In today’s podcast Femi and Matt dissect the recently published findings of the DFE national behaviour survey. This is another conversation which is not at all subject-specific and should be of interest to all colleagues.
In this episode the duo discuss the challenges with collecting and reporting the data; the student perspective; the gap between what leaders are saying and what teachers and students are saying; walking the shop floor; wilful blindness and false praise; the importance of accepting reality as a precursor to improvement; variation within the data; variation within school compared to variation between schools; individual teachers skilful management of behaviour vs whole school culture; training and the challenges of providing truly effective training; how does Femi support teachers who are struggling with behaviour management?; coaching as a long term process for sustained improvements; what barriers teachers typically face when it comes to improving behaviour management; how strong relationships can be when built on the solid foundations of ‘strict’ (as in ‘warm-strict’); the opportunity for far more efficient curriculum coverage by tightening up lessons; staff wellbeing; why isn't behaviour management central to initial teacher training?; Why do so many schools have behaviour policies that are ineffective and poorly designed? ; Discipline as a key to flourishing, and other topics.