her room. She explains to Ben that her Dad has been in Pakistan since her Grandad became very ill and then passed away. Putting his complicated affairs in order has taken some time. She hopes that he’ll be back soon - she misses him and his cooking - but admits she doesn’t let her Dad know this. Ben jokes with her about ‘treating mean and keeping keen’ and follows this with an invitation to go for some food with him sometime. She politely declines. When Ben leaves, Azra makes it clear she thinks it’s great that he is focussed and good to have around. She thinks he’ll make an excellent nurse.