Helen and Joy survey the damage to their homes, where heavy machinery has been pumping out the drains all night. Helen is also worried about delayed production at the dairy and their reputation– even loyal customers will be put off by sewage. Joy and Mick spent the night in their car, not wanting to spend money on accommodation until the insurance assessor’s visit. Helen insists that they take up Tony and Pat’s offer to stay at Bridge Farm, which Joy accepts. Helen and Joy are frustrated with Borsetshire Water, saying they are not investing enough in their infrastructure, knowing winters are getting wetter, and blame them for the damage to homes and businesses.
The Maliks are staying with Lynda at Ambridge Hall, and a heartbroken Zainab confides in Lynda that she’s upset that the boxes she moved, containing precious family photos of her parents’ wedding and her late grandparents are ruined.
Fallon is unpacking a food delivery at The Bull and stops in her tracks – her dad Wayne has a regular delivery of frozen pastry for his pies! Harrison teases her about false advertising when Fallon points out their menus show ‘Homemade Pies’. She is exasperated with her dad – where else is he cutting corners? Later, Harrison suggests that they just take the word ‘Homemade’ off, but Fallon dismisses the idea, saying it will lead to questions from customers. She admits that she’s discovered this is not Wayne’s only deception - the Cod & Chips on the menu actually uses a cheaper fish: whiting. She’s going to have to tell Jolene.