It Can Take Time to Find What Suits Us in Our Businesses.
In business and in life, we can spend an awful lot of time faffing about with different styles trying to figure out which one works for us. We’re familiar with ‘body shape’ fashion advice, but what about the right fit for your business?
Sole Trader or Company?
Employee Model or SubContractor Model?
Don’t assume that just because others are doing things a certain way, that it must be the “right” way to do it.
There are so many elements to what makes your business feel like it’s the right ‘fit’ for you … so don’t be afraid to try on a few styles and a few sizes to find your unique business style.
Once you’ve found your ‘fit’ your business will be more enjoyable and growth (whatever that means for you) will come more naturally.
Good luck!
T x
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