Principles to enhance learning, independent thinking, and problem-solving, whilst reducing the feeling of being lost. Ever feel like you're constantly consuming information but losing touch with your own thoughts? This episode takes you on a journey back to the essential skill of listening to yourself. We'll explore the impact of continuous content on our ability to think independently and how it can dilute our personal insight. Hear expert advice on creating the mental space necessary for profo...
Aug 09, 2024•25 min•Transcript available on Metacast Developing the freedom to choose how you respond to situations in life is a core part of building a growth mindset. A fixed mindset approach leaves you at the mercy of events in life that will make you angry or sad and blame your circumstances with no control from you. A growth mindset allows you to build the space to determine how you react in any situation and be the person you want to be rather than the person the world pushes you to be. To achieve that we examine: The nature of Free Will and...
Aug 06, 2024•58 min•Transcript available on Metacast Growth begins at the edge of your comfort zone. Learn to expand your mental horizons and build a healthy relationship with the fear of failure. To build new connections in the brain and learn we need to fail. Becoming an expert in anything requires being comfortable with being a crappy amateur. A great paradox of success is that it is built on a foundation of failure. Perfection is actually a common cause of fixed mindset attitudes and can block growth. Learn practical strategies to embrace the ...
Aug 02, 2024•22 min•Transcript available on Metacast How our brain chemistry and architecture works are fascinating. It can also help us embrace challenges, learn faster and reconfigure our mindsets. Today we are diving deep into how the brain lays down its wiring and builds beliefs and behaviour patterns. We can then better understand how our mindsets are formed, how they shape our outcomes and what we can do about them. This is core knowledge for anyone wanting to invest in their personal journey and influence their outcomes in life. Instead of ...
Jul 30, 2024•38 min•Transcript available on Metacast Dive into the timeless insights of Morgan Housel's book 'Same As Ever' and the nature or things that never change. We unpack the most profound lessons from the book, exploring how subtle shifts in perspective can lead to monumental changes in personal finance and decision-making. Sam invites his book review cohost Nicolas Vereecke on the show to discover how Housel's principles can be applied to everyday life, providing clarity and guidance through the complexities of economics and behavioural f...
Jul 26, 2024•56 min•Transcript available on Metacast There is no better time to contemplate the meaning of your existence than a Tuesday. Tackle the meaty questions of life, using philosophical tools and some lessons from the school of Positive Psychology. We curiously dive through the principles of physics and the lessons of history to contemplate the effect of time on our lives. Opposingly we examine the effects of our life on everything else and why we even do things. Along the way, we'll take on ideas from Ghengis Kahn and Julius Caesar to son...
Jul 23, 2024•25 min•Transcript available on Metacast Some of the most important life skills sound strange to work on. But high-performers work on them anyway. From building your curiosity and enthusiasm to a better sense of humour. Several life skills make all the difference in your social and professional life. We'll even learn essential ideas that make us happier, more patient and more right. Yes, that's a thing. What's odd is that society says many things like our interests and humour are just part of who we are. We feel ashamed to want to work...
Jul 19, 2024•1 hr 4 min•Transcript available on Metacast Why top performers embrace imperfection and celebrate victories. We dig into the show archives to uncover the timeless topic of perfectionism. Hedonic adaption is a major reason we aren't as happy as we should be and relentlessly pursue the next thing without taking time to even reflect on the happiness we are seeking. Lessons from the episode: Balancing perfect with good enough When our work is better than we think it is Why we aren't as happy as we deserve The importance Recognising achievemen...
Jul 16, 2024•29 min•Transcript available on Metacast The surprising psychology of rationality, bias, numbers and happiness can improve your decision-making. Daniel Kahneman's 'Thinking Fast and Slow' explores the interplay between our fast, intuitive thinking (System 1) and our slow, rational thinking (System 2). Sam discusses various cognitive biases and how our thinking systems cause them such as the anchoring effect, availability heuristic, confirmation bias, and overconfidence bias. He also covers fundamental theories like prospect theory and ...
Jul 12, 2024•53 min•Transcript available on Metacast What do we learn from the legends of history and how they approached innovation and making things happen? An action-packed episode today to inspire curious minds to think big and act accordingly. What blocks ideas? How to make progress? The power of consistency Why do Greek statues have tiny packages? All that and more in this Growth mindset masterclass into the psychology of genius thinkers and the behaviours and mental models behind making things happen. Sponsors: ManScaped: Leading the charge...
Jul 09, 2024•24 min•Transcript available on Metacast Standard Self-improvement advice is usually beige, unhelpful and often just wrong. We dive into the topic of "You are the 5 people you spend most time with" and learn where it is wrong and dangerous to follow. Instead, we learn a toolkit to be ourselves wherever we are and build relationships that nourish us. Lessons: Where common advice falls short Signs of toxic relationships blocking you from your potential Signs of healthy relationships Using the Growth Mindset to control your influences and...
Jul 05, 2024•22 min•Transcript available on Metacast Research has shown 4 mindset pairs as recurring themes for success in life and leadership: Fixed vs. Growth Mindset Closed vs. Open Mindset Prevention vs. Promotion Mindset Inward vs. Outward Mindset By looking into the science of how these mindsets show up in our lives we can build a more robust approach to success and happiness. These mindsets affect how we show up, how easy we are to get on with, and our relationship with fear. Ryan Gottfredson PhD is a researcher, author and consultant who h...
Jul 02, 2024•54 min•Transcript available on Metacast How to uncover our fixed mindsets and the biases that keep us stuck? We dive into the concept of cognitive rigidity and the five cognitive biases that affect our daily lives: Functional fixedness and how to be more creative The endowment effect and irrational valuation of possessions The bandwagon effect and are terrible relationship with social pressure Hyperbolic discounting and why we are so lazy The Zeigarnik effect and why we endlessly ruminate Through personal anecdotes and historical exam...
Jun 29, 2024•48 min•Transcript available on Metacast Practical Psychology for navigating life's challenges and cultivating joy. Sam Webster Harris explores the concept of life as a series of games, blending psychological insights with practical wisdom. He discusses how every aspect of life involves some form of gameplay, from professional networks like LinkedIn to personal decisions and social interactions. We dig into the intersection of Philosophy and Psychology to understand the experiencing self and how we navigate our moments. Sam emphasizes ...
Jun 26, 2024•25 min•Transcript available on Metacast What is the source of anger and how do we learn from everything in life? This episode explores how to investigate our assumptions and find a deeper understanding of the world around us. We use psychology to investigate our curiosities and find unexpected and useful lessons for life whilst having fun. Cool moments coming up: The difference between Intrinsic load, Extrinsic Load and Germane Load How Expectation violation is the worst thing ever Where does anger come from? Which is Sam's favourite ...
Jun 23, 2024•28 min•Transcript available on Metacast The secret to unparalleled success is not enduring endless misery. In fact, it's the opposite. We learn how to amplify our abilities in any domain by making the process more enjoyable and actionable. The brain is like a muscle analogy is a harmful myth. It is based on some half-truths that on the surface make sense. Learn: Why we fail at doing hard things The differences between brain and muscle training How to train the brain for success The biggest misunderstanding of Stoicism. Further reading...
Jun 21, 2024•34 min•Transcript available on Metacast Cognitive biases distort reality with good and bad results (like really bad). Today is a fun experiment where we combine Psychology and History. We learn about the 7 perception-based illusions of Cognitive Biases whilst applying them to the life of Napoleon. We understand how biases can be useful for us and lead us to greatness and how they can also be our downfall. Cognitive biases covered: Selective Perception - Why we see things how we want to see them Exposure Effect - How repetition makes u...
Jun 18, 2024•42 min•Transcript available on Metacast How to break down complexity and build true understanding. Richard Feynman is a Nobel Prize-winning Physicist and is widely considered one of the greatest teachers ever. He invented the razor "If someone uses a lot of complexity and Jargon to explain something, they probably don’t understand it." His 4-step technique uncovers the gaps lurking in our knowledge so we can truly master something. Further Reading Biography: Surely You're Joking Mr Feynman - UK Book - US Book 6 Easy Pieces: Feynman's ...
Jun 16, 2024•22 min•Transcript available on Metacast Uncover the reasons behind your behaviour patterns and what to do about it. Attachment is a core part of human instinct that is formed incredibly early yet impacts our whole life. Jessica Baum is a Licensed Mental Health Counsellor, Relationship Expert and author. Expect to learn: Why anxious attachment styles develop How to alter an attachment style How to communicate effectively with each attachment style What happens in couple therapy Sponsor - Cozy Earth Luxury Bamboo sheets and Loungeware t...
Jun 14, 2024•1 hr 6 min•Transcript available on Metacast Cure your blockers and make meaningful progress on everything you want to do. We don't have a problem with ideas. We have a problem with strategy. We unpack how professionals think and plan their work in any domain so you can become strategic. Stop the ideas from passing you by and learn how to make better decisions that lead to concrete action. Sponsor - Cozy Earth Luxury Bamboo sheets and Loungeware that become softer the more you use them. 35% off code 'GROWTH' - Sponsor - Sleep...
Jun 12, 2024•10 min•Transcript available on Metacast Who are you VS. Who do you want to be? It could also be stated - What do you want to do now VS. What do you want to have done? In both cases, the reality of how we act in the present moment can often be very different than all the desires of who we want to be and what we want to achieve in the future. In this episode, we break down the Psychology of the Behaviour model that drives our actions. We learn how to close the gap between our desires and our actions to achieve our own version of success...
Jun 09, 2024•22 min•Transcript available on Metacast Mindsets can be described as life-changing, miracle-cure thought processes with vague and fluffy brilliance. In reality, Mindsets have a lot of answers to very powerful core elements of our behaviours. They are extremely important to understand. It's also important to not misuse them. Let's dig into: What exactly is and isn't a Mindset. Common Mindset myths What to look out for as bad science and lies We also dig into some of the most popular mindset pairs that are regularly mis-understood and m...
Jun 07, 2024•33 min•Transcript available on Metacast 7 ways we are wired to be really dumb + How to become rational Today's episode covers 7 perception and decision-based cognitive biases that cloud our judgement. Confirmation Bias and NASA Availability Bias and Tornadoes Neglect of Probability Bias and Gambling [Bonus] - Black vs White Swan events and how to avoid being wiped out Hindsight Bias and Dua Lipa Outcome Bias and being Right when we were Wrong Paradox of Choice Bias and the depressing nature of optionality How the Time Discounting Bias...
Jun 04, 2024•27 min•Transcript available on Metacast The illusion that your life is deeply flawed is fueled by the desire for what you don't have. We can develop an unpleasant distaste for our situation, a nagging sense that something isn't enough. This episode answers two main questions: Why is Life dysmorphia so common when objectively life has never been better? What can we do about it? Sponsor - Cozy Earth Luxury Bamboo sheets and Loungeware that become softer the more you use them. 35% off code 'GROWTH' - Sponsor - SleepyClub Do...
Jun 02, 2024•10 min•Transcript available on Metacast How to redefine our definition of 'realistic' and meet our potential head-on. Heather Moyse is 2x Olympic Gold winner and is in the Rugby Hall of Fame for being the top try scorer at the 2006 World Cup. She is also the author of 'Redefining Realistic' explaining the concept of potential and how social pressure, conforming behaviours and our self-doubts limit us. We go through her best mental models to increase your capacity for success and overcome the obstacles in your mind. Sponsor - Cozy Eart...
May 31, 2024•57 min•Transcript available on Metacast How to improve your clarity of thinking and create effective communication. Our cognitive biases and ego can muddy the waters of our minds and block the path to clear communication. Today's episode builds clarity on how to be a more effective thinker and communicator. Topics: Communication problems in relationships, business and writing Cognitive blockers to clarity How to identify and maintain a grip on the most important thing What bundling and unbundling can apply to problem-solving and commu...
May 29, 2024•26 min•Transcript available on Metacast Panic less, enjoy more - treat time well and it will treat you well. Humans have a difficult relationship with time. It is the medium that gives us all the experiences that make life so great. It also ages us and ultimately robs us of everything we ever have and ever loved. We cover: How to think differently about time itself Learn how to be less frustrated by things we can't control Questions to diagnose your relationship with time Experience deeper awareness Life is short but we can be the pil...
May 26, 2024•16 min•Transcript available on Metacast National Geographic Adventurer of the Year uncovers how to culture a mindset for adventure without breaking the bank. Alastair Humphreys is the author of my all-time favourite books on the topic of adventure and getting more out of life. He spent 4 years cycling around the world, and has rowed the Atlantic, ran the Marathon de Sables, and walked across India amongst numerous other adventures. Perhaps his greatest success, however, is pioneering the concept of micro-adventures, encouraging anyone...
May 24, 2024•43 min•Transcript available on Metacast Decision frameworks and strategies that drive innovation and growth. Jeff Bezos built Amazon which made him the world's richest man. He's had a lot of luck but has consistently stuck to a core group of philosophies and mental models that drive the decisions behind his incredible success. Amazon is more than just an e-commerce juggernaut but a builder of entire ecosystems such as the cloud computing industry (AWS), the e-publishing industry (Kindle) and the world of home devices that talk to each...
May 21, 2024•48 min•Transcript available on Metacast Manipulation tactics that work - Irrational behaviours that don't - Prediction Fallacies we fall for. In this episode, we dive further into our series on cognitive biases and how they cloud our judgment. Studying applied psychology we can learn how we get manipulated by companies and start to protect ourselves from our own irrationality. Take homes: How to protect ourselves against pricing tactics Reduce irrational decisions Build awareness of the truth Reduce unpleasant surprises Make better in...
May 19, 2024•31 min•Transcript available on Metacast