Hello, and welcome to the first episode of this show. As far as comedy podcasts go, I've always had a little trouble getting past long ad breaks, cold opens that lack context, and feeling like I'm part of some inside joke I just don't get. Comedy can still have a structure, and a grab-bag style show doesn't have to be low effort. If you're listening long term, my goal for this show is to never sacrifice humor, but to always make sure the humor isn't without its context.
So what is this show? The Important Questions is a comedy podcast featuring four hosts, The Acolytes of Knowledge, who ask one question per week each which drives the topics of conversation for each episode. Because we are all so incredibly smart, it's vital to note these questions are incredibly important.
For our first episode, here are our topics of discussion:
1) How well would the average Joe do if suddenly thrusted into the past?
2) You suspect you've taken the world's biggest poop. What do you do?
3) Do you think the human species will ever get along entirely?
4) How does your life change if you were the size of a soda can?
Like most podcasts, we encourage interactivity. It may sound overdone, but these little actions do help and are appreciated. Here are a few ways to interact with us.
-Leave us a review on your podcast directory of choice. Even if we're a 2 star show to you, the future audience members may value that feedback. A show with reviews gives some merit, and it's a good way to push us in recommendations.
-Ask us your own important questions or comment on our shows. We have a Google Voice line that is good for voicemails and texts. Contact us at 708-433-9153.
-Find our socials. @ImpQuestionsPDC on Twitter/TikTok. @theimportantquestionspodcast on Instagram. r/importantquestionspod on Reddit.
-If you want to support monetarily, join our Patreon. The $1 monthly tier is enough to unlock the one monthly bonus episode we'll be dropping. More content for you, the donors. www.patreon.com/theimportantquestions