Welcome to eCommerce Made Simple, with Jérôme de Guigné.
Jérôme is joined by e-Comas' own Claudiu Clement.
Sometimes, it doesn’t help to hide your light under a bushel, and so this week’s podcast is dedicated to our own auditing tool, Compas!
Compas from e-Comas reveals where your company is doing well and where you are lagging behind, acting like a compass in helping you follow future directions on the main success factors we have identified.
Our expert team starts by collecting all data available either within your company (first party data, data from Amazon, data from your internal studies) or external sources(market studies, Amazon public information).
Analysing this data we will be able to get the picture of your business. We will help you better understand what works and what does not and help you navigate successfully for efficient business growth.
Join e-Comas founder and Amazon expert, Jérôme de Guigné, and start boosting your business today. Our next podcast drops on August 24 2021. Join our next free Amazon webinar! For details and to register, go to: https://www.e-comas.com/webinar
#eCommerceStrategy #AmazonBusiness