The other day, Donald Kendal, Deputy Director of the Socialism Research Center at The Heartland Institute was a guest on the Shawn Thompson Show on AM560 The Answer in Chicago. Donald is a frequent guest, and has now started a monthly segment with Shawn Thompson called “Davos Watch.”
This week begins the annual meeting of the World Economic Form in Davos, Switzerland where global leaders -- far removed from the people -- plan out how the future will look. It seems we get very little say in these matters, but that doesn't have to be a permanent state of affairs. The first step is getting informed about the WEF, the Davos agenda, and what it will mean to our freedom. Spoiler alert: The WEF crowd is not interested in our freedom. In fact, they consider it a troublesome barrier to their aims.
Have a listen to Donald Kendal's first "Davos Watch" installment on this excellent radio program, the Shawn Thompson show, which you should definitely seek out and listen to regularly.
Learn more about Davos and the World Economic Forum at Heartland’s Stopping Socialism TV channel on YouTube, and our Stopping Socialism Center.