Can you guess that I couldn't come up with another title? Dave is off this week so Scott is at the helm doing his best. I apologize in advance for any missed noises, mic stand bumps, or nonstop orgasms that may occur. Don't worry, 'ol Davey-boy called his question in, so you still get a taste of all 4 of us. Open wide, here is what we got for ya:
Ask us your own important questions or comment on our shows. We have a Google Voice line that is good for voicemails and texts. Contact us at 708-433-9153.
Find us on our socials. @ImpQuestionsPDC on Twitter/TikTok. @theimportantquestionspodcast on Instagram. r/importantquestionspod on Reddit.
Join our patreon. The $1 monthly tier is enough to unlock the one monthly bonus episode we'll be dropping the last Tuesdee of every month.