Episode description
This week, Pete and Dom recommend some books to put on your reading list (especially if you are off on holiday). There are some old classics from Dom and some new suggestions from Pete, so there should be something for everyone.
-= Links =-
- Dom's Recommended Books:
The E-Myth Revisited - Michael E. Gerber
Built to Sell - John Warillow
The Lean Startup - Eric Ries
Pitch Anything - Oren Klaff
Book yourself Solid - Michael Port
- Pete's Recommended Books:
Influence - Robert Cialdini
Love Yourself Like Your Life Depends On It - Kamal Ravikant
The One Thing - Gary Keller
Money Secrets of the Rich - John Burley
The Magic of Thinking Big - David Schwartz
Born Standing Up - Steve Martin's Autobiography
You can try out a lot of these books in audio format with Audible:
http://audibletrial.com/preneurcast - Free trial with a free audio book download for PreneurCast listeners
- Online
Pete's Conversation with John Warillow on PreneurMarketing.com
- Previous PreneurCast Episodes:
All previous episodes are available over at http://preneurmedia.tv along with show notes, links and full transcripts of each episode.
Episode 076 - Pete's Interview with Oren Klaff
Episode 088 - Foundations: Determination vs. Discipline
Episode 089 - Foundations: Valuing Your Time
Episode 090 - Foundations: Investing in Yourself and Your Team
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