In this show, Pete talks to Dr Jason Fox, author of The Game Changer. They discuss motivation, and how you can use the principles behind games to motivate yourself and others. They also talk about goal setting and measuring progress.
-= Win Stuff! =-
If you act fast, you can win a copy of Dr Fox's book.
To enter this competition, just visit: and leave a comment on the post for this show. Tell us your big takeaway from the show, and we'll choose the winners in a couple of weeks time.
-= We're Looking for Case Studies =-
Pete is looking for people to feature as case studies on - email and let us know how you have applied the 7 Levers to your business, and the results you've got.
-= General Links =-
- Online - Jason's Site - The Challenge - Ed Dale's Free Course
- Books
The Game Changer - Dr Jason Fox
Amazon -
You can try out a lot of the books we recommend in audio format with Audible: - Free trial with a free audio book download for PreneurCast listeners
- Previous PreneurCast Episodes
All previous episodes are available over at along with show notes, links and full transcripts of each episode.
Episode 37 - Preneur Hierarchy -
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