Dr. Rob Bell fell off an 80-foot cliff and it changed his life...
Dr. Rob Bell is a sport psychology coach, author, and speaker. He has spoken to the NSCA, PGA, NFL, Marriott, and Walgreens and has written seven books on Mental Toughness.
Rob has worked with three different winners on the PGA Tour. In addition, he has served as the mental coach for the University of Notre Dame, Indy Eleven, an Indy 500 champion, Olympian medalists, and more.
He’s an ironman, completed several ultra-marathons and a 100-mile trail run.
And has been featured on ESPN, The Golf Channel, Runner’s World, NY Times, and Stack Magazine.
In this episode, Dr. Rob Bell
1. Defines mental toughness - (it's not what you think)
2. Explains how to train mental toughness to perform at elite levels
3. How to come back stronger after a setback
4. How to parent resilient, successful kids.
Check out his website at