Today’s topic is about giving the gift of grace - because especially in today’s world, where it’s so divisive and seemingly black or white, it’s easy to get caught up in anger, shame and judgment. Mom groups run rampant with it. The comments section of IG and TikTok are FILLED with it. And that can easily seep into our own brains and mindsets the more we see it. But the issue with that is that when we allow ourselves to judge, shame and ridicule others, even if we’re only doing it in our minds, it is generally starting from a place of anger and judgment of ourselves. Afterall, all judgment is SELF judgment.
On today’s episode, I want to dig into this a bit and share a little bit about my experience with this topic to hopefully help you begin seeing and approaching judgment from a different angle.
Links mentioned in the show: To apply to work with Heather 1x1: To get your copy of the Say Yes To You Planner & your free month inside the Planning Sessions: To download your free guide "The 5 Steps To Creating Your Happiest Life!!":
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