Our very own Taryn Sowa from The Pink Bee team joins the podcast today to share her journey to Work+Life Harmony. I love bringing you examples of women who have a lot on their plate and sharing how they are ditching overwhelm when it would seem impossible.
Taryn Sowa is a business manager and podcast producer who has been running her business from home for four years. She supports multiple women's businesses while growing and prioritizing her family, and supporting her husband's busy career.
When Taryn joined The Pink Bee team, I also welcomed her in as a student of the TOP Program because we practice what we preach! After joining, Taryn began to tweak her time management and planning processes, creating systems and tools to prioritize tasks across multiple businesses. Through trial and error, she was able to master her time without sacrificing her business or family. Today, she happily shares her wisdom and real-life results from The TOP Program.
In this episode, we discuss:
1. How to manage time and plan effectively while juggling multiple businesses and a family
2. Strategies to make the most of time while in the trenches of motherhood
3. The benefits of combining both paper and digital tools for time management and productivity.
You can follow Taryn on Instagram @taryn.sowa or check out her website at www.tarynsowa.com.
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Thanks for tuning in!
Megan 🩷🐝