Episode description
It is an all too human tendency to react to stressful situations in counterproductive ways, to attack out of intense emotion without a clear purpose, to accommodate long after it's healthy to do so, or to avoid addressing situations that are destructive. While these are rarely wise strategies, they are disastrous strategies prior to, in the midst of, and post divorce.
During this episode and the following two Team Talks, Karen McMahon and Lisa Brick discuss an alternative approach to attacking, accommodating, and avoiding, help you to understand what part of your brain gets hijacked when you do, and how to be proactive, forward looking, and purposeful. When you use all of your brain, not just the hijacked parts, to handle the challenges that arise around divorce you begin to master your situation.
These three Team Talks are based on the research and findings of neuroanatomist Dr. Jill Bolte Taylor in her 2021 book, Whole Brain Living: the Anatomy of Choice and the Four Characters That Drive Our Lives. If you would like to join us on a call with author Jill Bolte Taylor, PhD, grab your spot here: http://journeybeyonddivorce.com/wholebrainliving Request a Free Rapid Relief Call at: Lisa BrickEmail: lisa@journeybeyonddivorce.com Calendar: https://calendly.com/lisa-brick-jbd For more information on Journey Beyond Divorce visit: www.jbddivorcesupport.com