How does diversity drive progress and creativity in marketing agencies?
And why will agencies who don’t address the call to action on diversity and inclusion get left behind?
In this Small But Mighty Agency episode, I connected with Mooren Bofill, Partner of 123West, an award-winning agency, to explore the topic of diversity and inclusion and what Morren is doing to champion initiatives that are not just band-aide approaches.
Tune in to gain insights on:
We also get to talking about what it was like to work in agencies as a young woman of Asian ethnicity. Yes, that was like 15 years ago. We both speak candidly about our upbringings, struggling to find our voice and learning to see our ethnicity as the superpower.
Join us in this vital conversation about re-thinking the impact of diversity and inclusion to help you build a better business.
Show Links
123 West:
Morren's Instagram:
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