Show Notes:
(0:49) Introduction to Brooke
(3:15) BTRIBALFIT’s Backstory
(8:28) Activating Influence
(12:48) The Introspect That Comes with Age
(18:21) Repetition Yields Results
(19:30) Rewiring Beauty Standards
(25:24) Embracing Your Personality
(29:53) An Ideal Day
(34:00) About the BTRIBALFIT Community
(37:47) What Brooke is Currently Consuming
(46:20) Closing Thoughts
“That is a huge reason I love to activate people because I see their potential. I see it from start to finish. If you choose dedication and consistency without killing yourself, you’re going to see progress and the results you want. Repetition yields results.” - Brooke Robinson, (9:11)
“If you think about who listens to Social Proof, it’s a strange mix of people who are maybe shopper marketers or they work for a consumer goods company and make decisions related to social media or marketing, then you have individuals who have built a career or side hustle around their influence. We want them to be responsible in terms of how they show up online and build their personal brands.” - Beth Stephens, (16:42)
“This goes back to influence and how you have to relate to that person, that leader, that coach, that fitness instructor, and find commonality. You have to say, ‘I like her, and I’m interested in and relate to what she’s saying.’ That’s where the power of positive influence comes out. You get to unpack and undo some damage.” - Beth Stephens, (22:15)
“There will be women throughout the month that send me a little message, but they will say, ‘I have to be honest, I pressed play, but I just needed to hear your voice and be encouraged.’ They don’t even workout, they just need to hear some motivation that life’s going to be okay and they should be proud.” - Brooke Robinson, (36:29)