In this episode of The Heartland Daily Podcast , we dive into the controversial 2022 amendments to the Uniform Commercial Code (UCC) and their potential impact on property rights. Join us as we explore how tokenization—a system of creating digital representations of tangible assets—could reshape ownership and control. We discuss the rise of Central Bank Digital Currencies (CBDCs) and their implications for personal financial freedom, uncover parallels to past legal shifts in securities ownership...
Jan 06, 2025•13 min•Ep 145•Transcript available on Metacast Welcome to the Emerging Issues Show - the show where we talking about topics that are popping up on the peripheries of society and public policy. Today, we are diving into a concept that is reshaping the financial landscape—“tokenization.” It’s being talked about as a way to give more people access to markets, but could it come with some hidden risks? Our guest today is Daylea Duvall Camp, a fellow in the American Journey Experience Freedom Rising Fellowship program and author of the article “Th...
Nov 05, 2024•21 min•Ep 144•Transcript available on Metacast Welcome to the Emerging Issues Show - the show where we talking about topics that are popping up on the peripheries of society and public policy. Today, we are talking about a proposed overhaul to our voting system called Rank Choice Voting. Supposedly, this new voting system will allow for better representation and result in fairer outcomes, but is this really the case? Or will Rank Choice Voting work to further cement into place the two party system while disenfranchising more voters along the...
Oct 31, 2024•22 min•Ep 143•Transcript available on Metacast Welcome to the Emerging Issues Show - the show where we talking about topics that are popping up on the peripheries of society and public policy. Today, we dive into what should be a very controversial piece of proposed legislation that could grant governors immense emergency powers over society, circumventing individual liberty in the name of “public safety.” Seems pretty crazy, but the craziest aspect to it all is the same reason why you probably haven’t heard of it. Our guest today is Kendyl ...
Oct 23, 2024•15 min•Ep 142•Transcript available on Metacast A growing number of people in America under the age of 40, and throughout the world, now believe that socialism is a viable political, economic, and social model. This is especially apparent when comparing the platforms of the platforms of the Republican and Democratic parties. In this episode Brian converses with Chris Talgo, co-author of Socialism at a Glance. Chris is senior editor at The Heartland Institute and a research fellow for Heartland's Socialism Research Center. He is fully engaged ...
Jul 15, 2024•56 min•Ep 141•Transcript available on Metacast Donald Kendal joined The Shaun Thompson Show to talk about the anti-humanist strain of thought that is pervasive in the modern environmentalist movement. Are climate alarmists motivated by a desire to avert global warming or are they more concerned with unconstrained population growth and human progress?
Jul 02, 2024•20 min•Ep 140•Transcript available on Metacast The other day, Donald Kendal, director of the Socialism Research Center at The Heartland Institute, joined The Shaun Thompson Show to talk about the European Union's new ESG scheme. The Corporate Sustainability Due Diligence Directive would mandate a whole host of ESG-like guidelines on businesses and industries in the EU. More importantly, because of the way the legislation was crafted, businesses, both large and small, here in the United States would be subject to the CSDDD mandates, too. Have...
Jun 10, 2024•22 min•Ep 139•Transcript available on Metacast The other day, Heartland Institute Editorial Director Chris Talgo, who is also a research fellow at our Socialism Research Center, was a guest on the nationally syndicated Pelle Neroth Taylor Show. Pelle apparently got notice of a paper Chris and Heartland's Justin Haskins wrote back in 2019 titled "Debunking the Scandinavian Socialism Myth: An Evaluation of Denmark, Norway, and Sweden. Chris was on Pelle's program to talk about that paper. It's a fascinating conversation. Have a listen. And rea...
May 27, 2024•18 min•Ep 138•Transcript available on Metacast The other day, Donald Kendal, Deputy Director of Heartland Institute's Socialism Research Center, was a guest again on the Shaun Thompson Show on AM560 The Answer in Chicago. Donny tells Shaun what Blackrock CEO Larry Fink -- one of the most powerful men in the world, controlling trillions of dollars in funds -- has been up to, and what he revealed at a special meeting at the World Economic Forum special meeting in Saudi Arabia this week. You'll definitely be surprised. Have a listen. And if you...
May 07, 2024•18 min•Ep 137•Transcript available on Metacast The other day, The Heartland Institute's Chris Talgo, Editorial Director and research fellow at our Socialism Research Center, was a guest on "Unleashed with Marc Morano" on TNT Radio. Chris was on to talk about the how regular election laws, designed to make it secure, were thrown out in the 2020 election. He talked about the poll Heartland and Rasmussen Reports released late last year in which one in five of Americans who mailed in their ballots admitted to at least one form of illegal voting....
Mar 27, 2024•29 min•Ep 136•Transcript available on Metacast The other day, The Heartland Institute's Donald Kendal, deputy director of our Socialism Research Center, was a guest on the Shaun Thompson Show on AM560 in Chicago. He's a regular guest on that fantastic program and talked with Shaun about George Soros' purchase of a slew of conservative radio stations across America. Is he buying these stations because he wan't to suppress any speech that counters the leftist agenda and public narrative? Have a listen to find out.
Mar 26, 2024•22 min•Ep 135•Transcript available on Metacast The other day, Heartland Editorial Director Chris Talgo appeared on the Richard Syrett Show to discuss Heartland’s blockbuster poll revealing that at least one-in-four mail-in voters illegally cast mail-in ballots in the 2020 election. They also discuss how this might have impacted the outcome of the 2020 election as well as what states can do to prevent widespread illegal mail-in voting in 2024 and beyond. Have a listen. Read the shocking report at Heartland's website.
Feb 23, 2024•27 min•Ep 134•Transcript available on Metacast The other day, Heartland Institute Editorial Director Chris Talgo was a guest on "The Absolute Truth with Emerald Robinson" on Lindell TV. Chris was invited on the program to talk about our analysis of The Heartland Institute's blockbuster poll in December which found that one in four voters who used mail-in ballots in the 2020 presidential election admitted to submitting an illegal vote -- activities like voting in a state in which you are not a permanent resident, filling out a ballot that is ...
Feb 13, 2024•15 min•Ep 133•Transcript available on Metacast The other day, Donald Kendal, Deputy Director of the Socialism Research Center at The Heartland Institute was a guest on the Shawn Thompson Show on AM560 The Answer in Chicago. Donald is a frequent guest, and has now started a monthly segment with Shawn Thompson called “Davos Watch.” This week begins the annual meeting of the World Economic Form in Davos, Switzerland where global leaders -- far removed from the people -- plan out how the future will look. It seems we get very little say in these...
Jan 17, 2024•18 min•Ep 132•Transcript available on Metacast The other day, Donald Kendal, deputy director of the Socialism Research Center at The Heartland Institute, was a guest on the nationally syndicated Charlie Kirk Show. Charlie was SHOCKED by the results of a poll by The Heartland Institute and Rasmussen Reports, released in December that showed one-in-five American likely voters who voted by mail-in ballot in the 2020 election committed some form or another of voter fraud. This is an excellent discussion of the findings of Heartland's poll. Have ...
Dec 23, 2023•18 min•Ep 131•Transcript available on Metacast The other day, Heartland Institute Vice President Jim Lakely was asked to be on the Tony Katz Today show to talk about a new Heartland Institute/Rasmussen poll that caused a media earthquake. The poll asked people who mailed in their ballots in the 2020 presidential election if they signed ballots that weren't theirs, voted in a state that is not their permanent residence, and other acts of voter fraud. To our shock, one-in-five mail-in voters admitted to at least one form of criminal voter frau...
Dec 22, 2023•19 min•Ep 130•Transcript available on Metacast The Heartland Institute released a poll in December 2023 that caused a media earthquake. We commissioned Rasmussen to ask likely voters who mailed in their ballots in 2023 if they committed voter fraud. Well ... we didn't ask it in that way. We asked questions such as, "During the 2020 election, did you fill out a ballot, in part or in full, on behalf of a friend or family member, such as a spouse or child?" That is voter fraud. That is a crime. 21% of likely voters said "yes." WE asked: "Did yo...
Dec 19, 2023•27 min•Ep 129•Transcript available on Metacast The Heartland Institute's Donald Kendal, deputy director of our Socialism Research Center, was recently a guest on the Shaun Thompson Show on AM560 The Answer in Chicago. Donald was invited on to talk about how the "green agenda" hurts the poor the most, how basic economics of solar and wind power just don't add up, and how the push for EVs are doing little for the American worker, but greatly benefitting the Communist Chinese, DEI initiatives, and a lot more. Donald is becoming a bit of a regul...
Nov 13, 2023•20 min•Ep 128•Transcript available on Metacast The other day, Donald Kendal, Deputy Director of The Heartland Institute's Center on Socialism Research, was on the Shaun Thompson Show on AM 560 The Answer in Chicago. Donny was on the program to talk about Heartland's new "Anti-ESG Report Card," which gives a letter grade to every presidential candidate -- including Joe Biden and Robert F. Kennedy Jr. -- on how strongly they are opposed to imposing Environment, Social, and Governance standards in government and on private corporations. Joe Bid...
Oct 17, 2023•23 min•Ep 127•Transcript available on Metacast The Chinese Communist Party is waging a multi-pronged war on America, at least in terms of winning our hearts and minds. The CCP is influencing the curriculum from elementary schools through graduate programs. The CCP is supportive of radical groups such as Black Lives Matter and Antifa. CCP operatives have gained extremely close access to Democrat office holders such as Congressman Eric Swalwell and Senator Diane Feinstein.
Sep 18, 2023•42 min•Ep 126•Transcript available on Metacast The other day, Donald Kendal, Research Fellow for the Socialism Research Center at The Heartland Institute, and a contributor to Glenn Beck's latest book , Dark Future: Uncovering the Great Reset's Terrifying Next Phase , was a guest on the Schilling Show Unleashed Podcast . Donald discussed the coming impacts of artificial intelligence technologies on humanity, the dark figures behind the Great Reset, and a spark of hope for the future. Learn more about this topic and how Heartland is fighting ...
Aug 30, 2023•33 min•Ep 125•Transcript available on Metacast The Heartland Institute's Donald Kendal was on the Shaun Thompson Show in Chicago to talk about his contributions to the new best-selling book by Glenn Beck and Justin Haskins Dark Future: Uncovering the Great Reset's Terrifying Next Phase. Donald and Shaun talk about what the powerful global elites at the World Economic Forum and the United Nations have planned for society. They don't plan on the people being able to oppose it. Get the book at this link:
Jul 19, 2023•20 min•Ep 124•Transcript available on Metacast The other day, Heartland's Justin Haskins, the director of our Socialism Research Center, was a guest on The Morning Show with Preston Scott out of Tallahassee, Florida. Justin is a frequent guest on Preston's program, and you can see why in this interview. Justin and Preston covered a variety of topics, from Robert F. Kennedy Jr. challenging President Biden for the Democratic nomination this year, to the showdown over the debt limit and the federal budget, to how he and The Heartland Institute ...
May 09, 2023•17 min•Ep 123•Transcript available on Metacast The release of OpenAI’s chatGPT sparked a global fascination with artificial intelligence. What does it offer us? Is it dangerous? How will workers keep their jobs as it grows in use? Well, Sam Altman, the CEO of openAI, added to the list of growing questions when he recently said that A.I. may “break capitalism.” Justin and Donald break the story down in the newest episode of “Stopping Socialism.”
Apr 18, 2023•45 min•Ep 122•Transcript available on Metacast World Economic Forum leader Klaus Schwab is no stranger to making radical, sweeping promises and calls to action. But even by Schwab's standards, his latest interview with Chinese TV is creepy. Justin Haskins and Donald Kendal give you the clips and reveal their true meaning in their latest episode of "Justin and Donald Save America."
Jan 04, 2023•41 min•Ep 121•Transcript available on Metacast Yeonmi Park escaped from North Korea into China when she was only 13 years old. She didn't do it for freedom. North Koreans don't know what freedom is. Yeonmi did it for a bowl of rice. While she was fed in China, human traffickers sold her for $200 into a life of physical abuse. Thus, she escaped again, this time into Mongolia followed by South Korea. Yeonmi travelled across the frozen Gobi desert in the middle of the night, a trek that kills almost everyone who attempts it. And unlike her firs...
Nov 30, 2022•42 min•Ep 120•Transcript available on Metacast If you spend much time reading about the Great Reset movement on the internet, you've probably heard that some elites, especially the World Economic Forum, want people to start eating insects to "save the planet." But is it true? Justin Haskins and Donald Kendal take a look at the evidence in their latest episode of "Justin and Donald Save America."
Oct 11, 2022•43 min•Ep 119•Transcript available on Metacast Carol Roth is one of America's foremost and successful business advisors and an expert on financial markets. She's also an epic commentator, speaker, writer, and the author of "The War on Small Business." Carol joins "Justin and Donald Save America" to discuss ESG social credit scores, BlackRock, the plight of small businesses in America, and a million other great topics. Don't miss this great conversation with Carol, Justin, and Donald. To get Carol's latest book, "The War on Small Business," g...
Sep 21, 2022•1 hr 7 min•Ep 118•Transcript available on Metacast Environmental, social, and governance (ESG) scores are a Trojan horse for left-wing totalitarianism; yet the rise of ESG caught the right-wing completely off-guard. ESG scores continue the radical Left’s fruitless pursuit of prohibiting carbon dioxide emissions. Moreover, ESG incorporates social justice as a metric, a completely subjective qualifier that will be used to serve political ends. David Hoyt, author of the op-ed “ESG and Corporate Totalitarianism” and executive director of development...
Sep 20, 2022•18 min•Ep 117•Transcript available on Metacast The New York Times published a hit piece targeting The Heartland Institute's work on ESG scores and the Great Reset. Justin Haskins and Donald Kendal discuss the story and what it means for the anti-ESG movement. Justin also recalls his interview with the New York Times last week in the latest episode of "Stopping Socialism."
Aug 31, 2022•52 min•Ep 116•Transcript available on Metacast