One of the easiest things we can do to improve the moment we are in (which can have the added benefit of refreshing our mood) is to grab a reset minute. What’s that? Something super simple that creates a pattern-interrupt when you’re in a bit of a mood fug.
Even something as simple as changing your posture or vocalising can do it.
* If you’ve been sitting at your desk and feel your forehead stuck in a frown, stand up and give yourself a bit of a shake. It will reset you physically and refresh you mentally.
* The same with vocalising - Been working silently for a while? Sing. Or yell. Or just speak out loud.
On a technical level changing our posture or vocalising activates different part of the brain than when we’ve been sitting silently in a fug.
Two of my favourites are super simple:
* Kylie Minogue (or any dance-inducing music) plus dancing like a lunatic
* Singing like an opera singer on steroids … ANY song that comes to mind I will turn into an aria. Van Halen? Yep. Due Lipa? Sure.
* Both of these work on two fronts: Posture shift and Vocalising PLUS both make my family laugh (which ALWAYS improves my mood)
My top tip for reseting and refreshing if you can’t be a complete lunatic - and this is one I frequently encourage my clients to do:
* Sit in a sunny spot (in your lounge room, in your garden, doesn’t matter where) and enjoy a cup of tea/coffee (etc)
This involves a posture shift (you’ve moved from wherever you were), a dose of Vitamin D from the sun (and some fresh air if you’re outside), and another great mindfulness trip - savouring the moment.
So, when you find yourself stuck in a mood you don’t want, or in a work-from-home fug, try these little reset and refresh hacks to shake the cobwebs loose and push your mood closer to the direction you’d like it to be in.
Remember, you can choose your mood, but sometimes you need to pull out the big guns. This is a good one.
Now excuse me while I finish my coffee in the sun.
Have a great day!
Tess x
p.s. If you need help with your mental health, my team at The Crawley Clinic (Melbourne and Launceston) can help - - as can our colleagues at Crawley House -