Have you hired somebody into your business before and felt burned because it didn’t work out? Michael did, and it cost him $60,ooo. In this episode, we explore the hiring and leadership insights gained from the costly mistake and how the mistake he made 6 years ago informs his approach to hiring and building his team today.
On this episode of Small But Mighty Agency:
Michael Tighe is the co-founder and managing director of SOLID, a creative design and marketing agency that launched in 2010. Mike has a long-standing success record in agencies, before co-founding SOLID he worked at Critical Mass, and started up his first design company before co-founding SOLID. Mike is now the leader of a team of 14 with 5 full-time staff and 11 contractors. His quotable, "People think you have to be this otherworldly strong person to start a business, to build a business, and that's not true, To me, what it really means is your ability to bend and not break."
Show Links
Solid Website: https://asolidsite.com/
Michael Tighe Linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/in/miketighe/
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