JIT is a methodology first developed and implemented in the 70's at Toyota Manufactuing Plant. Since then, it has been replicated and implemented across various manufacturing and supply chain companies across the word. All in a bid to keep their operations lean and reduce the failures, delays and cost stuck up in inventory or other resources. However, with uncertainities and high demand variability, due to natural calamities, increasing competition, changing technology and regulatory norms and hence systems like JIT might need to be re-looked at. This episode on the Counterpoint Podcast is a discussion to explore the shortcomings with JIT and if this methodology still holds relevance in the current conditions or do we need to evolve and move to a better and sustainable solution.
For more details, visit us at https://www.vectorconsulting.in/research-publications/auto-auto-components/auto-supply-chain-in-india-a-mishmash-of-push-and-pull-methods/