The Heartland Institute released a poll in December 2023 that caused a media earthquake. We commissioned Rasmussen to ask likely voters who mailed in their ballots in 2023 if they committed voter fraud. Well ... we didn't ask it in that way. We asked questions such as, "During the 2020 election, did you fill out a ballot, in part or in full, on behalf of a friend or family member, such as a spouse or child?" That is voter fraud. That is a crime. 21% of likely voters said "yes."
WE asked: "Did you cast a mail-in ballot in a state where you were no longer a permanent resident?" 17% of Likely Voters said "yes." That is clearly voter fraud. A crime.
We asked: "Did you sign a ballot or ballot envelope on behalf of a friend or family member, with or without his or her permission?" Again, that is about as clear as it gets when it comes to committing the crime of voter fraud. But 17% of likely voters polled by Heartland and Rasmussen said "yes." They did that.
You can see the full poll at to see all the questions and all the responses. They will shock you as much as they shocked us. Heartland got a TON of media attention for this blockbuster poll that changes the national conversation about the integrity of the 2020 election. It is no longer a conspiracy theory or misinformation when one-in-five voters in the 2020 election admit -- themselves -- to a pollster that they committed voter fraud. Even if they did it by accident, or didn't know those were illegal acts, those votes are not legitimate and should not have been counted.
Heartland Institute Editorial Director Chris Talgo was a guest on Breitbart News Daily with Mike Slater to talk about the poll. This is a fascinating discussion in which Slater tries, and fails, to poke holes in the results of the poll. Have a listen.
Relevant links:
More of the media coverage of The Heartland Institute/Rasmussen Reports poll.