Sanne Bolkenstein, the producer of Meet Magento Netherlands, discusses the importance of community in the Magento ecosystem. She highlights the role of Meet Magento in bringing the community together, organizing events, and facilitating knowledge exchange. Sanne also talks about the Magento Association and its role in representing the community's needs and providing a platform for collaboration with Adobe. She emphasizes the value of attending Meet Magento events for networking, gaining insights, and having fun. Sanne encourages diversity and the participation of women in the Magento community.
Sanne Bolkenstein, Meet Magento Netherlands, Magento community, community events, Magento Association, Adobe, networking, insights, fun, diversity, women in tech
Sound Bites
Introduction and Role in Meet Magento Netherlands
The Importance of Community and Meet Magento Events
Meet Magento Netherlands: Networking, Insights, and Fun
The Role of the Magento Association
MageOS: Ensuring the Future of Magento Open Source
Promoting Diversity: Encouraging Women to Join the Magento Community